Cavendish Select Board Meeting Agenda 12/12/16

The Select Board Meeting will take place on Monday, December 12th, 2016 in the Cavendish Town Office Meeting Room at 6:10 pm (immediately following the Board of Abatement meeting). The Agenda will be as follows:

  1. Call the meeting to order

  2. Entertain motion to enter into executive (closed door) session to finalize contract details

  3. 6:30 pm open regular monthly Select Board Meeting

  4. Review/approve minutes of the regular meeting of November 14th and the special meetings of November 3rd, 4th, 7th, 21st and December 5th, 2016.

  5. Sign Orders

  6. Review Correspondence

  7. Adjust Agenda

  8. Hear Citizens

  9. Select Board to announce hiring of a new Town Manager and the signing of a contract for same.

  10. Members of the Board of Listers present for a brief discussion on the subject of town-wide reappraisal

  11. Continue discussion (from 11-14-16 meeting) regarding approval of Winter of 2016-17 snowmobile road crossings. New maps have been produced and will be available for this discussion.

  12. Town Manager to introduce a draft of proposed revision/update of the Cavendish Ordinance on Snowmobiles which dates back to 1969.

  13. Consider letter of resignation from Cavendish Planning Commissioner Joe Marini

  14. Presentations regarding External Appropriation Requests for inclusion in the FY2017-18 Select Board Budget including: Green Mt VSP; Visiting Nurse Assoc & Hospice; Women’s Freedom Center; American Red Cross; Black River Good Neighbors; Windsor Co. Youth Services; LPC- TV; SEVCA; Black River Senior Center and Senior Solutions/Council on Aging.

  15. Town Manager to distribute and review with the Select Board a calendar of Forthcoming Town Business January to March 2017

  16. Update on the repair work on Bonts Hill Road, Town Highway #43

  17. Update on the installation of heat pump equipment at the town office building

  18. Update from the Cavendish Telecommunications Committee on TDS high speed internet improvement activities in Cavendish and the most recent contact with Comcast cable.

  19. Update of outcome of Town Highway Classification Transfer from Class 3 to Class 2 of Quent Phelan Road, Town Highway #9.

  20. Review for approval the update of the Policy on Town Employee Health Insurance as discussed at the February 8th and October 17th meetings.

  21. Continuation of discussion on a noise ordinance.

  22. Updates on other town activities

  23. Other business

  24. Adjourn