Cavendish Update 5/8/20: 131/Water/News/Updates

True even in a pandemic: Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.

True even in a pandemic: Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.

CHECK THE CAVENDISH VT FACEBOOK PAGE DAILY FOR THE LATEST NEWS You don’t have to be a Facebook subscriber to see this page.


1. Food Drive for Black River Good Neighbor

2. What’s Been Happening

3. Events

We’re staying home today for our children.

Masks are available by e-mailing Please note that children’s masks will be going home via CTES for those that completed the school’s survey.  

Road Construction: Yahoo! The most important news first-Work has begun on 131. Beginning in Cavendish at the intersection of VT Route 103 and VT Route 131 it will continue East for 9 miles into Weathersfield and ending at the intersection of VT 131 and VT 106. Projects for this season include: drainage work, a box culvert replacement located near Glimmerstone Mansion, slope stabilization, ledge removal and river bank work. Work to be performed in 2021 includes course milling, full-depth reclaim of the roadway, paving, guardrail replacement, pavement markings and new signage. So work is beginning but the big changes we want to see alas must wait for 2021. Learn more.

Cavendish Municipal Water Users Please Watch Use: Given the numbers of people at home, there is a lot of demand for water. Please use wisely-it can save you money- by taking shorter showers; turn off water while brushing your teeth, shaving, washing hands; check for drips and leaks; wash full loads for dishwasher and washing machines; don’t use your toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket (each flush takes 5-7 gallons of water); keep water in the frig so you don’t run water to cool it for drinking; don’t wash cars at this time; and clean driveways, sidewalks and steps with a broom and not water.

Crows and Murdock’s are now open for takeout: Crows Bakery and Murdock’s are open for take out. Be sure to check their respective Facebook pages for menus and other information.

Looking for Mother’s Day Gifts?: Today, from noon until 5, stop by 381 Main St.(near Singleton’s), you can purchase red tulips and help raise money for the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS). Lily Calabrese Pottery in Proctorsville is offering curbside pickup of that perfect pottery item for Mom.

Stay Home Rules Now allow small gatherings, play dates, golf and outdoor recreation: Vermonters may leave home and resume some get-togethers, preferably outside and 6 feet apart. “Play Smart and Play Safe Addendum 6 to the Executive Order (Stay Home/Stay Safe), is hereby amended to make clear Vermonters may leave home to get fresh air and exercise and resume limited social interactions and gatherings of 10 or fewer, preferably in outdoor settings, provided that physical distancing and protocols for hygiene consistent with guidance from VDH and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), are observed. To keep disease from spreading this means:

• Always staying home and away from others if you are sick with COVID-19, have recently been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, or just don’t feel well.

• Keeping a 6-foot distance from others when you meet people outside of your household.

• Frequently washing your hands (hand sanitizer is acceptable when soap and water are not available).

• Coughing and sneezing into your elbow (even if you are wearing a facial covering).

• Wearing a facial covering over your nose and mouth, as set forth further in Section 2 below.

Vermonters may leave home to participate in outdoor recreation and outdoor fitness activities that require low or no direct physical contact. With respect to these limited social interactions or gatherings of 10 or fewer:

• Vermonters must prioritize protecting those at higher risk for severe illness.

• Continue to limit non-essential travel; all travel should be limited to Vermont to the extent possible and when you do travel, limit non-essential stops. Anyone who leaves Vermont for more than one day for non-essential travel is required to quarantine at home for 14 days upon their return.

Older adults (age 65 and over), and people with underlying medical conditions, like heart and lung disease or diabetes… should continue to shelter in place, and family and friends should do everything they can to help keep them safe.

Read the Addendum for more information.  Please note the information about public mask use. All Vermonters are encouraged to wear face coverings over their nose and mouth any time they are interacting with others from outside their households, including in congregate outdoor settings. Masks are not recommended for strenuous outdoor activity. Businesses and non-profit and government entities may require customers or clients to wear masks.

Covid and kids New data is emerging to show that children can develop multi-syndrome inflammatory syndrome . The illness may come as a "post-immune reaction to COVID," meaning the body seemingly overcompensates and essentially keeps fighting a disease that is no longer attacking the body — possibly even weeks after having contracted a virus like COVID-19. Symptoms to look out for include: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, low grade fever, rash, conjunctivitis or cracked lips.  VT pediatricians are now testing children for Covid.

