Cavendish Update 1/6/17 Telecommunications/News/Offices


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 Thank you to the following, who recently made donations to make it possible for Cavendish Connects to continue: Martha Benoit, Mary Anne Butler, Gary Muehlemann, Hans & Therese Schrag, Peggy Svec and George Thompson.

 1/6/17 Cavendish Update

1. Cavendish Telecommunications Update

2. Cavendish Related News

3. Petitions Due Jan. 30 for Open Offices in Cavendish

4. KonMari Approach for De Cluttering Your Cavendish Home


1. CAVENDISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS UPDATE: At the end of December, the Telecommunications Committee was informed by Comcast that they have applied for state funding to expand their services to the un served/ underserved areas Cavendish, specifically the Knapp Pond and Tarbell Hill areas. Grants were due Dec. 29. Grant award notification should be sometime in late January or February.

TDS plans to complete the upgrade to Twenty Mile Stream, connecting the junction to the 10 G Ring, on January 17 and 18. This will make it possible for users to have Internet speeds up to 50 Mbps depending on their proximity to the junction box. Speeds will be as follows (as wired, not as the crow flies):

- 50 Mbps: within 5,000 to 5,500 feet (about a mile from the junction box)

- 25 Mbps: within 8,000 to 9,000 feet

- Beyond that it's closer to 5 Mbps

Unfortunately, between Ludlow and Cavendish there are 17 TDS junction sites that are using outdated equipment and it wont be until 2018 before these are switched to fiber. TDS has received Connect America Funding (CAF II) for this upgrade. However, their phase I funding, 2017, will be used to upgrade Northfield, VT.

In speaking with TDS, they explained that many items-TV, anti virus/malware, Windows 10 etc.-are using bandwidth that users are often unaware of. Turning off some of these programs can help to increase speeds.



Rich Svec Town Manager Retires: Tuesday January 3 was Rich Svec’s last day as Town manager. He has served Cavendish in this capacity since 1988. There is a “card” at Jill’s Place, 1990 Main St. that is available for signing until January 10. Please stop by during normal business hours, open every day from 7-7. Svec will continue to work with the new town manager, Brendan McNamara in the development of the 2017-2018 town budget/report and where needed.

 Proctorsville Fire Department Sets Record for Calls: In 2016 Proctorsville Volunteer Fire Department volunteers responded to 122 emergency calls-79 fire calls averaging 9 firefighters per call and 43 EMS Calls (assist Ludlow Ambulance) with an average of 6 firefighters per call. Firefighters totaled 2,087 hours operating on emergency calls. This is the most calls in a single year PVFD has received in its 183-year history.  On the first morning of 2017, PVFD responded to a motor vehicle crash on 103 in the Proctorsville Gulf-a driver under the influence was off the road. Thank you for your continued dedication to our town.

Cavendish Historical Society Briefs Now Available: The monthly CHS Briefs is now available on-line.  Anyone with ideas about how CHS can remember Carmine Guica through a special project, restoration or fund, should contact CHS at or 802-226-7807.

NBC Affiliate Removed from Direct TV: An impasse in negotiations for a carriage agreement between DirecTV and Hearst Television has resulted in NBC5 being pulled from DirecTV packages. VPR 

 Heating Fuel Taxes: Vermonters who purchase heating fuel may notice a change on their delivery ticket, invoice or statement. As of Jan. 1, fuel suppliers are permitted by law to itemize the fuel tax. In 2016, the fuel gross receipts tax, in place since 1990, was converted from a tax based on the price of fuel, to a tax based on the volume of fuel sales, in order to provide a more stable funding source for low-income weatherization programs. The 2-cents per gallon fuel tax is applied to oil heat, kerosene, dyed diesel and propane sold in bulk to a Vermont residence or business.  Vermont consumers should also note that all bulk sales of oil heat, kerosene and dyed diesel are assessed a 1-cent per gallon Petroleum Distributors Licensing Fee (PDLF). Revenue from this fee goes to the Vermont Petroleum Cleanup Fund (PCF). The PCF helps pay for pollution remediation and proactive measures to reduce spills.  Learn more about heating fuel taxes at

 VT Minimum Wage Increased January 1: The state’s minimum wage has increased to $10 an hour, with tipped employees being raised to $5 an hour.

Flu Season is Here: Flu season has arrived in Vermont with health officials now reporting an uptick in activity within the past week. The majority of confirmed cases have been an A strain, H3N2. WCAX 

VT Health Department’s New Website: After 12 months of preparation, the Vermont Department of Health today launched a newly redesigned and reorganized website at


3. PETITIONS DUE JAN. 30 FOR OPEN OFFICES IN CAVENDISH: The Town of Cavendish will elect officers by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 7, 2017. Those who are interested in running for a town office must file a petition and have it signed by 15 registered Cavendish voters by 5 pm on January 30 (Monday). Please stop by the town office if you are interested in filing or signing a petition.

The following positions are open for election for one-year terms unless otherwise noted:

• Town Moderator

• School Moderator

• Select Board 2 openings for one year term and 1 3 year term

• Town Clerk

• Town Treasurer 3 years

• Town Agent

• Lister

• Auditor 1 position each for one year, two year and three-year terms

• Library Trustee: 1 position each for 5 years and 4-year terms

• Trustee of Public Funds: 1 position each for two and three year terms

• Town Grand Juror

• Constable

• Town School Director (School board): 2 positions for one-year terms

• GMUHS Director: 2 year term

Learn more about Cavendish and the state legislative processes, including Town Meeting, which take place the first quarter of every year.  What You Need to Know About Cavendish & State Legislative Processes. 

4. KONMARI APPROACH FOR DE CLUTTERING YOUR HOME: One of Cavendish Connects’ most popular posts has been updated to include lots of local resources for recycling. While originally written to help prepare for the Abundance Swap, it’s particularly helpful at this time of year when the tendency is to de clutter as holiday decorations are put away. In addition to KonMari Approach for De Cluttering Your Cavendish Home  you might also find Cavendish Holiday Recycling to be helpful.