Cavendish Update 3/27/20: Career/Kids/Sanity

It might be just a swarm of gnats, but Frosty wasn’t taking chances. Jane Hart

CHECK THE CAVENDISH VT FACEBOOK PAGE DAILY FOR THE LATEST NEWS You don’t have to be a Facebook subscriber to see this page.


1.    Miss Manners: How do I talk to my kids about Covid-19?

2.    Don’t take unapproved drugs!

3.    What’s Happened in the Last 24 Hours

4.    Master Remote Work Certification Opportunity

5.     Sanity Break

6.    Events

 We’re staying at home today for Dave Norton (phlebotomist), Proctorsville and Deb Hryckiewicz (Medical Technologist) Cavendish who are working at the Springfield Hospital Lab. “Saving lives and stamping out disease,” as Deb noted. You can see them in full garb at the Facebook page. Thank you Dave and Deb for going the distance and keeping us safe.

If you need help with shopping, a transfer station run or something else, please call the Cavendish Town Office, M-F from 9-5 226-7291 or 7292. Make sure to call today if you think you’ll need help over the weekend.

We’re pretty much caught up on news for the weekend ahead, so unless something earth shattering happens, I’ll be back Monday. Definitely will be on the Cavendish VT Facebook page throughout the weekend and am working on some articles that require a bit more research.

In the meantime, know we’re already thinking of recovery and of strategies that will make sure we all come through healthy, and while not necessarily wealthy, but with our homes and families intact, the most important things after all. Our town has a long history of doing this, so we’re taking care of our corner of the world, with each of us doing our part to contribute to the effort. Be sure to check out Item 4 if you are unemployed or underemployed.

PLEASE CALL AND CHECK ON NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS. Remind them of volunteer help, particularly those who may be at higher risk due to age (60+) and/or pre-existing conditions.


1. DEAR MISS MANNERS: How do I talk to my kids about Covid-19?: The fact that you are still talking to your kids is a really good sign. So now that you’ve achieved step one….. At the end of this article is a resource link to help you with that, but it’s worth it to take a minute and note that regardless of the age of your child, from baby through adulthood, parents will always be role models.

A friend was telling me last night how his 91 year old mother has been in quarantine in her London flat for a month already. His admiration was considerable as he described all the projects she was working on, and how they Skyped regularly.

It spite of today’s obsession about “trauma” in children, the facts are that kids who experience some form of adversity actually do better as adults. Called the “Greatest Generation,” those that fought in WWII, in battle and on the home front, survived the flu pandemic of 1918, which killed about 40 million people or more, the Great Depression of the 1930s, the flood of 1927, and various epidemics of Polio. Needless to say, after all of that, they were “loaded for bear” when WWII rolled around. In short, take heart, we’re raising resilient kids right now.

While Fred Rogers said his mother told him to “Look for the Helpers,” this isn’t actually a time that they can see helpers. However, they can be shown that they are in fact the helpers because they are staying home, practicing social distancing, washing their hands, and coughing safely.  We love kids artwork and if they’d like to contribute some drawings, photographs, Lego designs that help make it easier for us to all stay on task, please send them to

Finally, keep them away from the news. A little goes a long way for all of us. Headlines are meant to grab your attention and the adage “If it bleeds it leads,” is on over drive right now. So instead of a nightly dose of terror TV (unless your family likes scary movies), opt for a walk, board game, socially connecting with family, making something together or telling stories. These are the memories the children will pass on to their children.

The TRSU district counselors have developed a variety of resources for parents and kids to manage  stress and anxiety, fun self-care and general activities that families can do together at home, and community resources. Click here.

If you have questions for Miss Manners, you can e-mail her in care of


2. DON’T TAKE UNAPPROVED DRUGS! There are at least 69 clinical trials underway, but you most likely don’t have any of the ingredients at your house.

The anti-malarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may sound like the same ingredients in aquarium cleaner or some other product, but they aren’t so no experimentation. Further, while some of these drugs may be used for other conditions, such as hydroxychloroquine for Rheumatoid Arthritis, the jury is still out on Covid-19. So don’t go out trying to score them as not only could you make yourself really sick or worse, you’ll be taking them away from a patient that needs them. Results are coming as quickly as humanly possible, so if you stay at home, practice social distancing if you go out, eat healthy, get some exercise etc. etc. you’ll be fine. Of course, if you want to know about the Covid-19 clinical trials, go to

When something like Covid-19 appears, the scam artists crawl out of the wood work. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. There is no cure or preventive pill you can take right now.

Vermont Health officials remind Vermonters that most people who get COVID-19 can manage their symptoms at home with rest, drinking fluids and taking fever-reducing medication. Talk to your health care provider before taking any substance alleged to prevent or treat COVID-19.



Gov. Scott has closed VT Schools for the Rest of the Academic Year.

NH is now on Stay-at-home orders

REAL ID deadline extended for one year due to coronavirus:

Mt. Ascutney Hospital accepting personal protective equipment donations

• Advocates, law enforcement ready to help survivors of domestic violence


4. MASTER REMOTE WORK CERTIFICATE OPPORTUNITY: If your job has been impacted by Covid-19 and you are either unemployed or underemployed, please check out this incredible offer from Black River Innovation Campus (BRIC) for their Remote Work Certification Program, after which you will work with BRIC/CORI to apply to remote work affiliate positions at an average of $18-20/hr. BRIC is waiving the fee for a select 10 applicants for this first cohort. Applications and resumes are due March 30. Go to for more information.


5 . SANITY BREAK: Remember in “Monster’s Inc.” the slogan “Scare because we care?” By the end of the movie, they learned they could produce far more power with laughter and the “scary floors” were replaced with “laugh floors.” Laughter is much more helpful than fear and truly is A number one in relieving stress. So today, watch a funny movie, tell bad jokes, look at cartoons, call the funniest person you know and laugh long and hard. Can’t help but think of Monty Python and “The Killer Joke” sketch.


5. UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy. Class schedule for the week.

Friday 7 am Bootcamp (Denise)

Saturday 8 am Yoga Pose of the Day (Lori)

           Staying home for Patty, Bob Kirkbride, Singletons, Dave Norton and Deb Hryckiewicz

                      The Longer you delay, the longer we stay. Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart. 

 Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.