Cavendish Update 1-13-17 SB/Fire District 2/News/Events


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1/13/17 Cavendish Update

1. Select Board Meeting 1-9-17

2. Cavendish Related News

3. Cavendish Fire District #2 Annual Meeting

4. Vital Communities Partners with Cavendish and Other Towns for Weatherization Program

5. Wildlife Photography Show In Cavendish

6. Brooks Farm Vineyards Tasting Room Opens in Ludlow

7. Events


1. SELECT BOARD MEETING 1-9-17: Select board (SB) meetings are recorded by LPC-TV and are available at their website and on Comcast Television.  Written minutes are available at the town’s website.  The following action was taken at Monday night’s meeting:

• Cavendish Telecommunications Committee provide an update on Comcast’s state grant to expand services in the Knapp Pond/Tarbell Hill area, and TDS upgrades on Twenty Mile Stream.

• Representatives from Cavendish Community Conservation Association (CCCA) have asked the SB to consider a roadside maintenance policy to protect the esthetics of the ditches along the rural roads.

• Adopted the “Ordinance Relating to Snowmobiles,” which becomes effective Feb. 10

• Discussed the tax sale of the North Country Condo #4

• Approved applying for technical assistance grant on energy planning from Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Council to meet the new set of municipal and regional energy recommendations set forth in Act 174. 

• Voted not to fill the SB vacancy resulting from Wendy Regier’s resignation as it’s too close to Town Meeting elections.

• Approved a first class liquor license for Murdock’s on the Proctorsville Green.

• Heard from Constable Seth Perry about his current activity level and the request to increase Constable hours from 133 to 200.

For a more in-depth report, see The Dish



Additional Position for Town Election: In addition to the town office elected positions, to be voted on March 7 as part of Town Meeting, there is an additional position for one three-year term for Cavendish Town Elementary School director. The full slate of available positions is posted at The Dish. Anyone interested in running for a town office must file a petition and have it signed by 15 registered Cavendish voters by 5 pm on January 30 (Monday). Please stop by the town office if you are interested in filing or signing a petition.

 Jury Duty Scam: Callers are impersonating law enforcement officers threating prosecution for failure to report for jury duty, saying an arrest warrant has been issued. The caller will try to collect personal information such as credit card numbers, social security and other confidential information. The courts will never call to ask for this information. Do not provide any confidential information. Report scams to the VT Attorney General’s Consumer Assistance Program -800-649-2424. For questions pertaining to jury duty contact the Jury Administration Office 802-865-5879.

VT’s Same-Day Voter Registration Now in Effect: Vermont has become the 14th state in the country to adopt an “Election Day Registration” statute that allows eligible voters to cast a ballot on the same day they register to vote. The law applies to all local and statewide elections and prospective voters will be able to register to vote at the polling stations where they go to cast a ballot. VPR 

VTrans Launches Winter Roads Portal: The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) now has a Winter Central web portal,  a new site to help drivers navigate winter conditions in Vermont. Included in the new site are Plow Finder,  a map that will show the location of all active VTrans plow trucks in near real-time. A few of the more popular features from New England Compass can also be displayed along with the plows including National Weather Service Alerts, Doppler radar, weather cameras and countywide condition alerts. Users can choose which base map to use and turn all the features on or off. Press Release


3. CAVENDISH FIRE DISTRICT #2 ANNUAL MEETING: The legal voters of Cavendish Fire District #2 [Cavendish village] are notified and warned to meet at the Meeting Room at the Cavendish Town Office on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 7:30 pm to act on the following articles:

Article 1: To hear and act on the Auditors report (position vacant)

Article 2: To choose and elect officers as follows: Moderator for one year term; Clerk for one year term (currently vacant); Prudential Committee Member for three year term; Tax Collector for one year term; Treasurer for one year term; Auditor for one year term (currently vacant)

Article 3: To see if the voters will raise money and in what amount for the purpose of defraying expense for fiscal year July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018

Article 4: To see if the voters will approve a onetime expense in the amount of $4000.00 to purchase a carport for the utility trailer used to transport the UTV. Currently has to be shoveled off before responding to a call.

Article 5: To do any other business proper at such meeting.


4. VITAL COMMUNITIES PARTNERS WITH CAVENDISH AND OTHER TOWNS FOR WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM: Cavendish will be part of a weatherization program from January through May. The town will host events to encourage residents to learn more about home energy efficiency and the Weatherize process. Weatherize Upper Valley teams up community volunteers with certified weatherization contractors to provide FREE professional home energy assessments, proposals, and quotes. Homeowners who sign weatherization contracts by May 31 will be entered into drawings for prizes ranging up to $2,500 toward energy improvements.

For Cavendish, Reading, Weathersfield and Windsor there will be Weatherize Kick-Off on January 28 (Saturday) 10-11:30 at The Weathersfield School. Learn more about the program at


5. WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW IN CAVENDISH: On Tuesday, January 24th at 7:00 p.m., noted photographer and Proctorsville resident Tim O’Donoghue will present a slideshow and talk about his wildlife photos. The presentation will take place at the Cavendish town office meeting room, 37 High Street in Cavendish.

Tim is an accomplished photographer, especially concentrating on all kinds of wildlife. He has been an avid outdoorsman since his youth, always curious about plants, animals and why they lived in particular places. That led to a degree in Wildlife Management from UConn and a career with the State Parks Division in Connecticut. After retirement he has pursued his passion as a wildlife photographer. Most of his pictures have been taken in Vermont, particularly in Cavendish. He will discuss how and where he got the shots and will also talk about the animals that live in our midst.

This is the latest in the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association’s Walk and Talk Series of events. The series is designed to present topics of general ecological interest to the public in the Cavendish area. Anyone can attend, space permitting, and the presentation is free. For more information please contact Robin Timko at 226-7736. 


6. BROOK FARM VINEYWARDS TASTING ROOM OPENS IN LUDLOW: Located off of Twenty Mile Stream Rd, Brook Farm Vineyards (BFV) in Proctorsville  now has a year round tasting room at Hammond Hall, 114 Main St., Ludlow. The Tasting Room is on the end next to Huntley’s Financial Services.

Inspired by the Georgian Revival Mansion on the property, the design of the tasting room is Gustavian Swedish, with muted gray tones. However, with the lush antique style tin ceiling, the mirrors on the wall, and the long space, it also reminds one of Harry’s in Paris.

Opened on Jan. 11, the Tasting Room hours are as follows: 1-9 on Wednesday and Thursday; 12-9 on Friday and Saturday; and 12-7 on Sundays. In addition to the wine tasting, you can also enjoy their cheese and charcuterie plate, an abundant plate full of delectable meats, cheeses, fruits, crackers and nuts. Coming soon, will be the chocolate charcuterie board.

The Tasting Room is also available for private parties as BFV does have a catering license. For more information, 802-226-7152, website,  Facebook

Congratulations and best of luck to Jen and Doug McBride on their newest business adventure.  



JANUARY 16 (MONDAY): Martin Luther King Day. Legal Holiday schools and Town Office closed

For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar.  For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar