Cavendish Update 12/2/16 Town Mang/News/Events
The word is quickly spreading through town that the new Town Manager will be Brendan McNamara. At Wednesday night’s GMUHS board meeting, McNamara resigned as the Facilities and Transportation Supervisor in order to take the new position. Growing up in Proctorsville, McNamara now lives across the Cavendish Green, so it's a very short commute to work for him. In addition to his job at GMUHS, McNamara served a one-year term as a Cavendish Selectmen.
12/2/16 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Cavendish Historical Society Update
3. The Cavendish Community Theater presents 'It's About Believing"
4. DG Bodyworks Opening in Proctorsville
5. Annual Tree of Remembrance
6. Events
Services for Carmine Guica: Calling hours for WWII veteran, and one of the founders of the Cavendish Historical Society, will take place on Friday, Dec. 2 from 4-6 pm at the Adams Funeral Home in Ludlow. Guica’s funeral will be at 11 am on Saturday, Dec. 3 at the Cavendish Baptist Church. A military burial will follow at the Cavendish Village Cemetery. Legacy Obituary
Cavendish Robbery Resolved: Springfield police have recovered an all-terrain vehicle stolen last week in Cavendish and arrested two area men in connection with the case. Matthew Horton, 27, of Cavendish, and Aaron Montgomery, 27, of Springfield, were arrested Saturday in Springfield after they were seen riding the stolen ATV. Rutland Herald
TRSU ACT 46 Planning Committee Special Meeting: In order to address the consolidation of schools via the Act 46 law, a committee of Twin River Supervisory Union schools, of which Cavendish is a member, has been meeting monthly for about a year. The group was charged with saving approximately $650,000. The proposed plan is to have one regional high school, a single regional middle school (6-8 grades) and 4 elementary schools (2 preK-5 and 2 K-5). CTES’s sixth grade would move to the regional middle school. Meetings are being held throughout the TRSU to look at the various options. Minutes of the Nov. 29 meeting are available on-line . Note that Act 46 was created in response to Vermont’s 20% decline in students and the low student-to-teacher ratio. The purpose of the law is to create larger districts to realize savings in education spending and give more educational options. Two more meetings are scheduled for December, one in Ludlow and the other in Baltimore.
Cavendish/Ludlow Roadways to be Reclassified: Three roads are in the process of being reclassified from Class III to Class II: Commonwealth Avenue, Barker Road and Quent Phelan Road. The roads link Vermont Route 103 in Ludlow with the Class II road Twenty Mile Stream in Cavendish. The reclassification of these roadways will have little noticeable effect on the general public. There is some basic redrawing of maps and slight reworking of the words in each of the town’s annual highway inventories. In order for either of these towns to have chance for a successful application, both Ludlow and Cavendish have to apply. The Cavendish Select Board has approved a motion to submit the application and hold a public hearing. VT Journal
Select Board Approves the Installation of Heat Pumps for the Town Office: The Cavendish Solar array is providing an excess of energy credits from Green Mountain Power. The town’s Energy Committee and Select board agreed to the purchase and installation of three heat pump units for the town office, not to exceed $13,000. The costs of operating will be off set by the surplus of solar credits. The current heating system will be kept as a backup. It is expected that the heaters will be installed before January. VT Journal
Vermonters in Crisis Can Now Text Message for Help: A partnership between the Vermont Department of Mental Health and the national organization Crisis Text Line, lets Vermonters in crisis text a message to people trained to help them 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Text should be sent with the letters "VT" to 741741.
VT-Able: Vermonters who experience a disability will soon be able to save money in a federally tax-advantaged VT-ABLE savings plan, making VT one of only a handful of states to offer a plan since President Obama signed the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act into law. VT Digger
$5 Trees in Green Mountain Forest: U.S. Forest Service officials in Vermont are encouraging the public to purchase Christmas tree removal permits should they be interested in a five-dollar tree for the holidays. This year, all fourth graders can take advantage of the Every Kid in a Park Initiative and get a free Christmas tree voucher found here: Fourth graders that present a printed copy of the voucher may redeem it for an EKIP Pass and a Christmas tree removal permit at U.S. Forest offices in Rutland or Manchester. VT Digger
2. CAVENDISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATE: With the recent passing of Carmine Guica, CHS has been asked whether Carmine ever wrote an autobiography. He in fact did and CHS published it in 2007. No editing was done to the text, so it reads just as Carmine spoke. Copies of the book are available at the Cavendish Town Office and will be for sale at the Dec. 3 (Saturday) Abundance Swap, 9-11:30 at the Cavendish Elementary School along with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Writer Who Changed History. Both books sell for $15. Please note that there are limited copies of Carmine’s book.
The fall edition of Scribbler II is now available on line at the CHS blog. The December News Briefs has also been posted to the blog.
On December 14, CHS will be holding its annual daylong workshop at Cavendish Town Elementary School. Each year a theme based on the cultures of those who helped to create the town is selected. This year’s theme is "South of the Border" as we have a number of people who have come from Mexico, El Salvador etc. Most have sought sanctuary here.
