Cavendish Update 7/26/24: Tag Sale/News/Events




1.    Tomorrow is Tag Sale Day

2.    Cavendish Related News

3.    Events Calendar


1. TOMORROW IS TAG SALE DAY!! Looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous day with low humidity with highs in the low 80s. A great day to be in Cavendish. This is a quick overview of what’s taking place tomorrow:

Food: Both the Cavendish and Proctorsville Fire Departments will be selling food. CVFD will be serving pulled pork (Miquel has had his smoker going for the past few days in preparation) at their fire station. PVFD, who will be on the Proctorsville Green, will be hosting a BBQ of burgers, hot dogs and sausage, and will also have a tag sale. There will be a cookie stand on the Cavendish Green and once again the lemonade stand, benefitting cancer research, will be on the Proctorsville Green.

Estate Sales: At least two estate sales are taking place: 66 Duttonsville School House Dr. (just off 131) and 244 Densmore Rd. [Turn onto Mill St (Mack Molding will be on your right) and go through the underpass (White’s Hill) and as it turns you’ll be on Densmore Rd.]

Greens: Various vendors will be on both the Cavendish and Proctorsville Greens.

Large Sales: The Cavendish Baptist Church, St. James Methodist and the multi family sale on the Cavendish Commons will be in full swing tomorrow.

 Cavendish Connects: We’ll be at the Proctorsville Green by the Gazebo. We will have a special table set up so people can make their own “Go” or “Ready” kits to help in times of emergency-one per family. We will also have copies of the Vermont Emergency Management’s “Family Emergency Preparedness.” This is a very helpful and easy to use guide booklet.

Vendors: Please remember to take everything with you, including trash, at the end of the day. If you are holding your sale at home, signage with directions to your house helps considerably.

Finally, Cavendish Connects has organized and run the Town Wide Tag Sale for 14 years.  PLEASE DROP OFF A DONATION this year so this sale and all the services you expect can continue.

We will continue to update the Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale page until early tomorrow morning.



• Vermont’s Covid-19 cases on the upswing this summer: Data from wastewater plants and emergency departments show that the virus is multiplying again. To help the community prepare, both fire departments and the Cavendish Connects booth at tomorrow’s Town Wide Tag Sale will be offering free COVID tests (kits expire in Oct), masks and hand sanitizer.

• The Forgotten: Stefan Beaumont and Wendy E. Reynolds of Red Vault Productions know firsthand what it is like to have to put their lives back together after they lost their home and business in last year’s flooding. As the anniversary approached, they planned to premiere the short film they created during the tumultuous past year. “We had made this film just for our community and our closure, but on the anniversary of the flood, when the flooding was happening again up north, we realized it could do so much more than that,” said Reynolds. On July 13, the residents of Cavendish gathered to unite in spirit and watch the premiere of “The Forgotten.” The outdoor screening took place at The Crow, another local business hit hard by the 2023 floods. Members of the community made donations to the 2024 flood survivors. If you missed the event on the 13th, or you just want to see it again, another outdoor community event is scheduled at Okemo Valley TV for Aug. 3, to continue to raise funds for 2024 flood survivors. VT Journal

• Volunteers Needed for CTES: Saturday, July 27 at Cavendish Elementary 3p-6p Need to seed and mulch areas that are now all dirt. Bring rakes and gloves, and if you have an additional seed spreader, bring that. FMI: Jenn Harper 802-548-7419

• Tech Time at Fletcher Library: Fletcher Memorial Library in Ludlow will host Tech Time with Matt Sydorowich of Sydscompufix, on Saturday, Aug. 3, from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Matt will offer one-on-one assistance with your device, phone, or computer. Please call the library at 802-228-8921 to register.

• Okemo Valley Technical Rescue: The newly formed Okemo Valley Technical Rescue (OVTR) will focus on technical rescue – swiftw water rescue and tactical emergency casualty care, in their training and acquisition of equipment. In late 2023, Ludlow Ambulance Chief Stephanie Grover, along with (recently retired) Chief Kolenda of Ludlow Fire, Chief Billy Austin of Mount Holly Fire, and Chief Robert Glidden of Proctorsville Fire came together to brainstorm how these area departments might work together to prepare for events that we were not currently able to address at that time. There are enormous costs associated with training and equipment in technical rescue, and it became clear that working together would be the best way forward. Okemo Valley Technical Rescue – a pending 501(c)(3) organization – is currently recruiting members who wish to train and volunteer in swiftwater rescue, tactical emergency casualty care, and later, structural collapse, ropes rescue, and wilderness search and rescue, to name a few. The board of directors is soliciting financial support from local businesses. The organization has already received complete verbal backing from local selectboards in an open meeting earlier this spring. Please direct any questions and offers for donations to OVTR President Stephanie Grover at

• Follow Up to CHS Talk: As a follow up to last Sunday talk at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum-18th Century Healers in Rural Vermont-a list of the guidebooks and other information discussed is now at the CHS blog.

• Cavendish concerts continue with Rick Redington and Tuff Luv: The Town of Cavendish and the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) invite everyone to come to the Svec Memorial Green in Proctorsville for the continuing summer music series. Rick Redington & Tuff Luv will take the stage on Wednesday, July 31, at 6 p.m.



JULY 27 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale. 9-2 pm

JULY 31 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-Rick Redington & Tuff Luv FMI

AUGUST 7 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-Bear Mountain Boys FMI

SEPTEMBER 14 (SATURDAY): Vermont Golden Honey Festival at the Golden Stage Inn. 10-4 FMI: Honey Festival Facebook page