Cavendish Update 7/28/23: Flood recovery/News/Tag Sale


ANNUAL TOWN WIDE TAG SALE IS LOOKING IFFY AND THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THE DATE WILL NEED TO CHANGE. INFORMATION WILL BE POSTED TODAY BY 5 PM ON FACEBOOK. Some people have indicated they will set up regardless of weather and we’ll provide that information as well .



1.Flood Information

2. Cavendish information

3. Events


1. FLOOD INFORMATION: The Cavendish Shelter-Cavendish Baptist Church- closed after two weeks of operation on Sunday, July 23. However, the Store, with cleaning supplies and water, remains open 24/7. If you have questions and concerns, you can e-mail them to

Mold: The big issue we’re dealing with at the moment is mold. The current weather conditions are not conducive to drying out, and mold can start growing within 48 hours of standing water. Properties that thought they had no damage from the flood and flash floor are finding mold in their basements. Homes that pumped out and cleaned sufficiently immediately after flooding are seeing mold. If you have mold, there are cleaning supplies at the shelter store, and we are working on a new approach to address the issue. In the meantime, please use the hazmat materials, including masks, gloves and Tyvek suits, available at the shelter store if you are still cleaning in basements and/or are undertaking mold remediation.

Could you use a Work Crew?: If you are interested in having a work crew on Sunday, please register on-line or e-mail

Dumpsters/Transfer Station: Dumpsters are being removed from Depot St. today. On Saturday the transfer station returns to normal hours with tipping fees. Pease follow the rules about what to dispose of and where.

File 211: If you’ve had any flood damage, whether you plan to file with FEMA or not, please file 211 as it helps Cavendish receive more funds. You can do this by going to

FEMA: While you can file for FEMA online, a Disaster Recovery Center is now available in Rutland. This can make the process of filing a lot easier. Open all week from 8 am to 7 pm, it’s located at the ASA Bloomer Building at 88 Merchants Row in Rutland. You can get a lot more of your questions answered by going there and you will be less likely to have your application denied if you missed something.

VEM Hazard Mitigation Program - Property Buyout: Grant funding is available through Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) to cover 100% of the project cost for the voluntary purchase of properties (residential, commercial, or vacant parcels) that are at risk from flooding.

• If a property was damaged during the July 2023 flooding event, VEM may be able to fund the purchase of the property at the appraised value the day before the storm.

• If any federal funding was received following damages from this event (e.g., flood insurance payments or Individual Assistance), property owners need to showing that funding was used for repairs.

• If a property was not damaged during this event but is at risk from flooding, VEM may still be able to fund the purchase of the property.

• If a property owner is considering pursuing a voluntary buyout, or if a municipality has property owners who may be interested, please complete the Vermont Buyout Interest Intake From. VEM will then direct you to the appropriate application materials in the next few weeks.

• Once property buyouts are complete, any structures will be demolished, and the property will be maintained as green open space in perpetuity.

• If you have questions or would like to request a site visit, please reach out to

Openings: Many places have reopened in Ludlow though with some modifications. Shaw’s is tent city again, but you need to use their app as it’s all drive thru. M&T Bank is open but with no drive thru. Smiling Steve’s, Ludlow Pharmacy is open but Rite Aid is closed. Many restaurants, including Murdock’s in Proctorsville,  have reopened with the exception of Sam’s, Mr. Darcy’s, Smokin’ Bowls, Harry’s, Homestyle, Café at de light, Subway, 802 and Outer Limits.

Local Resources for Flood Relief: The following places can provide immediate help from-please share with friends and neighbors:

Black River Good Neighbors: They have recently received funding to help with flood relief. They offer a wide array of services including: assistance with finances, food, heating, housing, and utilities. They do not provide assistance for telephone, (cell or landline), cable or satellite TV bills, or past due bill payments. (Assistance will only be paid for current bills.) Call 802-228-3663

• Deacon’s Fund @ the Cavendish Baptist Church: This is for immediate needs and is generally small sums. This is different than the Cavendish Flood Relief Funds (CFRF), which will be issuing guidelines shortly. Call 802-226-7131

Senior Solutions: Offering funds for food lost during the flood along with a variety of other information and resources. Call 802-885-2669

Okemo Valley Business Recovery Center: This is being organized and run by the Okemo Valley Chamber and its primary purpose is to assist businesses. They are working with Ludlow Rotary Club to create the Okemo Valley Disaster Relief Fund. Call 802-228-5830

• Ludlow Community Center: Hours very but from July 24-28 they will be 10-2 and on July 29 (Saturday) 10-noon, closed Sunday. This will be updated week to week. Call 802-228-2655

If you have questions and concerns about flood recovery in Cavendish, call the Cavendish Town Office 802-226-7291 or e-mail



• Select Board Minutes from 7/17 Meeting: Unapproved minutes are available at the Town’s website and a report is available from the VT Journal. The video of the meeting is available at Okemo Valley TV.

• Select Board Meeting 7/27/23: At last night’s SB meeting, the board approved opening a $2 million line of credit for flood related costs. They updated emergency management plan and moved to establish a local hazard mitigation plan. These actions will add 10% to the state share of funding for reimbursement. There will be a public input meeting on Monday, July 31, at 6 pm on the hazard mitigation plan. The agenda for this meeting will be posted when received.

• Cavendish Climate Impact Survey: For all Cavendish Residents and Business Owners, The Town would greatly appreciate your participation in this brief survey to get your perspective on how the changing climate has impacted our community and your primary concerns about natural hazards such as flooding, erosion, and extreme temperatures. Your responses will also provide the needed input for a mitigation plan that will improve the Town's resiliency to these hazards and maximize state reimbursement funding for this and future disasters. Please respond by August 4th.

• Sammy Blanchette Concert on August 2:  Sammy Blanchette will return to the gazebo on the Svec Memorial Green in Proctorsville for the Cavendish summer concert series on Aug. 2, at 6 p.m. Sammy is a New England based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, who has been playing the Okemo Valley area for several years. His style forms a broad mix of rock, blues, reggae, jazz, and jam band. Also known as Sammy B, he uses acoustic and electric instruments.



JULY 29 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale: Please check the Cavendish VT Facebook for postponement if needed.

AUGUST 2 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. Sammy Blanchette will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.

AUGUST 4 (FRIDAY): Cartoonist Marek Bennett at the Cavendish Library, registration is required for this event. FMI and to Register 802-226-7503 or e-mail

AUGUST 9 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. Yankee Chank will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.

AUGUST 16 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. The Silverbacks will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.