Cavendish Update 8/20/21: Scam Alert/Construction/News/Covid/Events



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1.    Construction Reports

2.    Scam Alert

3.    Cavendish Info

4.    Covid update

5.    Events

1. CONSTRUCTION REPORTS: A report on the route 131 project was not sent in time for the Update. As soon as it is received, it will be posted to the Cavendish Facebook page.

Bridge @ Exit 8 Week of 8/23: Full-depth approach work on both ends of Bridge 30S has been completed. The final pour for F-Barrier is scheduled for today. Once completed, all concrete work on Bridge 30S will be finished. Crews will be striping the deck and removing the forms next week. Expect lane closures on VT 131.

RT 100 Plymouth: Road closure projected for Aug. 30- Sept. 26. Two culverts along VT Route 100 between Plymouth and Bridgewater are slated for replacement. The official detour, heading north from Ludlow on Route 100, is to take Route 100A through Plymouth and connect with Route 4 to reconnect with Route 100 in Bridgewater. This detour is a total of 12.6 miles and an additional 17 minutes; drivers should plan accordingly for the duration of the project. Routes 100 and 100A are also scheduled for paving this year. The projects have been contracted out to Pike Industries Inc. As of this week, Pike Industries is already working on Route 100A, preparing berm removal, ditching, and improving guardrails. When paving begins, drivers should expect alternating one-way traffic with automated flagger assistance devices.


2. SCAM ALERT: Scammers are Using Cryptocurrency to Steal Your Money The following alert is from the VT Attorney General’s Office. Recently, three Vermonters reported losing just under $1 million in total to cryptocurrency scams. As a peer-to-peer spending source, every type of scam could at any point use cryptocurrency as the preferred form of payment. Cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer spending source commonly referred to as “Bitcoin.” Scammers like cryptocurrency, because there is no third-party banking institution involved in the transfer of funds and most transactions cannot be reversed.

Known cryptocurrency scams include: Ponzi schemes; investment scams and unlicensed sellers; stock scams; and hackers and computer tech support scams. Computer hackers have drained personal accounts and have compromised entire cryptocurrency systems. Use extreme caution when searching for computer tech support help. Seek guidance and advice from your friends and relatives when trying to locate a tech support company. Never allow remote access to your computer or click links in a strange email or pop-up, doing so can put all your accounts at risk.

As a new currency, cryptocurrency is complex.  Consumers must do thorough research before buying or investing in cryptocurrency.  Learn more about cryptocurrency and scams on the CAP Connection blog.

If you have been impacted by this scam, please contact the Consumer Assistance Program right away.  You can report scams using our online scam reporting form or call the Consumer Assistance Program at 800-649-2424. 



Last summer concert:  The Town of Cavendish will close its 2021 summer music series with a concert by The Break Maids on Proctorsville’s Svec Memorial Green, Saturday, August 28th at 5:30 pm. This concert was postponed in July due to threatening weather. It will start early so that it can finish before dark.

Back to School Supplies: Benson’s Chevrolet is collecting  back to school supplies for Cavendish, Ludlow and Mt. Holly. Items may be dropped off at Benson’s Sales department, Mon-Fri from 8-5 and from 8-noon on Saturday. Items needed for k-6th include: backpacks, pencils, colored pencils, manual pencil sharpeners, erasers, crayons, Elmer’s Glue, pocket folders, washable markers, tissues, glue sticks, one-subject notebooks, small snap plastic pencil cases, kids’ blunt tip scissors, pens, art supplies, binders, and composition notebooks. Items needed for ESBR (Expeditionary School at Black River) (7-12) include: academic year/day planners, highlighters, sticky notes, statistic calculators, Adobe Suite software, and one-subject notebooks. FMI: 228-4000.

BRGN’s “Back to School Supplies” Project: Pick up an application today for school supplies for your kids! Cavendish families are eligible for this program. Applications are at the thrift store (37B Main St., Ludlow) or on-line  The thrift store is open Mon-Sat from 10-4. FMI 228-3663 or

Census Data for Cavendish, Chester, Ludlow: According to the 2020 census, Cavendish now has a population of 1,417, which is a 1.8% increase (25 people) over 2010’s census. Ludlow’s population increased 10.6% (209 people) for a current population of 2,381. Chester’s population decreased by 3.5% (149 fewer people) to 2,856.

Vermont State Fair: The Annual VT State Fair in Rutland runs from Aug. 17-Aug. 21. Check the Fair’s website to learn about special events and reduce admission days.


4. COVID UPDATE: The dates for the Covid vaccine clinic at the Cavendish Volunteer Fire Dept. have been moved up to Sept 1 (Wednesday) 3-7pm Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson; Sept 22 (Wednesday) 3-7 pm 2nd dose of Pfizer. Vaccines are free. These dates should help to make it easier for people to get their 3rd dose following recent state and federal guidelines:

• 3rd Dose for Moderately or Severely Immunocompromised: Anyone who is moderately or severely immunocompromised, and has received the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer or Moderna) Covid vaccine, should receive a third dose. Qualifying Vermonters can get the third dose from their doctor’s office (Ludlow Health Center is a designated site), pharmacies (Rite Aid in Ludlow) and pop-up clinics (the Cavendish Fire Dept. vaccine clinic on Sept. 1 will be offering free Pfizer vaccine from 3-7 pm). Those qualifying for this shot, distribution, which begins the latter part of this week, will need to meet one of the following criteria:

-       Receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood;

-       Organ transplant recipient and taking meds to suppress immune system; -

-       Received a stem cell transplant in the last two years;

-       Taking medications to suppress immune function;

-       Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge Syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome;

-       Advanced or untreated HIV infection;

-       Active treatment with high dose corticosteroids.

