Cavendish Update: 3/30/20: Opportunity/how you can help/Testing

Self quarantine with a good book is not terrible. Jane Hart


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3/30/20: An Obstacle or an Opportunity

1.    Opportunity or Obstacle

2.    Everyone can help & make a difference

3.    The Cave Fish: Is Testing free? Why aren’t they telling us more?

4.    What’s Happened Over the Weekend

5.    Sanity Break

6.    Events


We’re staying at home for Cavendish’s water/waste water treatment operators. Please help them out by not tossing wipes, paper towels and other items down the toilet that can make their jobs more difficult. Thank you for staying home this weekend for Ludlow Ambulance Service

The hoarders have switched from tails to tops with their newest obsession-hair dye! Stylists take advantage of every minute of the Stay at Home order, because when it’s lifted, you will be spending many hours on hair repair.

We had to replace Miss Manners, as she just wasn’t up to the task of the variety of questions we are receiving and was also getting a bit lippy. We’ve recruited Cave Fish to answer your questions now.

As we move into this new phase of “Staying Home, Staying Safe,” the Update is changing to best meet the needs of the community and we’re recruiting various people to write on specific topics. So we don’t overwhelm you, we will be posting the Update on MWF, unless there is a specific issue.

I posted this to my Facebook page this weekend and a number of people related to it, so thought you might find it interesting. We are the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the "Greatest Generation." They survived WWI, the flu of 1918 (40 million deaths), polio epidemics, the Great Depression, untold natural disasters, and then WWII arrived. They took care of business, just as we need to do now. Posting things about how we're a nation/world in grief is not helpful. Don't pathologize what are normal reactions to abnormal situations. We are wired for resiliency and we will get through this. A different nation we will be, but it will be an improved one. Remember our ancestors are counting on us and I sure don't want to arrive at the pearly gates only to have my parents say , "What the hell, you couldn't stay home for a month and watch Netflix or something?"

 Finally, Thank you Julie and Michael of Golden Stage Inn for honoring me with your incredible "Saturday Night Chocolate Cake" and the note that accompanied it. Thank you for all you do for our community. You are what makes Cavendish such a terrific town.

If you need help with shopping, a transfer station run or something else, please call the Cavendish Town Office, M-F from 9-5 226-7291 or 7292.


1. OPPORTUNITY OR OBSTACLE: When was the last time we all stayed home like this? A couple of snow days and that’s about it. Even more amazing, we’re doing this with people all over the world.

We have no control over the Stay at Home orders, or the fact that there is a virus that doesn’t care who it attacks. What we can control is how we respond to this situation.

We’ve been given a unique opportunity to take stock of where we are individually, within our family, community, country and world. You can look at it as “the big think,” “the big course correction” or “the big stuck.”  If you spend your days, watching endless news loops, obsessing over bills, and basically gnawing and gnashing your teeth, you’ve clearly opted for the “stuck” option.  

The day we are free to move about the state, we will face a different world. While this may sound frightening, watershed marks, like the Depression and WWII have resulted in positive changes. The Social Security Act came out of the Depression, and provides a level of security to those in their later years.  Opportunities for women to enter the job market and for minorities to serve in WWII, laid the foundation for the  equal and civil rights movements. Even our recent “Great Recession” in 2008 gave rise to banking regulations and renewed scrutiny of illicit financial tools.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to assess and make changes that help you find more purpose and meaning in your life as well as  helping to create a stronger Cavendish and Vermont that is based on the lessons we are learning from this experience.   


2. EVERYONE CAN HELP & MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Unlike Irene, where there were many physical ways to respond to the emergency, staying at home and practicing social distancing makes it harder to know what to do. None the less, there is a lot that you can do to help. Pay particular attention to # 5 as the more we focus on what we can do to prepare for the recovery phase after the “stay at home” order is lifted, the better off we’ll be.

1.    Stay home and practice social distancing if you must go out. Remind family and friends to do the same.

2.    Connect with neighbors and friends and see how they are doing. If they need help, call 226-7291 or 7292

3.    Donate blood.

4.    Donate supplies, such as N95 masks, and other protective gear to area hospitals. If you have a 3 D printer, consider making protective equipment. Directions available by clicking here.

5.    If you belong to an organization, or have a group of friends, start planning ways you can help others in the community during the recovery phase. Remember the Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale is July 25 and this is a good time to raise funds.


3. THE CAVE FISH ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS: Is Covid-19 testing free? Yes. Vermont has more test kits and will now test those with milder symptoms in part to determine how wide spread the virus is. To schedule a test, contact your primary care provider. If you don’t have one, call the Ludlow Health Center 228-8867.

Why can’t we find out if there are people in our town with Covid-19? VT Department of Health (VDH) only provides county data and occasionally for specific situations, such as the Burlington nursing home. It’s about patient confidentiality. However, those in the Okemo Valley are aware of two deaths that have occurred from Covid-19. That means the virus is out and about, which is why the Stay at Home, Stay Safe and social distancing measures are absolutely critical to controlling the spread of the virus and keeping you healthy.

Questions can be sent to


New FDA Approved Covid-19 Test, No Lab, Results in 5 minutes

 Springfield Medical Care Systems response to COVID-19

• The Vermont Department of Health has launched VTHelplink, a new, single source clearinghouse for Vermonters to receive free, confidential, and personalized information and referrals to substance-use prevention, treatment, and recovery services throughout the state. At the website, in addition to information resources, an online screening tool is available that Vermonters can use to learn about treatment options that meet their needs. People can also securely chat online with call center staff through the website.

CDC issues domestic travel advisory for New York, NJ and CT

What does the Coronavirus Relief Package mean for your family? The vast majority of Vermonters will receive at least $1,200 as part of Congress’s massive $2 trillion coronavirus relief stimulus package.

• To Fight Virus, Trump Extends Social Distancing Guidelines For 30 More Days

• Avoid Disinformation: The Vermont Department of Public Safety strongly encourages residents to avoid spreading rumors, speculation and disinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please use the state’s Avoiding Disinformation During a Pandemic to separate fact from fiction.

• The scammers and hoaxers are working overtime during the pandemic. Protect yourself by using the Covid-19 Consumer Warnings and Safety Tips from the FCC. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it generally is.

Lost Work Because Of Coronavirus? How To Get Unemployment, Skip Loan Payments And More:


5 . SANITY BREAK: Showing solidarity with your community and state helps in situations like this. “Help Vermont Light up the World” is encouraging people to put up their Christmas lights as a way of sending a message of hope and thanks to our essential workers and to encourage each of us in remaining home. Let’s be honest, how many take down our lights until Easter? So really, it’s a matter of testing what works and flipping the switch.


6. UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy. Class schedule for the week.

This week’s class schedule:
Mon (3/30) 7 pm Bootcamp with Denise
Wed (4/1) 5:30 pm Power Barre with Kata
Wed (4/1) 7 pm Bootcamp with Denise
Thu (4/2) 5:45 pm Meditation with Lori
Thu (4/2) 6 pm Beginner Yoga with Lori
Fri (4/3) 7 am Bootcamp with Denise
Sat (4/4) 7 am Good Morning Sun Salutations with Lori
Sat (4/4) 9 am Above the Barre with Kata

Staying home for Patty, Bob Kirkbride, Singletons, Dave Norton, Deb Hryckiewicz, Ludlow Ambulance Service and the Cavendish Water/Waste Water Treatment Team

                      The Longer you delay, the longer we stay

 Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart. 

                        Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.