Cavendish Update 7/13/23: Flood Recovery Day 3


                    EMERGENCY FLOOD POST DAY 3: 7/13/23

Yes, the National Weather Association has issued a flood watch for our area today. The shelter (Cavendish Baptist Church)  is open 24/7 now, serving three meals-eat in, take out and delivery. Take a shower, use the free WiFi, charge your electronic device, and visit with neighbors. No need to be alone, we’re here for you.

Yesterday afternoon the state came through and posted red notices on at least three Depot Street properties. These properties are deemed dangerous and unsafe and are not to be entered or occupied. The state fire Marshalls also thought it would be fun to visit the shelter yesterday. We’re fine but not exactly convenient when you’re trying to house and feed people.

Hope to get a page up today for those with flood damage. I’m running late this morning, who knew oversleeping means getting up at 5:30 instead of 4:00.

A very special thank you this morning to Amanda Gross, who is absolutely amazing at the ins and outs of running the shelter. Along with her kids, as well as her husband Abe, this shelter wouldn’t exist without them. Also very grateful to the Seville family. Gladys is now our chief cook. Miguel does his shifts at the post office in Cavendish and then hits the streets bringing supplies and help. Their kids are also incredible. Just so appreciate the kids, who are all closer to teens now. They don’t complain, help where they can and they are such a bright spot to have around.  It takes many hands to run a shelter, and it’s amazing to have people like Heather, who came because she needed to be relocated, but stayed to help. Cara Tyrell and her daughters are among the amazing volunteers who are doing food deliveries-look for the wagon-and just gotta love Mike McNamara. He makes the best lemon cake you’ll ever have. This flood he’s definitely Mr. Clean. Load after load of cleaning materials are getting to those who need it. He’s checking on everyone.


LUDLOW: By now most know Ludlow has been hit very hard and in many of the same locations as Irene. Shaws, Rite Aid pharmacy are closed as is the Ludlow Health Center. During Irene Shaws ran a tent store and the bank had a trailer. As soon as we know plans we’ll let you know. 103 is open again to Ludlow, though it was temporarily shut yesterday because of a rogue propane tank.


IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY DAMAGE: Call the Shelter 802-226-7131 or the town if you need assistance 802-226-7291. Volunteers are out in the worst hit areas. Let them know what you need. We now have plenty of fans to assist with drying. Lots of cleaning supplies are at the Shelter Store. Remember you’ll need to toss mops and other cleaning tools after you’ve finished. Please follow the Cleaning Up After a Flood guidelines.


FEMA: There is now a website for Vermont Flooding EM-3595-VT. You will be able to submit an application at this site, but it’s not fully operational at this time. It’s recommended that people file a claim as often relief organizations will ask for your FEMA claim number


CANCELLATIONS: The following events have been cancelled

• The Cavendish Historical Society’s hike to the Proctorsville Quarry has been cancelled, but will be rescheduled for the fall. Weather permitting, the Museum will be open on Sunday from 2-4 and you can see pictures of both the 1927 flood and Irene.

• Gloria Leven’s 100th birthday party for Saturday but will be held at a later date

• Heartsaver CPR at the Cavendish Fire Station


TRANSFER STATION: The transfer station will be open this weekend. Hours are Wed and Sat. 8-5 and 10-5 on Sunday.



Immediate needs for the shelter, include: Toilet paper; contractor bags; mops, buckets; bleach; bread, peanut butter; jelly; hamburger buns; individual juices; iced teas

• We need better signage for the shelter. Can someone make a large sign, that’s weather safe, that says “Shelter is Open?” Call the shelter 226-7131 and we can give you more details

• Gift certificates for places like Home Depot, local eateries and gas for those most impacted by the flood.

• Checks for shelter and community support can be sent to Cavendish Baptist Church PO Box 425 Cavendish VT 05142. Checks should be payable to Cavendish Baptist Church, with Emergency Shelter noted on the check. This will be used to help those most impacted by the flood and to buy needed items for the shelter. For some reason, the pay pal account isn’t working and Neal Snyder tried all afternoon to get the Vnemo up and running with no success.

• Check on your neighbor and help where you can.

                          We’re Vermont Strong and Cavendish Safe.