Two of the projects come directly from Cavendish residents. Years ago Jose Aleman, his children graduated from CTES and are now at GMUHS, showed us how they made papel picado (paper cuts) in El Salvador, which the 2nd graders will be doing. Ernestine (Stine) van Schaik has spent a large part of her adult life working in South America. She now comes to Cavendish for about two months in the summer and recently sent us a project she does with young children. The 6th graders will be helping the kindergarteners with this project.
Additional projects will include: Wool stars (1st grade/Peru); tropical fruit paper ornaments (3rd grade/Brazil); stars or soda can art (4th grade/common through out the continent); and poinsettias (5th grade). The 6th grade is working on making piñatas for every class, which can be “opened” on the last day of school.
CHS is in need of volunteers to help with the piñata making (Monday Dec 5 and 12 in the afternoon) and with items for the piñatas. If you have items you’d like to donate-hard wrapped candy (no chocolate or nuts); small toys or other tiny items-please drop them off at the school before December 14. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail
3. CAVENDISH COMMUNITY THEATER PRESENTS IT’S ABOUT BELIEVING: This Holiday Program is for everyone and includes some of your favorite songs, readings and skits from iconic holiday movies and other surprises. Come join us on Sunday, December 11th at 4:00 P.M. at the Gethsemane Church (next to Crows Bakery) on Depot Street, Proctorsville, Vermont. FREE ADMISSION. All donations received will be given to the church. FMI call 226-7398.
4. DG BODYWORKS OPENING IN PROCTORSVILLE: Denise Gebroe LMY, CPT is opening a message therapy and personal training studio at 7 Depot Street in Proctorsville-the former Six Loose Ladies site – by the Proctorsville Green. Certified in personal training and massage therapy, Gebroe offers unique methods to bridge the gap between massage therapy and personal training to improve overall physical wellness for a well-balanced life.
Denise will be holding a grand opening at her new studio on Dec. 10 from 12-5,which will be filled with food, music, free demos, group fitness classes, prizes- win a free massage. Classes will be held every Saturday at 10:45 pm. Classes are $10, but punch cards will be sold 10 classes for $50 ($5 a class) for one day only on Dec. 10, so stock up. Punch cards will normally be $60.
As part of the opening celebration, Alysia Redfield will be doing a free Zumba workshop at 12:30. Alysia will be teaching regular classes on Saturday mornings at 10:45 starting Saturday, Dec. 17 at dg Bodyworks.
Check out Denise’s website and Facebook page. You can call 973-902-4955 or e-mail to arrange an appointment.
5, ANNUAL TREES OF REMEMBRANCE: The GFWC Okemo Valley Women's Club annual Trees of Remembrance are lit in two places; Veteran's Memorial Park in Ludlow and the Common in Proctorsville. These community trees honor and remember friends, relatives and loved ones during the holidays and will be illuminated in December and January. A community tree lighting ceremony will take place in Ludlow on Saturday, Dec. 10th at 6pm at the Tree of Remembrance in Veteran's Memorial Park. There will be carol singing to celebrate the event and this festive season. All are invited to attend.
GFWC Okemo Valley Women's Club is accepting donations in any amount to remember your loved ones. This fundraiser will benefit Black River High School and Cavendish Town Elementary School students. In return, the names of those you wish remembered during this holiday season will be printed weekly in local newspapers.
Donations, payable to GFWC Okemo Valley Women's Club, can be sent to Roxie Davis, 126 Newton Rd., Proctorsville, VT 05153 or Pam Bruno, 25 Tepper Drive, Ludlow, VT 05149.
DECEMBER 3 (Saturday): 3rd Annual Abundance Swap-9:30-11:30 CTES multi purpose room. Note that copies of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Writer Who Changed History will be available for signing and for purchase. Carmine Guica’s autobiography will also be available for purchase. FMI 802-226-7807 or
• 14th Annual Holiday Fair: December 3 9am-3pm at the Proctorsville Fire Department MainSt. Proctorsville. Hosted by St James United Methodist Church and local nonprofits. Crafts, gifts, raffles, goodies, and lunch are available!
• Indulgence Tour: Visit 11 local inns including Golden Stage and The Castle) on Dec. 3-4 sampling foods and other treats. Learn more and purchase tickets ($10 a piece) by going to the Indulgence Tour webpage or Facebook sites
• CVFD Christmas Tree and Wreath Sale: Christmas trees start at $30 and Wreaths at $12. Sale is from 9-5
• PVFD Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale: 9am – 4 pm VT Grown Frasier Firs Trees start at $30; Wreaths are $15 Benefits the PFD Equipment Fund . Jr Firefighters will also be collecting VT redeemable cans and bottles to benefit the Jr Firefighters program.
DECEMBER 4 (Sunday): CVFD (9-5) and PVFD Tree & Wreath Sale (9-4) continues
DECEMBER 5 (Monday): Cavendish Select Board meeting continues to meet regarding the hiring of a new town manager. The meeting is at 7 pm at the Town Office, and will be in executive session most of the time and not open to the public.
DECEMBER 6 (Tuesday): Community luncheon at Gethsemane Church, off Depot Street in Proctorsville at noon. This month “Market Street” meat loaf, described on Good Morning America as the ultimate meat loaf, full of wonderful flavors is being served. Donations accepted.
For information on upcoming events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For area events, check the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce calendar.