Cavendish Update 5/4/20: Water/News/Events

Everybody had to laugh at Aubrey’s internet jokes

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1.    What’s Been Happening

2.    Events

MESSAGE FOR THOSE ON CAVENDISH MUNICIPAL WATER: Please be mindful of water usage. With people staying at home, there has been a bigger demand for water. This is not the time to wash cars or fill swimming pools (not that anybody is going to be swimming for a while).

With another turn of the spigot manufacturing and construction of 10 or fewer employees can reopen today. If trends remain low, “manufacturing, construction, and distribution operations may restart with as few employees as necessary to permit full operations while continuing to maintain health and safety,” by May 11. Read More.

It’s all about the trends. Instead of focusing on numbers, it’s the overall decline in rates that are what’s being monitored, be it new cases, deaths or hospitalizations. As long as we stay on the same trajectory we’re on, more will be opening and the Stay at Home order will be lifted mid-month. In the months ahead, until there is a vaccine or effective treatment, expect people and even locations to be quarantined, as with more testing more cases will be found.

How Data is Kept It’s important to understand how data is being kept as in March and early April, it was as changeable as the weather. Like spring, which appears to finally have settled in, the only data that is being reported is for Vt residents.  As of May 3, 897 VT residents  have tested positive and 52 have died, including two residents of the Okemo Valley. Does VT test non-residents? Yes they do, but they are counted in the state where they reside, not in VT.

Data by Town: When you look at the newly revised data by town,   no Cavendish resident has tested positive to date, while Ludlow, Chester, Reading and Plymouth are all listed as having 1-5 cases. However, it doesn’t mean that people haven’t been quarantined here for exposures nor does it tell us if an infected 2nd homeowner or visitor was here. In short, don’t go by the numbers on the town map to assure yourself Covid isn’t an issue for us. Not the case at all, the state’s town map is only giving us one view.  Please continue to practice social distancing -6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.

Symptoms for Covid-19 Have Expanded to include all of the following: cough, fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, loss of sense of taste or smell, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat. Anyone with these symptoms can be tested, along with anyone who has had a direct exposure to someone who is positive.

Testing is key and VT has expanded testing. Pediatricians are being asked to test kids and teens with flu like symptoms. VT is also part of a CDC project for multiple rounds of testing at elder care facilities with positive cases. If you think you need a test, you can now get one. You will need a doctor’s order. If you don’t have a primary care provider, call the Ludlow Health Center 802-228-8867.

Our neighboring states are still having significant outbreaks. This is very concerning for the Governor, who is fearful  that “an ember,” an infected visitor, could “spark a wild fire” in VT. He mentions this in all of his press conferences, often more than once.  Justifiable concerns, Mass has had 66,263 cases, 3,846 deaths and people are still dying daily in the triple digits. NY, has had 18,909 deaths with 313,000 people testing positive. While CT is thinking they’ve reached peak-they had 97 deaths and more than 500 new confirmed cases on Saturday, with total numbers of 2,436 deaths and 29,287 cases. NH has had 2,429 cases with 84 deaths.

Scott is looking at “regional” openings particularly for recreational purposes. Whether people are returning home to VT after a winter elsewhere, or are coming to their 2nd home for the summer,  they are required to quarantine for 14 days. It should be noted that VT’s  Agency of Transportation study, which has manually logged license-plate data in as many as 43 border checkpoints since April 1, has found “nothing that’s raised to the level of thinking we’re seeing a huge influx or a major change in inbound visitors." Read more

Good news-Greenhouse Gas Emissions Predicted to fall nearly 8%. The International Energy Agency, along with the plants and animals, are doing the happy dance, as the lower emissions will reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions that lead to climate change. Learn more. 

If you can’t find  masks or hand sanitizer or need help with shopping, please call 226-7291 or 7292. You can also e-mail



Green Mountain’s Virtual Graduation Walk: Each day from May 2 until June 18, The Chester Telegraph will spotlight one member of the Green Mountain High School’s class of 2020. While nothing can replace the thrill of walking across the stage to receive your diploma at your high school graduation, we hope this moment “on stage” in front of your family, friends and community will give you some small joy and a memory to take with you.

Protest outside Springfield prison leads to inmate disturbance inside

• New Hampshire extends stay-at-home order; restricted business openings allowed: Outdoor seating at restaurants, drive-in theaters, golf and haircuts will be allowed — under strict guidelines — under a new stay-at-home order issued Friday by Gov. Chris Sununu. Campgrounds, manufacturing services and state parks can open immediately if they follow the guidelines. Golf courses, barbers and hair salons, retail stores and drive-in theaters can open May 11, under certain conditions.

DHMC repurposes unit for COVID-19 intensive care: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center’s new neurocritical care unit on the third floor of the hospital’s inpatient tower has been transformed into a COVID-19 intensive care unit during the pandemic. The unit sees a daily average of 10 to 30 patients with COVID-19 or who are suspected of having COVID-19. Patients who don’t require intensive care are moved to the second floor of the tower. “We are fortunate that only one D-HH patient has died, given that the mortality rate for intubated patients is quite high.”

UVM Health Network projects $152 million loss this year due to Covid-19



2.. UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy.

MAY 5 (TUESDAY): GMUSD Finance Committee will meet using Zoom at 6 pm. Zoom information is included on the Agenda.

MAY 11 (MONDAY): Ludlow Community Blood Drive 12:30-5:30 at the Ludlow Community Center, 37 Main St. Wear a facemask and use hand sanitizer. For an appointment, go to or call 1-800-733-2767

• Manufacturing and construction can return to work

Staying home for Patty; Bob Kirkbride; Singletons; Dave Norton;  Deb Hryckiewicz;  Ludlow Ambulance Service; the Cavendish Water/Waste Water Treatment Team; Rocky and the Cavendish Transfer Station Crew; Cavendish Town Crew; Mt. Ascutney Hospital; Cavendish/Proctorsville firefighters & first responders; Mack Molding employees; Shaw’s Ludlow employees;  the healthcare workers who have died of Covid-19; Black River Good Neighbors; and family and friends we have lost to Covid-19

Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.  

                        Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.