Cavendish Update 8/13/21: SB Mtg/Construction/Covid/Events

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Heat Advisory continues today. Read Beat the Heat in Cavendish for ways to cool off.


1.    Cavendish Select Board Meeting 8/9/21

2.    RT 131 Construction/Bridge @ Exit 8 Update from VTrans 8/12/21

3.    Cavendish Info

4.    Covid update

5.    Events

1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 8/9/21: The video of the Cavendish Select Board (SB) meeting is now available at the Okemo Valley TV website.

Depot Street: Speeding continues on Depot St. in Proctorsville. Recommend using radar traffic signs, which are very effective.

Junk Yard Ordinance: This ordinance, while valid, was adopted in 2006. Consequently, there are issues with the document as it’s now 15 years old and the community needs to be able to review it and provide input. At the Sept. SB meeting, an action plan for town wide review with implementation in spring 2022 will be discussed. Dwayne Warren, who recognizes his property on Main St. in Proctorsville will most likely be sited, stated that he wasn’t going to stand by and be singled out as he feels this was done to him in the past.

Proposal for paving of the parking lot adjacent to CTES. The TRSU has asked if the town would like the area in front of Bidgood Park, adjacent to the school, paved as they are in the process of paving the current school parking lot. The cost to the town would be $12,000. While the park is town property, the parking there is all associated with the school. A motion was not made.

• Catering Application for Sam’s Steakhouse @ 1589 Main Street, Cavendish for a one-time event.

• Renewal of Solar Bond note in the amount of $256,5000

• The issuing of a notice of compliance and a fine, under the Animal Control Ordinance, to a property owner on Rodgers Drive whose dogs have been a significant problem for years.

131 Paving Project update: There is a discrepancy between sidewalk and road in various locations, possibly as a result of elevation calculations error. The project may now be replacing side walk up to the Black River Commons and in the area near the Stone Church. Pavement is crumbling and/or has been eliminated in some locations by the project.. This is to be addressed with a plan going to town manager, Brendan McNamara, by the end of the week. See item 2 for the current update on the project including starting the work in Proctorsville next week.

Cavendish Gulf Rd Property: Sold at auction. Deed is transferred. Health violation has been rectified with the removal of the trash . There is an issue with the culvert on the driveway. Town will take care of this, at it could damage the Gulf Rd. A lean will be put on the house to recoup costs.

2. RT 131 CONSTRUCTION/BRIDGE @ EXIT 8 UPDATE-8/2/21: Please direct questions and concerns to Natalie Boyle at Vtrans802-855-3893 or The updates below are from Vtrans:

Rt 131: Placement of curbing will continue next week. Guardrail work to continue next week. Roadway ditching operations will continue next week. Adjustments to drainage structures is scheduled to continue next week. Cold Planing (grinding of the top 2 inches of existing asphalt) in Proctorville is scheduled to begin next week. Alternating one-way traffic will be in effect in the vicinity of cold planing operations. Please expect delays.

Bridge @ Exit 8: South end approach work is completed and north end approach work should be finished this week. The second of three pours for F-Barrier to be done this week. F-Barrier is scheduled for completion next week. Formwork on the concrete rail on the south approach slab is scheduled for completion next week.



• Black River Water Testing: Water testing on the Black River showed satisfactory levels on Wednesday, and is safe for recreating. Note that no water test was done on Buttermilk Falls It is recommended to stay out of the water for 24 hours after a heavy rain or any time it appears cloudy. Test results are posted to Is it Clean?

• TRSU board hears reopening plans, hires GM board member: Superintendent Lauren Fierman is recommending following the state guidance of masking required for elementary schools, with masking the first 10 days for GM and if 80% of the student population is vaccinated, masks would be optional for those vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated must continue to wear a mask. Note that vaccinations are only available for those 12 and above. It will be up to each district make their own choice in this matter. There is no remote option for children this year though the Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative is providing classes to high school students. Chester Telegraph

• Cavendish Library Lego Club: A Lego club is coming to the Cavendish Library! Do you have Legos gathering dust in a corner? Please consider donating them to the library for this ongoing activity! FMI: 226-7503

• Vt. independent contractors, gig workers to lose unemployment benefits next month

Vermont State Police warn about text scam for driver license renewal


4. COVID UPDATE: A Covid vaccine clinic is coming to Cavendish Volunteer Fire Dept. Sept. 19 (Thursday) 3-7pm Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson; Oct. 9 (Thursday) 3-7 pm 2nd dose of Pfizer. Vaccines are free.

 Cases are rising, along with clusters, hospitalizations and deaths. VT’s Health Commissioner, Dr. Mark Levine, recommends “Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate.” On Tuesday, Levine said that 75% of those in the hospital were unvaccinated. Yesterday, Aug. 12, VT had 114 new cases (25,883 total cases), the highest one day total so far in the latest surge with 25 people hospitalized, including 8 in the ICU. There was an additional death, bringing the total for August to four (264 total deaths).

