Cavendish Update 7/12/23: Flood Emergency

Depot Street


                                    EMERGENCY FLOOD POST 7/12/23

We’re into major recovery mode today and while the shelter is in full swing, we will have crews out on Depot St. and other locations with water, food, cleaning supplies and lending a hand where needed. We have sump pumps. If you need us to drop off water and meals, call the shelter 802-226-7131 or the town office 802-226-7291. The Shelter Store is well stocked with cleaning supplies and other items. Drop in and get what you need.

The fire stations are now stocking water so if you can’t make it to the shelter, stop there.

For those of us who went through Irene, we find ourselves making a lot of comparisons. While some have been hit hard, and we once again find ourselves with a nasty road situation on route 131, the fact that the town has full power, water and sewer makes this a lot easier to recover from. As Rick Chambers, town manager, pointed out, “We know it gets better.”  

TOWN WATER IS FINE!! There is a rumor that by asking for bottled water that implies something is wrong with the town’s water. Couldn’t be further from the truth. We need the water for first responders, for meals at the shelter and for those who haven’t turned their water back on.  If you have questions about the water, call town manager Rick Chambers 802-226-7291.


STAY SAFE WHEN CLEANING UP AFTER A FLOOD: Don’t wait for FEMA. Just take a lot of pictures/videos that will be helpful for insurance claims and FEMA. Keep records of all expenses. Be sure to check with your insurance company for other requirements needed to make your claim.

Start cleaning now so you can avoid mold. What to do

1.    Shut off gas and electricity.

2.    Wear protective gear.

3.    Remove standing water and all soaked materials. Shovel out mud. Remove wall interior surfaces and insulation.

4.    Scrub walls and floors and then disinfect with bleach solution.

5.    Dry thoroughly before rebuilding.

Cleaning supplies to help you are at the “Shelter Store.” Take what you need.

For more tips see Cleaning Up After a Flood


TRANSFER STATION: The transfer station will be open today. It’s already pretty close to capacity. The goal is to have more dumpsters in place for the weekend. Hours are Wed and Sat. 8-5 and 10-5 on Sunday.



• The Cavendish Shelter-located at the Cavendish Baptist Church- is open 24/7 and serving three meals and snacks. Free WiFi and places to charge electronic devices (bring your own chargers). Please go there for information. Breakfast is at 8 and we have a French Toast Casserole with maple syrup and blueberries.

Power has been restored town wide.

• 103 to Ludlow is now open. Brook Rd to Downers is closed.

• Please check the Cavendish Facebook page regularly for updates



• Immediate needs for the shelter, include: brooms, fans, spray bottles, mops and buckets

• Gift certificates for places like Home Depot, local eateries and gas for those most impacted by the flood.

• Check on your neighbor and help where you can.


IF YOU NEED HELP: If you are having an emergency, please call 911. For non-emergencies, call the town office. They open at 9. 802-226-7291. You can also call the Shelter at 802-226-7131.


LONG TERM SHELTER SUPPORT: Since December, this is the 4th time we’ve opened the shelter. Our weather is changing and we’re having to prepare for it. The shelter needs the following: twin size air mattresses (we fine these are more comfortable then cots and take up the same amount of space); vacuum storage bags (we need to save space by storing bedding in as small a space as possible); storage bins. These items can be dropped off at the Shelter.

                          We’re Vermont Strong and Cavendish Safe.