Cavendish SB Meeting Agenda 1/9/17
/Select Board Meeting, Monday, January 9, 2017 in the Cavendish Town Office Meeting Room at 6:30 pm. The Agenda will be as follows:
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Review/approve minutes of the regular meeting of December 12th and December 15th, 2016
3. Sign Orders
4. Review Correspondence
5. Adjust agenda
6. Hear Citizens
7. Discussion regarding the tax sale of Apt. 4 of North Country Condos Phase 2. (Former Giglo Property)
8. Consider liquor license application for “Murdock’s on the Green”.
9. Discussion regarding Select Board vacancy.
10. Recreation Department presentation for budget request for FY’2018 and report on recent activities.
11. Town Constable presentation for budget request for FY’2018.
12. Update on Town Office heat pump installation.
13. Other business
14. Adjourn