If you are unsure if you qualify, contact your medical provider.

• Booster Shots for Those Who Received mRNA vaccines: On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement. "Based on our latest assessment, the current protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death could diminish in the months ahead, especially among those who are at higher risk or were vaccinated during the earlier phases of the vaccination rollout,"  COVID-19 booster shots are set to become available for those 18+ the week of Sept. 20, subject to FDA and the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) review and recommendation. The booster dose should be given 8 months after the date of a person’s second dose. If you had your second shot on Feb. 20, your booster should be scheduled for Oct. 20.

• Johnson & Johnson: VT Dept. of Health stated on Tuesday that people who received the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine would also likely need an additional one to prolong its effectiveness. The J & J vaccine is similar to the AstraZenca vaccine-both use an adenovirus- used in parts of Europe. In Germany, the recommendation has been that the second shot should be one of the mRNAs. Early studies  show the mix generated a robust immune response. San Francisco has been giving a supplemental mRNA dose for those who’ve received J & J. More data will be forthcoming and hopefully will be in time for the launch of booster doses the week of Sept. 20th. In the meantime, be assured that the J & J vaccine is doing what it was designed to do by significantly reducing morbidity and mortality from the Delta variant.

On Tuesday, Gov. Scott stated the following, The data shows vaccines are preventing cases. Yes, there are so-called “breakthrough” cases, but that term is misleading. We always knew vaccines weren’t 100% effective, but they HAVE minimized cases and severity.  Because in the rare cases where a fully vaccinated person does get it, they’re unlikely to go to the hospital and are often asymptomatic.  Since January, only 2% of cases have been fully vaccinated Vermonters. Of 430,000+ fully-vaccinated VTers, 0.1% have gotten COVID, 0.004% have been hospitalized and 0.002% have died, most of whom had other chronic conditions contributing to this outcome. I don't share this to sugarcoat anything, but to reinforce that vaccines are working and to help Vermonters understand their current risk, which continues to be very low for those who are fully vaccinated.

• The Numbers: Yesterday there were 169 new cases (26,663 total cases), with 21 people hospitalized with nine in the ICU. As of Tuesday, no children were hospitalized. This week there have been four deaths bringing the total to 268.

According to Tuesday’s modeling forecast VT should reach its peak in Delta variant cases around mid-September. This would be in keeping with global data, which shows that peak is reached 7-9 weeks after the initial rise in cases, after which it drops off rapidly. While cases continue to increase nationally, regionally and in VT, it’s not increasing as rapidly as it was in July. The increase from the previous week was 41% versus 83% from the previous week. From 1/1/21-8/13/21, of 418,230 vaccinated Vermonters, 630 tested positive. Of that group, 18 were hospitalized and 8 have died.

 • Data by community is provided every other week. The most recent data is up to Aug. 11. Cavendish has had no cases reported since the May 19 reporting-30 cases total- while Ludlow has had 8 cases (total 87); Chester  11 (111 total); and Springfield 24 (total 307) in the May 19-Aug. 11 time period.

• Make vaccination a priority! School starts September 7 (Tuesday), vaccinated the 12-17 year old group with the Pfizer vaccine and have them protected by the start of school. Those 18+ can be vaccinated with one dose of the Johnson & Johnson, which provides protection after two weeks. Vaccination is available locally at the Rite Aid Pharmacy in Ludlow (228-8477) or Ludlow Health Center (226-8867). Pop up testing sites are listed at the state’s website .  



AUGUST 21 (SATURDAY: Fletcher Farm Craft Sale. Vendors and volunteers needed. FMI: Festival Director Sue Carey at

AUGUST 28 (SATURDAY): Last Proctorsville Green Concert featuring the Break Maids, 5:30 pm. Concerts are free and open to the public. Rain location is Gethsemane Church off Depot St.

SEPTEMBER 1 (WEDNESDAY): Free COVID vaccination clinic at the Cavendish Fire Department from 3-7 pm. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be administered. Vaccines are free

SEPTEMBER 7 (TUESDAY): First day of school.

SEPT. 11 (SATURDAY): VT Golden Honey Festival 10-4 at the Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville Depot St. Free

            • 20th Anniversary of 9/11: Local remembrance by area fire departments. A march will begin at the Ludlow Fire Station at 12:30 pm and end at Veteran’s Park in Ludlow. A ceremony with guest speakers will take place at 1 pm with lunch to follow. This event remembers those who lost their lives that day as well as those who have died from complications from exposures sustained in rescue operations.

·      RiverSweep

SEPT. 12 (SUNDAY): Annual Phineas Gage Walk & Talk. Meet at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum at 2 pm. The tour is about 1 1/2 miles round trip. Walking shoes are recommended. Included in the tour is the site of the accident. FMI: or 802-226-7807

SEPTEMBER 22 (WEDNESDAY): ): Free COVID vaccination clinic at the Cavendish Fire Department from 3-7 pm. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be administered. Vaccines are free

OCTOBER 3 (SUNDAY): Fitton-the Mill, the Firebug, and Everything in Between. Starting at 2 pm at the Museum, there will be a talk on the Fitton (Spring) Mill, the town that grew up around it-Fittonsville- and the man Robert “Firebug” Fitton who was responsible for its demise and lots of other property in the town of Cavendish. The talk will be following by a walk out to the site where the Mill, boarding house, and other structures once stood. Wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for walking on uneven terrain. FMI: 802-226-7807

OCTOBER 9 (THURSDAY): Free Covid Vaccine Clinic at the Cavendish Fire Dept. 3-7 pm Pfizer.

DECEMBER 12 (SUNDAY): Christmas Ghost Walk-Proctorsville. 7 pm, meet at the Proctorsville War Memorial. Free and open to the public. FMI: 802-226-7807.