Cavendish Update 10/31/14 Halloween/News/SB Mtg/Events
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1. Special Select Board Meeting-10/31/14
2. Cavendish Related News
3. Questions & Answers: Leaves/Resources for Seniors
4. Cavendish to Host Button Up Home Weatherization and Solar Power Workshop
5. Cavendish Historical Society’s Fall Dinner & Sale
6. Cavendish Halloween Activities
7. Turkey Bingo at CTES
8. Events
9. Support Cavendish Connects
1. SPECIAL SELECT BOARD MEETING: 10/31/14: A special Select Board meeting has been scheduled for Friday, Oct. 31, 4:30 pm at the Town Office. The town manager will discuss an opportunity for removal of the Maybe temporary bridge at THB #27 and replacement with a permanent structure by Cold River Bridge. Cold River Bridge already has the contract for the dismantling and removal of the temporary bridge but is available for the construction of the permanent structure.
Fall Back: Daylight Saving Time ends, so set your clock back an hour before going to bed on Saturday night. The Proctorsville Fire Department would like to remind you that when you change your clock; change your batteries in your Smoke/CO detectors. Working smoke and CO detectors save lives.
Congratulations to GMUHS Country Champions: The varsity boys and girls team is the Division 3 state champions. Congratulations to our Cavendish youth-Lydia Churchill, Sara Ripley, Logan Mott and Josh Wood on a job well done.
GMUHS Health Website for Parents, Students, Faculty: The nurse at GMUHS registered has created a website for resources and health information at Green Mountain.
Vermont Journal
• Meet the Candidates Debate Night
• CTES Halloween Party Last Saturday
Public Hearing on Marijuana Legalization in VT: Vermont Officials are holding a public hearing on a study surrounding the issues of possible marijuana legalization in the state. A hearing has been scheduled for November 12, and will run from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. via the Vermont Interactive Technologies network. Vermonters can view and provide feedback at the following Bennington, Brattleboro, Middlebury, Montpelier, Newport II, Randolph Center, Springfield, St. Albans, and Williston. WCAX
3. Q & A: LEAVES/RESOURCES FOR SENIORS: A new feature of the Cavendish Update, the Q & A section provides answers to questions that are received during the previous week that may be of interest to others in the community.
Q: From the Cavendish VT Facebook page, What is the deal with not being able to bring leaves to the transfer station anymore?
A: According to town manager, Richard Svec, Leaves and grass clippings create smoke when they burn, thereby causing residents to complain as well as being in violation of the state’s open burning laws. According to Act 148, the law states that as of July 1, 2016, leaf, yard, and clean wood debris (root mats, wood chips, etc.) are banned from the landfill. Haulers must offer leaf and yard debris collection, which they can, and will, charge for. There are a number of things you can do with leaves that actually help to enrich your soil and improve your springtime garden and lawn. “Leave” them alone and they will break down over the winter, providing organic matter and nutrients for your lawn. To speed up the process, mow over them before the snow flies.For more uses, check out “The Old Farmer’s Almanac.”
Q: E-mail-Need resources for Seniors.
A. The Cavendish Connect website has a specific webpage entitled Health and Senior Resources. This includes local resource information as well as the How to Get What You Need in Cavendish: Checklist.
4. BUTTON UP HOME WEATHERIZATION & SOLAR POWER WORKSHOP: The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) in conjunction with the Town of Cavendish will host a weatherization and solar power workshop on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the town office meeting room, 37 High Street in Cavendish. Residents of Cavendish and adjacent towns are invited to attend.
The workshop will begin with a presentation and discussion by a representative of the NeighborWorks/Heat Squad who will talk about how to best weatherize homes and how to finance the project. The presentation will be both informational and educational, focusing on the steps to take in order to make homes more energy efficient. There will be plenty of time for Q & A and at the end of the workshop, you will understand more about the way homes use energy and what you can do to make your home more efficient.
A representative of SunCommon Solar who will talk about using the sun to make electricity will give the next presentation. If you have thought about solar panels for your home this is a talk that you want to her. If you can’t use solar panels where you live, but would like to know more about joining with others in a community solar array to make electricity from the sun please come, listen and ask questions.
Finally, attendees will hear from the Solaflect Community Solar Park about how to invest in solar without putting equipment on their own property. Different community solar projects have different ownership structures and styles of participation. Solaflect’s community solar project guarantees that participants buy or lease solar power – getting the real thing.
After attending this Button Up workshop, you will have the information necessary to get a home energy assessment or audit, including a solar power evaluation. You will also better understand what steps you can take to make improvements, and you will know about how to make solar power work for you.
For more information about the workshop, please call Cheryl Leiner at 802-226-7820 or Peter LaBelle at 802-226-7250.
5. CAVENDISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S FALL DINNER & SALE: On Saturday November 8, the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) will hold a Fall dinner and sale, 5:30-7 at the Cavendish Town Elementary School in Proctorsville. The menu includes pork roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegan option for main dish, green beans, butternut squash, applesauce, homemade biscuits, dessert (crisps, pies and ice cream) Gluten free options. The cost is $10 for Adults, $5 for children under 12 and free for children under 6.
Books and other items including “crickets” wooden kneelers from the Cavendish Stone Church will be on sale. We will be featuring a special edition of Sandra Stearns’s memories of growing up-she’s Cavendish’s Laura Ingalls Wilder- Cavendish Hillside Farm 1939 to 1957. This will include her mother’s recipe for sugar cookies as well as a cookie cutter.
For more information about these events, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail
6. CAVENDISH HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES: The schedule for Cavendish Halloween activities is as follows:
• Cavendish Baptist Church will be open from 3:30 pm on. They will be distributing treats, coffee for parents, and a bathroom for anyone that needs it.
• Proctorsville Fire Department will be passing out treats starting at 5 pm at the fire station. Be sure and check out the trucks
• Proctorsville Golden Stage Inn’s haunted house- theme this year is Carnival (Carnevil) – is from 6-8:30
7. TURKEY BINGO AT CTES: The Cavendish Town Elementary School’s PTO will be hosting a fundraiser “Turkey Bingo” on Friday, Nov. 14, 6 pm at the school. FMI: or call 802-226-7758
8. EVENTS: On Saturday, the Yogi Memorial Run Fest takes place in the morning with the Cavendish Historical Society’s annual Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) workshop in the afternoon. The Black River Good Neighbor Stick Social takes place in the evening. Don’t forget to turn your clock back Saturday night as we return to Standard time. Election Day is on Tuesday, Nov. 4; Voting takes place at the Cavendish Town Elementary School from 10-7. For information about these and other events, go to
• On going Cavendish Fall Activities