Cavendish Update 12/9/16 News/Tree Lighting/Events

Proctorsville Tree Lighting, 6 pm Friday, Dec. 9


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12/9/16 Cavendish Update

1. Cavendish Related News

2. “Returnables” at Jill’s Place Benefit Jr. Fire Fighters

3. Tree Lighting Proctorsville

4. Events



Indulgence Tour: This past weekend, the first of what is hoped to be an annual event, the Indulgence Tour, took place in the Okemo Valley. Julie-Lynn and Michael Wood, owners of the Golden Stage Inn came up with the idea back in September. Julie-Lynn wanted to market all of the inns throughout the region so that locals and second homeowners could learn about their histories, as well as what makes each inn unique. About 70 people purchased a passport for the tour. VT Journal 

 Fair Point Being Sold: Consolidated Communications, based in Matoon, Illinois, is planning to pay about $1.5 billion for the company that provides landline and internet service- northeast section of Cavendish is covered by FairPoint. VPR 

Property Tax Rates to Go Up by 2.5% on Average: The Shumlin administration is predicting that the statewide property tax will increase by 2.35 percent next year. State officials expect education spending for fiscal year 2018 to be $1.617 billion, up from $1.552 billion in fiscal year 2016.  VT Digger 

Bird Feeding Basics from VT Fish & Wildlife: Before residents put up their avian offerings, Vermont Fish & Wildlife recommends a review of the bird feeding basics. Birds don’t generally need food from backyard feeders to survive, but the activity is a great way for people to interact with nature and if done properly, won’t harm bird populations. For an all-purpose food, black oil sunflower seeds will attract many native bird species. Press Release 

Recycling Law Credited with Cutting Landfill Use 5%:  The amount of trash going to landfills decreased by 5 percent between 2014 and 2015, and recycling and composting grew during the same time. Those are some of the highlights of a new universal recycling program, which officials are hailing as a success. The 2 percent growth in recycling and composting, for example, diverted 12,000 tons of food and other material from the waste stream. Due also in part to the law that went into effect two years ago, food donations to the Vermont Foodbank ramped up by 40 percent between 2015 and 2016. Nevertheless, Vermonters still bury about two-thirds of the state’s annual waste in landfills. VT Digger 


2. ‘”RETURNABLES” AT JILL’S PLACE BENEFIT JR. FIRE FIGHTERS: The Proctorsville Jr Firefighters are proud to announce Jill's Place as a drop off point for 5-cent returnable cans and bottles to benefit the PFD Jr Firefighters. Please have clean bottles and cans in bags or boxes. You can continue to drop off at the firehouse if you choose. Thanks to Jill Flinn and her staff for helping to support our Jr Firefighters.


3. TREE LIGHTING PROCTORSVILLE GREEN: The GFWC Okemo Valley Women's Club 2016 Tree of Remembrance lighting in Proctorsville, VT will held on the town common on Friday Dec. 9th at 6:00pm.  The PTA from Cavendish will supply the hot chocolate and the Okemo Valley Women's club will supply cookies.  CTES' own George Thompson will be leading the carol singing of Christmas songs. Bundle up, bring flashlights and holiday cheer. 

The Trees of Remembrance are a symbol of the holidays that allow people to remember their friends, family and loved ones by a donation to the Okemo Valley Women's Club, which will benefit CTES and Black River Academy students. Donations of any size are welcome and may be mailed to either Roxie Davis, 126 Newton Rd., Proctorsville VT 05153 OR Pam Bruno, 25 Tepper Dr., Ludlow, VT 05149. 



DECEMBER 9 (Friday): Tree Lighting on Proctorsville Green, 6 pm. Caroling led by George Thompson with hot chocolate and cookies to follow.

 DECEMBER 10 (Saturday) : Grand Opening dGBody Works, 7 Depot St., Proctorsville (former Six Loose Ladies Store). 12:30 pm free Zumba class

• CVFD Christmas Tree and Wreath Sale: Christmas trees start at $30 and Wreaths at $12. Sale is from 9-5

• PVFD Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale: 11th9am – 4 pm VT Grown Frasier Firs Trees start at $30; Wreaths are $15 Benefits the PFD Equipment Fund Free Coffee and Homemade Doughnuts. Santa will arrive by Fire truck to see the children from 10am-12 Proctorsville Jr Firefighters will also be collecting VT redeemable cans and bottles to be dropped off during the sale to benefit the Jr Firefighters program.

DECEMBER 11 (Sunday): Tree and Wreath sales continue at the Fire Departments.

• “It’s About Believing”: A holiday program for everyone, 4:00 P.M. at the Gethsemane Church on Depot Street, Proctorsville, Vermont. Free. FMI call 226-7398.

DECEMBER 12 (Monday): Cavendish Select Board Meeting

For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar