Cavendish Update 2/28/25: Town Mtg Day/News/Events


TOWN MEETING DAY IS TOMORROW SATURDAY MARCH 1- 2PM AT CAVENDISH TOWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. This is an informational meeting with voting taking place by Australian Ballot on Tuesday, March 4, 10-7 at the Proctorsville Fire Hall. You can join Town Meeting by zoom-link is at the Town website-yellow banner-



1.    Black River Flood Resiliency Plan-Public Workshop

2.    Cavendish Related News

3.    Events Calendar


1. BLACK RIVER FLOOD RESILIENCY PLAN-PUBLIC WORKSHOP: The towns of Plymouth, Ludlow and Cavendish are developing a flood resilience plan for the Black River and its tributaries. The plan will develop strategies to mitigate flooding based on public input and past studies. The plan will serve as a roadmap for developing future flood resilience projects.

To support the plan’s development, Mount Ascutney Regional Planning (MARC) is hosting an open house to share more about the project and to hear from you, on March 27 (Thursday), from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Ludlow Town Hall. Please stop by to learn about the project and share your ideas on topics like: Desire project outcomes and other benefits you hope to achieve; Community preferences and vision for creating flood mitigation strategies; Identify potential project sites and how projects should be prioritized. Food and drinks will be provided. FMI:



• Flooding long past, many Vermont municipalities are still swimming in red ink: Cavendish is one of the town’s listed in this article. Cavendish, population 1,392, had approved an annual municipal budget of about $2 million when the July 2023 storm caused an equal amount of damage. A year and a half later, the town has received only about $400,000 in FEMA funds for debris cleanup and emergency spending, with reimbursement for everything else — including $82,000 in loan interest that’s eligible for federal repayment — still outstanding. “They send back requests for more details and documentation,” said Diane McNamara, Cavendish’s town clerk and treasurer. “People think the flood is over, but for those of us who are dealing with the paperwork, it’s not.” VT Digger

• CHS Winter Newsletter: The Cavendish Historical Society’s Winter Newsletter is now on-line and includes upcoming events and activities being planned. Included in this issue is the speech Solzhenitsyn gave at Town Meeting in 1994, shortly before he returned to Russia.

• Easter Dinner: The Proctorsville and Ludlow Fire Departments will once again be providing FREE Easter Dinners cooked by members of the Ludlow and Proctorsville Fire Departments. 125 Dinners will be provided. They can be picked up on April 19 from 12-2 at the Ludlow Fire Department.  The menu includes ham, potatoes, gravy, corn, roll and dessert. Call Angela 802-356-3823 by April 17 to reserve your free dinner.



MARCH 1 (SATURDAY): 2 PM Town Meeting Day at the Cavendish Town Elementary School Multi Purpose Room. This is an informational meeting only with all articles voted on by Australian Ballot on March 4.

MARCH 4 (TUESDAY): Voting Day. Polls are open from 10-4 at the Proctorsville Fire Hall.

-       Mardi Gras! Les Bon Temps Roulette (Let the good times roll)

MARCH 12 (WEDNESDAY): 6 pm at the Cavendish Library, Sheryl  Faye will be telling the story of Susan B. Anthony, a women’s rights activist and a prominent figure in American history.

MARCH 27 (THURSDAY): Black River Flood Resiliency Public Workshop, 6:30-7:30 at the Ludlow Town Hall.  Food and Drink provided.

MARCH 31 (MONDAY): Last day to submit photographs for the Cavendish Calendar Contest. Submit entries to

APRIL 19 (SATURDAY): FREE Easter Dinners cooked by members of the Ludlow and Proctorsville Fire Departments. 125 Dinners will be provided. They can be picked up on April 19 from 12-2 at the Ludlow Fire Department.  The menu includes ham, potatoes, gravy, corn, roll and dessert. Call Angela 802-356-3823 by April 17 to reserve your free dinner.

MAY 10 (SATURDAY): Last day to add your voice to the CCCA community survey.