Cavendish Update 2/7/25: Photo Contest/News/Events
1.Cavendish Calendar Photo Contest
2. Cavendish Related News
3. Events Calendar
1. CAVENDISH CALENDAR PHOTO CONTEST: If you could capture the natural beauty of Cavendish and Proctorsville in one photo, what would it be? Share your photos with us from now until March 31 and you’ll automatically be entered into the Cavendish Community & Conservation Association 2026 calendar contest.
The 2026 theme is “Our Natural World.” Your photos can be of wildlife, landscapes, places, people or any other aspect of the outside environment that captures the unique magic of our hometown at any time of year.
Photo submissions can be emailed to Or you can also pick up an entry form at the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library next to the elementary school.
Community-wide voting for the 2026 calendar will be announced in April. Funds raised through calendar sales support town-wide efforts to preserve, celebrate and invest in the physical beauty and community spirit that surrounds us.
If you didn't get a 2025 calendar, we still have limited supplies at a discounted price of $10.
• Mark Huntley Celebration of Life: Known to many in Cavendish and beyond, Mark Huntley, was an integral part of our community serving on the Cavendish Select Board, Cavendish Fire Dept. Prudential Board, Grange, Rotary, both Cavendish and GMUHS school boards, as well as a driving force for Greven Field. He served both Cavendish and Weathersfield as state rep. and ran Huntley Financials in Ludlow for many years. And we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention his other life as a musician in various bands. Our condolences to his family and many friends. Mark’s memorial will be held this Saturday, Feb 8, 1 pm. at the Cavendish Baptist Church. His obituary is available by clicking here.
• CHS Briefs: The February Briefs from the Cavendish Historical Society is now on-line and includes a list of upcoming events and activities.
• TRSU School Budget Meetings: The Two Rivers Supervisory Union will be holding meetings on Feb. 12 (Thursday), 6 pm at CTES to discuss budgets and answer questions, as well as tax implications for the town. On Feb. 19 (Wednesday), the TRSU will be holding a similar meeting at GMUHS, also at 6 pm. According to the Green Mountain Unified School District (GMUSD) Warning, voters are being asked to approve a budget of $18,627,678.00, with an estimated per pupil cost of $14,603.21, which is 18.14% higher than per pupil education spending for the current year.
• Gov. Phil Scott’s education plan would create an optional school choice lottery in every district: Every student would be assigned to a public school for all grades and could opt into the lottery. The five regional districts would designate “school choice schools,” which could be private schools or public schools. VT Digger
FEBRUARY 10 (MONDAY): Cavendish Select Board meeting, 6:30 pm at the Cavendish Town Office. The agenda will be posted to the Cavendish Facebook page when it becomes available. This will include Zoom information.
FEBRUARY 15 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Historical Society’s program on the History of Chocolate with Cavendish chocolatier Maren Mutter. Program will be held at the home of SuperRoasted Coffee, 73 Depot Street, Proctorsville (formerly Crows Bakery). This talk is for those 12 and up. FMI: or 802-226-7807
FEBRUARY 17 (MONDAY): President’s Day. Legal holiday Town Office and Schools Closed
MARCH 1 (SATURDAY): 2 PM Town Meeting Day at the Cavendish Town Elementary Multi Purpose Room. This is an informational meeting only with all articles voted on by Australian Ballot on March 4.
MARCH 4 (TUESDAY): Voting Day. Polls are open from 10-4 at the Proctorsville Fire Hall.
- Mardi Gras! Les Bon Temps Roulette (Let the good times roll)
MARCH 31 (MONDAY): Last day to submit photographs for the Cavendish Calendar Contest. Submit entries to