Cavendish Update 3/3/23: Town Mtg/Batteries/News/Events




1.    Rumor Control: How Batteries are recycled

2.    Town Meeting-In person or zoom

3.    Cavendish Info:

4.    Covid/Flu update

5.    Events


1. RUMOR CONTROL-HOW BATTERIES ARE RECYCLED: Contrary to rumors that all batteries must be wrapped before being recycled, Mary O’Brien, of the Southern Windsor/Windham Counties Solid Waste Management District, has provided factual information about how batteries are handled once they are dropped off at the Electronics Shed at the Cavendish Transfer Station. Alkaline batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9volt) make up the vast majority of the battery market currently. Those can be shipped without any kind of fire-prevention measures. 

Lithium or any other type of rechargeable battery can retain a charge and, under the right conditions, spark a fire. This has happened numerous times. 

Responding to that risk, Call2Recycle, which manages the battery recycling program in Vermont, requires that we bag rechargeables individually before we place them into the shipping boxes (which also have a fire-prevention lining).

Summing up, the bulk of used batteries do NOT have to be bagged. But rechargeables do. That is done at the transfer station by employees.

Please continue to recycle batteries at the transfer station and check out more about the recycling program at If you have concerns about other town related rumors, send them to and we’ll check them out.


2. TOWN MEETING-IN PERSON OR ZOOM: Town Meeting is Monday night, March 6 starting at 7 pm at the Cavendish Town Elementary School. You can participate in person or via Zoom. Below is the information you’ll need for Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 0757 5543

One tap mobile +13052241968,,89307575543# US +13092053325,,89307575543# US

Dial by your location +1 305 224 1968 US

Meeting ID: 893 0757 5543

Find your local number:

While voting is by Australian Ballot is Tuesday, March 7 at the Proctorsville Fire Department from 10-7, for both town and school budget,  there is an important agenda item on Monday night-how Cavendish will use the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds (over $400,000).



• Russel Blair: it is with sadness that we note the passing of Russell Blair, owner of Green Mountain Fire for nearly 28 years, who died Dec. 19, 2022 after a long battle with cancer. A celebration of life will take place this summer.

• Kate Lorenz: Formerly of Cavendish and Chester, Kate died unexpectedly at her home in Belchertown Mass on July 21, 2022 due to heart failure caused by an allergic reaction to a wasp sting. She was 42. Many know her as a member of the band Rusty Belle and singing with her brother Steve. Her obituary is available on-line.

National Women's History Month-Cavendish Women Who Tell Stories. This year's theme is "Celebrating Women who Tell Our Stories." And what amazing stories the women of Cavendish have told and continue to tell. Our youngest was 14 and our first story comes from the 18th century. They have told and tell their stories and others through books, pamphlets, weaving, song, theater and a host of digital forms. Please let us know if we omitted someone by e-mailing or calling 802-226-7807 Enjoy.

• 2024 Cavendish Community Calendar Seeks Photos: For nearly twenty years the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association has produced a community calendar featuring photographs taken by Cavendish residents of Cavendish scenes. Planning for the 2024 calendar is now underway and the planners are looking for local photos. The theme for 2024 is “Cavendish Landscapes.” Photos of mountains, woodlands, gardens, meadows, rivers, buildings, and whatever landscape presents to you within Cavendish will be considered for publication. All photos will be displayed in the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library, and the public will be invited to vote on their favorites in June.  Whether you are a full-time or a part-time resident, take a picture of a view that inspires you and submit it for the 2024 calendar. Application procedures and rules are available at the CCCA website. FMI: or call Robin at 802-259-2327 if you have questions.

• Kick the Winter Blues with Art: We’ve had mud then snow then mud again, so paint some color back into your world by creating a unique birdhouse. Are you inspired by a pirate ship, a saloon, a castle, a duplex, or something more traditional? Many styles are on display at the Village Clipper in Proctorsville, thanks to Hannah, so select one that tickles your fancy and create a sunnier vision. Your work will support the annual Birds & Blooms fundraiser June 24. Thank you from the Cavendish Streetscapes Committee.

