Cavendish Update 7/24/24: Rebuilding after the flood


                     7/24/23: Cavendish Rebuilding Stronger & Safer

What an incredible weekend! We had terrific work crews out and about cleaning, doing transfer runs, hauling out debris, and so much more. Many many thanks to our wonderful volunteers and to our incredible Shelter team.

A very special thank you to Kelly McNamara who provided the most amazing food all weekend, as she has done throughout the last two weeks, with a variety of special treats from Mary Ormrod (those ginger cookies were a major hit).  

Rodney did his last runs on Sunday, we’re going to miss him, while Doris Eddy, assisted by Ephrom, provided the Saturday shift. A special thank you to Doris for arranging a donation of a brand new dryer for the Shelter when it was most desperately needed.

None of this would have been possible without the generosity of so many in our communities who made sure we had Gatorade and all the supplies we needed, including the muck boots that were a major benefit as people continued to clean basements. The Church of Christ in Springfield has kept us well stocked in clean up supplies. The Convoy of Hope, organized by Calvary Church in Proctorsville, distributed all of their supplies to Cavendish and surrounding towns. Late yesterday afternoon, the Red Cross came by with their disaster totes. All the right stuff including tarps and flashlights. While we hope we don’t need these anytime soon, we are placing them around town, along with water and other supplies, to be at the ready when needed.  Thank you Store Manager Steve (SMS) for keeping things stocked and helping shoppers.

One of our amazing supporters has been the Vermont 100 Endurance Race. For years they have passed through our town but this year, they came to help. They provided food, incredible work crews and more. Sherry, a volunteer with VT 100, has been a daily volunteer who managed to secure us well water testing kits when none were to be had it seemed.  Next year we’ll be team Cavendish supporting them as they race through our town.

With the Town Shelter (Cavendish Baptist Church) now closed, we’re moving into the next phase-rebuilding. Today is clean-up day at the Shelter, but if you need water, cleaning supplies-including rakes, shovels and mops, please stop by. If you have questions, or we can help in other ways, e-mail

Today’s post includes resources to help those impacted by the floods. Please note that many are so focused on cleaning and rebuilding, they aren’t reading the Updates, or following Facebook. Talk to your neighbors and share information.


VERMONT 211-The Importance of Registering: Whether you had a little or a lot of damage, it’s important to register for 211 as funding for the towns will be based on the number of people who have filed. You can do this on-line.

MARC (Multi-Agency Resource Center): Will be at the Ludlow Community Center from Monday, July 24 - Wednesday, July 26 from 9 am to 5 pm. This includes, FEMA, Red Cross, Economic Services, SBA as well as other agencies.

LOCAL HELP: Below are following places to seek immediate help from

• Black River Good Neighbors: They have recently received funding to help with flood relief. They offer a wide array of services including: assistance with finances, food, heating, housing, and utilities. They do not provide assistance for telephone, (cell or landline), cable or satellite TV bills, or past due bill payments. (Assistance will only be paid for current bills.)  802-228-3663.

• Deacon’s Fund @ the Cavendish Baptist Church: This is for immediate needs and is generally small sums. This is different than the Cavendish Flood Relief Funds (CFRF), which will be issuing guidelines shortly. Call 802-226-7131

 Senior Solutions: Offering funds for food lost during the flood.

• Okemo Valley Business Recovery Center: This is being organized and run by  the Okemo Valley Chamber and its primary purpose is to assist businesses. They are working with Ludlow Rotary Club to create the Okemo Valley Disaster Relief Fund.

• Ludlow Community Center: July 24-28 they will be open 10-2 and on July 29 (Saturday) 10-13, closed Sunday. This will be updated week to week.  


VERMONT RESOURCES: This website provides flood resources, assistance and referrals.

FEDERAL ASSISTANCE: FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program (IHP) provides financial assistance and direct services to eligible individuals and households affected by a disaster, who have uninsured or underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs. If you have already received FEMA funds, but are finding needs not addressed in their original assessment, please consider an appeal.

An appeal should be submitted to FEMA within 60 days of the date on the determination letter. In your dated and signed appeal letter, explain why you disagree with the decision. How to Appeal FEMA’s Decision

 Please note that FEMA numbers will often be required when seeking help in the weeks and months ahead, so be sure to file.

EFFICIENCY VERMONT:  Many people whose basements flooded are learning that their water heaters and other devices need to be replaced. Some have had to remove all forms of insulation and are in need of weatherization. Efficiency Vermont can offer sizeable rebates on items like tankless hot water. We recently contacted Efficiency VT about programs being offered as well as rebates. They responded with the following information: There are internal discussions about setting up educational workshops for building and insulating post flood damage. In the meantime, for folks trying to build back and recover from the flooding, we encourage them to reach out to our network of Efficiency Excellence Network contractors, who are trained in energy efficiency best practices, and can advise on the best next steps. You can find a list of contractors at

Here are existing incentives that can help offset the cost of the systems and equipment that may have been damaged by the flood:

Up to $40 off Dehumidifiers

Up to $800 off Heat Pump Water Heaters

Up to $850 off Ductless Heat Pump systems

75% off Weatherization project costs, up to $5,000 for moderate and low-income households

The Home Energy Loan may also be a great resource for some, as many impacted systems can be rolled into that one Low/No interest loan, up to $20,000

Neighborworks of Western Vermont Energy Loan – can be used statewide for numerous things including health and safety measures as well as heating systems.


IF YOU ARE A RENTER: Maybe your landlord has taken care of the flooding or maybe not. If by this time they have not cleared out the basement and/or have not applied a remediation method that works, please consider the following:

• Call 211 and report your situation-it supports the town in getting more funding.

• Go to the Disaster Relief Center at the Ludlow Community Center 9-5 Monday (July 24) - Wednesday (July26) and file with FEMA. They can provide renters assistance, including lost property.

• If you need some place else to live until your property is restored, please go to Black River Good Neighbors, which is just across from the Ludlow Community Center to request assistance with housing, food etc.


 SHAW’S: By Wednesday or Thursday, Shaw's will have a tent outside for pick-up of orders. They will only be accepting orders via their app. Hopefully, 3-4 weeks after that, they will have a "store within a store" open for people to start shopping locally again. This store will be smaller, temporarily, so they can continue to work on the building. They will still carry the bulk of items that you need such as canned food, meats, produce and dairy products.


How to Help

Gift certificates for places like Home Depot, local eateries and gas for those most impacted by the flood.

• Checks for shelter and community support can be sent to Cavendish Baptist Church PO Box 425 Cavendish VT 05142. Checks should be payable to Cavendish Baptist Church, with Emergency Shelter noted on the check. This will be used to help those most impacted by the flood and to buy needed items for the shelter.

• The Cavendish Family Fund is also accepting donations to help families impacted by the flood. Send checks to PO Box 126, Cavendish VT 05142

• Check on your neighbor and help where you can.

                          Rebuilding a Stronger & Safer Cavendish