Health Services Opening: Outpatient procedures and surgeries, in person clinic visits and diagnostic imaging services (x-ray, MRI, CT scan) can now resume. Elective surgeries that require overnight stays (e.g. knee or hip replacement) still need to wait. Enhanced safety protocols will be put in place including screening all individuals entering for Covid symptoms as well as requiring a face mask. Providers are releasing specific guidelines for their respective practices. Rutland Regional Medical Center.

706 Vermonters Have Recovered: VDH is adding a new stat to their data, number of people who have recovered. To date of 908 confirmed cases, 52 have died, but 706 Vermonters have recovered. The rest may still be recovering and/or haven’t checked in with VDH.

Summer camps are still up in the air waiting for guidelines. However, 10 of the states 35 camps that belong to the VT Camp Association have already announced they will be closed.

Take Economic Mitigation and Recovery Task Force Outreach Survey: The Local Support and Community Action Team of the Economic Mitigation and Recovery Task Force needs your help prioritizing high impact ideas and actions identified by diverse stakeholders for COVID-19 recovery. Take the survey by May 12 (Tuesday). 

1. FOOD DRIVE FOR BRGN: Black River Good Neighbor (BRGN) has been doing an incredible job making sure the people of the Okemo Valley, including Cavendish, are being fed. Here is an opportunity to help them in helping others.

Cavendish Connects and the Cavendish Baptist Church are sponsoring a food drive for the month of May.  Drop off items (see below) at the Cavendish Baptist Church. From the side of the building, enter the door closest to the parking lot-has a roof over the door-and leave donations in the designated box. Donations can also be left at the front door of BRGN (you will not be able to enter the building)  in Ludlow from 10-3, Monday-Friday.

If you prefer not to shop, you can donate at their website or send a check to BRGN 37 B Main St. Ludlow, VT 05149.

 All items should be non-perishable and in-date. Items needed:

• Canned: fruits, vegetables, baked beans. meat, tuna, soup, stews

• Pasta

• Mac & Cheese

• Cereal

• Coffee (this is a big plus)

• Baking items: sugar, flour, salt, pepper

• Condiments: Ketchup, mayo and mustard

• Peanut Butter

• Jelly

• Paper Products: Toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex

• Cleaning Products: Dish detergent; laundry detergent


GMUSD looks for 10-15% cut from recently approved 2020-21 budget

• Judge rules Springfield Hospital can apply for SBA loan: After Springfield Hospital was told it couldn’t get a Small Business Administration loan, a judge ruled Monday that the organization can apply for the federal funds despite bankruptcy proceedings.

• Retesting challenges keep some inmates in ‘surge’ facility longer than expected: A l Cormier of the Vermont Department of Corrections has called some of the results of the retesting of inmates and staff to determine if they still have the coronavirus “bizarre.” He said each inmate had to obtain two negative tests to show they no longer had the virus in order to leave the “surge” facility set up at the St. Johnsbury prison. “We’ve had a number of inmates that have been tested three times, we’re actually going on a fourth test for some of these guys,” Cormier said. “They’re testing positive, then they’re testing negative, then they’re positive again.” VT Digger

Scott has ‘concerns’ with expanded mail-in voting for general election

Summer tourism looks bleak; Scott tells visitors to stay away, for now

Darn Tough introduces new socks to raise money for VT food bank



3.. UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy.

MAY 11 (MONDAY): Ludlow Community Blood Drive 12:30-5:30 at the Ludlow Community Center, 37 Main St. Wear a facemask and use hand sanitizer. For an appointment, go to or call 1-800-733-2767

• Manufacturing and construction can return to work

• Cavendish Select Board Meeting, agenda call in  information  available at the Cavendish Connects Calendar.

Staying home for Patty; Bob Kirkbride; Singletons; Dave Norton;  Deb Hryckiewicz;  Ludlow Ambulance Service; the Cavendish Water/Waste Water Treatment Team; Rocky and the Cavendish Transfer Station Crew; Cavendish Town Crew; Mt. Ascutney Hospital; Cavendish/Proctorsville firefighters & first responders; Mack Molding employees; Shaw’s Ludlow employees;  the healthcare workers who have died of Covid-19; Black River Good Neighbors;  family and friends we have lost to Covid-19; and our children

  Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.  

                     Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.