Cavendish Update: 10/24/14 News/Halloween/Events
/The 10/24/14 Cavendish Update Contains the Following:
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Cavendish Halloween Activities
3. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Workshop Nov. 1
4. Events
5. Support Cavendish Connects
Windsor House Seats in Play: State Rep. Mark Huntley, D-Cavendish, is running for a second term against independent challenger Stu Lindberg, a truck driver, also of Cavendish, in the Windsor 2 Vermont House district representing Cavendish and Weathersfield. Huntley, 58, owns Huntley Financial Services, a Ludlow, Vt.-based investment firm that serves a limited number of private clients and corporations, and has previously served on the Cavendish School Board and Selectboard. Valley News
CHS Newsletter Fall 2014: The Cavendish Historical Society’s Fall Newsletter-Scribbler II is now available at their Blog.
Smack High Video by CTES Graduate: Elliot Thompson, a graduate of CTES, son of 5th grade teacher Ann Thompson, and a junior at Springfield High School, has just completed a new film. Watch Smack High Springfield video.
Vermont Journal Articles
• Little Farms Fifth Annual Harvest Party
• Greven Field Winter Turn Down
Ludlow Residents Asks VT Attorney General if there is Price Fixing in Ludlow: A series of emails, initiated by an email from Allen Seiple of Ludlow to the Vermont Attorney General’s Office alleges possible price fixing by Ludlow Gas Stations. Black River Tribune
Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce Local Option Tax for Regional Marketing: The head of the Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce has approached the Chester and Ludlow town managers asking for their thoughts on a local option tax, saying that it could be used to market the area and hinting that the money would go to the chamber. The Chester Telegraph
2. CAVENDISH HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES: Below are upcoming activities scheduled in and around town for Halloween:
• CTES Party: The Cavendish Elementary School Halloween party will be on Saturday night, Oct. 25, at the school from 6-8 pm. FMI: 226-7758
• Hauntings at the Golden Stage Inn: Once again the Golden Stage Inn in Proctorsville will open their doors for an evening of tricks and treats on Halloween, Oct. 31 (Friday). The Carnival (Carnevil) barkers will be out in force to entertain, alarm and charm. Doors open at 6 and close at 8:30. FMI: 226-7744
• Ludlow Events: On Saturday, Oct. 25, from 2-4 pm, FOLA will host a Halloween movie for kids. On Halloween, there will a Haunted House at the Community Center Gymnasium 6-10 pm.; Halloween Parade 6-6:30 pm
3. DIA DE LOS MUERTOSE (DAY OF THE DEAD) NOV. 1: As part of the Cavendish Historical Society's Hands on History and Honoring Our Heritage programs, the annual Dia de los muertos (Day of the Dead) workshop will be on Nov. 1 (Saturday) from 3-5 pm at Gethsemane Church Parish Hall, off of Depot Street in Proctorsville. Activities including decorating sugar skulls, making Papel Picado (paper cuts), paper flowers and more. This is a free event but donations are appreciated to help with expenses.
An ancient Aztec celebration in memory of deceased ancestors, Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1 (All Saints' Day) and November 2 (All Souls' Day). The holiday is especially popular in Mexico, where it is a national holiday; it is also celebrated in other parts of South America and in communities with strong Latino roots.
Mexicans celebrate the Day of the Dead joyfully, and though it occurs at the same time as Halloween, All Saints' Day and All Souls Day, the traditional mood is much brighter with emphasis on celebrating and honoring the lives of the deceased, and celebrating the continuation of life. The belief is not that death is the end, but rather the beginning of a new stage in life. To learn more about this tradition, go to the CHS blog. For questions and other information about the workshop, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail
4. EVENTS: The Cavendish Town Elementary School will host a Halloween party on Saturday Oct. 25 from 6-8 pm. On Wed, Oct. 29, Black River Good Neighbor is sponsoring Your Money 101. For information about these and other events, go to
• On going Cavendish Fall Activities