Select Board Meeting 1-9-17
/Select board (SB) meetings are recorded by LPC-TV and are available at their website and on Comcast Television. Written minutes are available at the town’s website. The following action was taken at Monday night’s meeting:
A. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: The Cavendish Telecommunications Committee provided an update on Comcast’s applying for a state grant to expand their services to the Knapp Pond/Tarbell Hill area. TDS is upgrading the Twenty Mile Stream area with fiber on Jan 17-18. While these projects will improve conditions for the northwestern and northeastern sections of town, TDS will not upgrade the north central area (East, Old County, Town Farm and Brook Roads) until 2018.
As far as cellular service, the trend is to run as much as possible through Wi-Fi. As the Internet issues are resolved, and users purchase newer phones, reception will become less of an issue. Note that T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T and Verizon provide built-in-Wi-Fi calling on certain phones as does Republic Wireless, Trackfone and Google Project. Read Everything You Need to Know About Wi-Fi Calling for more information on this topic. If you are using a “flip phone” you wont be able to take advantage of Wi-Fi calling.
See the Cavendish Update on 1/16/17 for more in-depth information from the Cavendish Telecommunications Committee.
B. ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE POLICY: Representatives from the Cavendish Community Conservation Association (CCCA) have asked the SB to consider a roadside maintenance policy to protect the esthetics of the ditches along the rural roads. It was recommended that the SB consult Woodstock’s ordinance on this topic.
C. SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE: The ordinance, download in PDF format, was adopted and will become effective Feb. 10
D. TAX SALE OF NORTH COUNTRY CONDO #4: Due to failure to pay taxes, the Town has acquired the property and will sell it. The North Country Condo Association has offered to purchase the condo for $10,000, absorbing the $10, 000 for back condo fees they are owed. Because of the liens on the property, and with an estimated real estate value of $30,000, the Town may be best served by accepting the offer from the condo association. However, total costs to the town, including taxes owed along with lawyer and cleaning fees etc. need to be tallied before a decision can be made. Any money that would be left from the sale of the building after the liens are paid (town and condo association) would go to the original owner of the property. Town manager Brendan McNamara will determine total town costs, which will be reviewed and a decision made about the sale at a later SB meeting
• UPGRADE TOWN PLAN TO MEET ACT 174: This Act establishes a new set of municipal and regional energy planning standards, which if met allow those plans to carry greater weight - substantial deference - in the Section 248 siting process for energy generation. To assist with this effort, the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission (SWCRPC) is offering to work with three towns in the district to make appropriate changes to their town plans. Because Cavendish has a strong Energy Committee, SWCRPC is very interested in working with the town. In order to be considered both the SB and the town’s Planning Commission must agree to it. The SB approved the request, as has the Planning Commission. McNamara will send a letter stating such to SWCRPC.
• WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM: Cavendish will be part of a weatherization program from January through May. The town will host events to encourage residents to learn more about home energy efficiency and the Weatherize process. Weatherize Upper Valley teams up community volunteers with certified weatherization contractors to provide FREE professional home energy assessments, proposals, and quotes. Homeowners who sign weatherization contracts by May 31 will be entered into drawings for prizes ranging up to $2,500 toward energy improvements. A Weatherize Kick-Off will take place on January 28 (Saturday) 10-11:30 at The Weathersfield School. Learn more about the program at Weatherize Upper Valley.
F. SB VACANCY: The board voted not to fill the SB vacancy resulting from Wendy Regier’s resignation as it’s too close to Town Meeting elections.
G. LIQUOR LICENSE: Approved a first class liquor license for Murdock’s on the Proctorsville Green. This will include a bar and restaurant and has an anticipated opening date of some time in February.
H. TOWN CONSTABLE: Constable Seth Perry presented a proposed budget for the coming year and discussed his current activities. He would like to see the reimbursed Constable hours be increased from 133 to 200. The SB will consider the increase budget request during their on-going budget hearings.