• Smokin’ Bowls expands into new location on Route 103 in Proctorsville

Ludlow Police: Mt. Holly man took his own life in parking lot

• HCRS and ICH conducting mental health and substance use assessment: Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS), southeastern Vermont’s non-profit community mental health agency, has announced that they are collaborating with the Institute for Community Health (ICH) to conduct a community needs assessment. This confidential assessment survey seeks to understand people’s needs and experiences related to improving the system of care for mental health and substance use services in Windsor and Windham counties. This survey is focused on capturing the experiences and needs of individuals who receive services in Windham and Windsor counties, those seeking services, and those who have had services in the past. These individuals who complete the online survey will be entered into a drawing for one of five $100 gift cards. The first 500 individuals to complete the survey will also receive a $10 gift card. To complete the assessment survey or obtain further information, visit HCRS’ website.


3. COVID/FLU: On May 11, the Federal Government’s Covid Emergency Status  ends. Many programs are already starting to wind down, including VT reporting PCR testing results-ended Feb. 15. The brief weekly update below will end on May 5, at which time we will provide all information needed for any changes expected.

The VT Dept. of Health wants all Vermonters, particularly those who are most at risk, to make a plan should they develop Covid. People who are more likely to get very sick include older adults (ages 50 years or more, with risk increasing with age), people who are unvaccinated, and people with certain medical conditions, such as chronic lung disease, heart disease, or a weakened immune system. Use the Covid-19 Plan from the Centers for Disease Control to help guide you through the process.

For local information on Covid, please see the Cavendish COVID-19 Resource Guide, which does provide information on Long Covid.

Vaccination for Covid and Flu-  Doctor’s office or pharmacy.  

Free Covid Test kits/masks & hand sanitizer: Available Monday-Friday at the Cavendish Fire Dept from 9-4. For weekends and off hours, call 802-226-7807. Pick up free masks and sanitizer when picking up a test kit. Masks and hand sanitizer are available 24/7, 365 at the CHS Cares Closet, next to the steps of the Museum.

Schools: Only 1 case in the TRSU system on March 1 at Ludlow Elementary

Vermont Covid Surveillance Report: The 2/19-2/25 report indicates low community levels state wide with the exception of Bennington and Rutland counties, which are rated “medium”.  There have been 8 new Covid deaths, bringing the state total to 925, with 23 in February. No outbreaks are reported for Windsor County.

Vermont Flu Surveillance Report. The 2/12-2/18 reports VT as continuing to have minimal levels of flu statewide.



MARCH 6 (MONDAY): Town Meeting (informational), 7 pm at the Cavendish Town Elementary School in Proctorsville. There is also a Zoom option-please see Item 2 above for connecting via Zoom. How Cavendish should use its ARPA funds will be discussed.

MARCH 7 (TUESDAY): Voting takes place from 10-7 at the Proctorsville Fire Hall.

MARCH 12 (SUNDAY): Daylight Savings Time Begins. Set clocks ahead one hour


MARCH 21 (TUESDAY): "Let's Draw Impossible Animals," with cartoonist Rick Stromoski, at 3:15 pm at the Cavendish Library. This will be a hybrid program. To register for this program, email or call 802-226-7503.

APRIL 7 (FRIDAY): Good Friday. Town Office Closed

APRIL 8 (SATURDAY): Free Easter Dinner. The Ludlow & Proctorsville Fire Depts., in conjunction with Black River Good Neighbors are providing an Easter Dinner, which can be picked up curbside at the Ludlow Community Center from 12-2. The meal includes ham, potatoes, gravy, corn, roll and dessert. To reserve your meal, call Angela at 802-356-3823 by April 1. Maximum 125 dinners provided