The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) in conjunction with the Town of Cavendish will host a weatherization and solar power workshop on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the town office meeting room, 37 High Street in Cavendish.  Residents of Cavendish and adjacent towns are invited to attend.

The workshop will begin with a presentation and discussion by a representative of the NeighborWorks/Heat Squad  who will talk about how to best weatherize homes and how to finance the project.  The presentation will be both informational and educational, focusing on the steps to take in order to make homes more energy efficient.  There will be plenty of time for Q & A and at the end of the workshop, you will understand more about the way homes use energy and what you can do to make your home more efficient.

A representative of SunCommon Solar  who will talk about using the sun to make electricity will give the next presentation.  If you have thought about solar panels for your home this is a talk that you want to her.  If you can’t use solar panels where you live, but would like to know more about joining with others in a community solar array to make electricity from the sun please come, listen and ask questions.

Finally, attendees will hear from the Solaflect Community Solar Park about how to invest in solar without putting equipment on their own property.  Different community solar projects have different ownership structures and styles of participation.  Solaflect’s community solar project guarantees that participants buy or lease solar power – getting the real thing.

After attending this Button Up workshop, you will have the information necessary to get a home energy assessment or audit, including a solar power evaluation.  You will also better understand what steps you can take to make improvements, and you will know about how to make solar power work for you.

For more information about the workshop, please call Cheryl Leiner at 802-226-7820 or Peter LaBelle at 802-226-7250.