As of yesterday, 84.7% of Vermonters, age 12 + have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine.

VT Covid Cases in Children: For the month of August, ending on 8/11,  VT has seen 109 (16% of 674 total) new Covid cases among children too young to be vaccinated. As of Tuesday, no children were in the hospital.

FDA Authorizes Third Covid-19 Dose for People with Weakened Immunity. Last evening the FDA amended the emergency use authorization for both Pfizer and Moderna, to allow for an additional dose for certain immunocompromised people, specifically, solid organ transplant recipients or those who are diagnosed with conditions that are considered to have an equivalent level of immunocompromise. The CDC estimates the population to be less than three percent of adults.

Masking: The CDC  recommends that anyone, regardless of vaccination status, who lives where “substantial” or “high” infection rates are occurring, should mask when indoors. According to the CDC’s Covid-19 Integrated County View map  all of the NH counties are now reporting “substantial:” or “high” number of cases.  In Vermont, the only county with “moderate” cases is Grand Isle. Windsor now has “substantial” cases.

Many towns, businesses, stores etc. are following the CDC guidance and requiring the wearing of masks indoors. If you are in need of cloth or surgical masks they are available for free at the CHS Cares Closet next to the Museum steps.

Mandated vaccines: UVM Health Network, all employees; Norwich University; VT state employees at certain locations (prisons, the Vermont Veterans’ Home and state-owned psychiatric facilities)

Note that Vermont no longer has an emergency order in place and the Governor has no plans to enact one. Consequently, while the state can offer guidance and make recommendations about masking and vaccination, they can’t enforce it.

Make vaccination a priority! School starts September 7 (Tuesday), vaccinated the 12-17 year old group with the Pfizer vaccine and have them protected by the start of school. Those 18+ can be vaccinated with one dose of the Johnson & Johnson, which provides protection after two weeks. Vaccination is available locally at the Rite Aid Pharmacy in Ludlow (228-8477) or Ludlow Health Center (226-8867). Pop up testing sites are listed at the state’s website.  



AUGUST 14 (SATURDAY): 4-6 PM  Ice Cream Social at the Cavendish Library  A community get together. See the new layout of the library and get  to meet new people now residing in our area or even just to reacquaint with others we haven't  seen since the pandemic hit. Free and open to the public. FMI: 226-7503

AUGUST 15 (SUNDAY): What’s in the Cavendish Historical Society Museum’s Medicine Cabinet? Talk begins at 2 pm at the Museum and will feature Dan Churchill who worked at Pollard’s store compounding medicine from 8th-12th grades. FMI: or 802-226-7807. Please note that masking will be required regardless of vaccination status. Masks will be provided.

AUGUST 18 (WEDNESDAY): 7pm  Book Club Evening at the Cavendish Library. Discussion of Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu  Kawaguchi.  Books available at the library or electronically thru Hoopla. This is a free and open event. FMI: 226-7503

AUGUST 21 (SATURDAY: Fletcher Farm Craft Sale. Vendors and volunteers needed. FMI: Festival Director Sue Carey at

SEPTEMBER 7 (TUESDAY): First day of school.

SEPT. 11 (SATURDAY): VT Golden Honey Festival 10-4 at the Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville Depot St. Free

            • 20th Anniversary of 9/11: Local remembrance by area fire departments. A march will begin at the Ludlow Fire Station at 12:30 pm and end at Veteran’s Park in Ludlow. A ceremony with guest speakers will take place at 1 pm with lunch to follow. This event remembers those who lost their lives that day as well as those who have died from complications from exposures sustained in rescue operations.

·      RiverSweep

SEPT. 12 (SUNDAY): Annual Phineas Gage Walk & Talk. Meet at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum at 2 pm. The tour is about 1 1/2 miles round trip. Walking shoes are recommended. Included in the tour is the site of the accident. FMI: or 802-226-7807

SEPTEMBER 19 (THURSDAY): Free COVID vaccination clinic at the Cavendish Fire Department from 3-7 pm. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be administered. Vaccines are free

OCTOBER 3 (SUNDAY): Fitton-the Mill, the Firebug, and Everything in Between. Starting at 2 pm at the Museum, there will be a talk on the Fitton (Spring) Mill, the town that grew up around it-Fittonsville- and the man Robert “Firebug” Fitton who was responsible for its demise and lots of other property in the town of Cavendish. The talk will be following by a walk out to the site where the Mill, boarding house, and other structures once stood. Wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for walking on uneven terrain. FMI: 802-226-7807

OCTOBER 9 (THURSDAY): Free Covid Vaccine Clinic at the Cavendish Fire Dept. 3-7 pm Pfizer.

DECEMBER 12 (SUNDAY): Christmas Ghost Walk-Proctorsville. 7 pm, meet at the Proctorsville War Memorial. Free and open to the public. FMI: 802-226-7807.

Oct. 9 (Thursday) 3-7 pm 2nd dose of Pfizer.