Cavendish Update 7/21/23: Flood Recovery/Tag Sale/Events





1. Flood Information

2. Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale

3. Events


1. FLOOD INFORMATION: The flash flood definitely mixed things up a bit, so Rodney is still pulling his cart and dropping off meals, drinks, snacks etc. for breakfast and lunch. He’ll be delivering through Sunday.

We’re often asked how this event compares to Irene. On the one hand, we’ve been fortunate that we’ve had power and water throughout. There’s no Cavendish Canyon, but the river giants enjoyed munching on 131 and it looks like it will be a while before the road is repaired between Brook and Downers Four corners (Route 106). The back roads are still being repaired but many are passable. The big difference is in damage to property and homes.

We’re learning every day about basements that flooded to such a degree they will need to replace hot water heaters, fuel tanks, heating systems etc. It appears that more homes have been damaged in the 2023 storm versus Irene and some have been hit twice, first with the July 9 storm and again with the flash flood.

 The process of filing for FEMA, the amount that’s generally been awarded so far ($6,100) and other information is outlined in an excellent article from VT Digger, A guide to the FEMA aid process for flooded Vermont homes.

Many people do not have flood insurance and the cost to replace some of the major appliances in a basement can be significant. While a great deal of work is being done by volunteers to muck out basements, regrade property etc., the costs to rebuild will be significant. The shelter teams focus is now shifting to how to help with long term costs and ways to meet them.

Route 131 by Glimmerstone is now two lanes. Our favorite flagger is still around just in a different location. She’s thrilled to have been featured in two newspaper articles.

The Convoy of Hope Disaster Relief, sponsored by the Proctorsville Calvary Church, is set up at Cavendish Town Elementary School (CTES) in Proctorsville. They will be loading up your vehicle with cleaning supplies, snacks and water,today,  Friday, from 12-6 (or until supplies last). Rain or shine, they’ll be there and you don’t have to get out of your car.  

As the shelter moves into a “stop and shop,” if you have questions and concerns e-mail

Dehumidifiers are the most requested item at the moment and we’ve been distributing them as we get them. If your house is dry, please return them as many homes in need. Fingers cross on more coming in today. Call 802-226-7131 to get on the list. We also understand that both Home Depot in Claremont and Ollie's in Springfield have them. 

Shelter Info: The shelter is at the Cavendish Baptist Church. Breakfast and lunch will be delivered through Sunday.  The store will continue to operate a little while longer.

Dumpsters/Transfer Station: Dumpsters are on Depot St and the transfer station this weekend normal hours. Please follow transfer station guidelines. We will be having a household hazardous waste day so do not toss such items into the dumpsters. Pease follow the rules about what to dispose of and where.

Could you use a work crew?  We have work crews heading to Cavendish for the weekend. Please let us know if you could use help. Please be specific about your needs. You must be present when the crew is at your house. You can arrange for a crew by calling 802-226-7131 or e-mail

Update to Ludlow Openings and Closings: M & T Bank will be closed for several more weeks. Use branches in Springfield, Chester or Rutland. The Ludlow Laundromat should be opening today. Village Pizza has reopened. The Farmers Market will be open today from 4-7.


How to Help

• Gift certificates for places like Home Depot, local eateries and gas for those most impacted by the flood.

• Checks for shelter and community support can be sent to Cavendish Baptist Church PO Box 425 Cavendish VT 05142. Checks should be payable to Cavendish Baptist Church, with Emergency Shelter noted on the check. This will be used to help those most impacted by the flood and to buy needed items for the shelter.

• The Cavendish Shelter is in need of restaurant grade refrigeration, as well as washer/dryer. If you would like to help with these purchases, please use the information above for check writing, but note on the check Emergency Shelter Appliances.

• The Cavendish Family Fund is also accepting donations to help families impacted by the flood. Send checks to PO Box 126, Cavendish VT 05142

• Check on your neighbor and help where you can.

                          We’re Vermont Strong and Cavendish Safe.


2. CAVENDISH TOWN WIDE TAG SALE: By popular demand, Cavendish will be holding it’s 13th Annual Town Wide Tag Sale on July 29th (Saturday) from 9-2. We can all use a break, find items we might have lost through the flood, enjoy some good food and have a sense of normalcy in what is a very abnormal time.  Vendors are urged  to set up on one of the town greens or along Main St. in order to keep people off the back roads.

The Cavendish Connects Booth, located at the Proctorsville Green Gazebo, will have information for those who have been impacted by the flood, including resource information from Efficiency Vermont.

In the event that the Town deems it unsafe to hold this event, we will post information on the Cavendish VT Facebook page and reschedule

If you have questions, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail



JULY 22 (SATURDAY): A one-woman show about the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be held at the Cavendish Library at 1 pm. RBG is one of many incredible woman that writer/performer Sheryl Faye portrays in her Historical Women series.

JULY 26 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. Mark Huntley and Friends will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.

JULY 29 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale

AUGUST 2 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. Sammy Blanchette will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.

AUGUST 4 (FRIDAY): Cartoonist Marek Bennett at the Cavendish Library, registration is required for this event. FMI and to Register 802-226-7503 or e-mail

AUGUST 9 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. Yankee Chank will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.

AUGUST 16 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. The Silverbacks will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.