Cavendish Covid-19 Update: 3/15/20

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Covid-19 Brief 3/15/20

1.Two cases connected to Ludlow

2. How this impacts Cavendish

3. Prevention Handout

4. We know you’ve got questions

Some housekeeping issues. With Covid-19 now in our area, we will be posting first thing in the morning to summarize what’s happened in the last 24 hours and what you can expect in the day(s) ahead. Just like we did during Irene. The Cavendish Facebook page is your resource for up to date information. Sometimes we have to backtrack and delete any post that we find isn’t quite right. It’s a tad overwhelming at the moment.

Be aware that as more testing becomes available, you will be hearing of many more positive cases. Try not to freak out. This data will help to determine how adjust various prevention measures, such as more closings.

If you are feeling anxious and stressed by the rapid chain of events, know you’re having a perfectly normal reaction to a very abnormal set of circumstances. We’ll be posting tips throughout the day to help reduce some of that. This situation will not last forever, and even though we’ll be dealing with it for a while, it will get easier as we adjust to our new normal.

Finally, don’t spend all day on-line as too much information can make you crazy. It’s going to be sunny and 40 degrees-early spring weather. Get out and enjoy it but keep 6 feet from anyone you might meet. It’s all about the social distancing.


1. TWO COVID-19 CASES CONNECTED TO LUDLOW: According to the Ludlow Police Department’s Facebook page, two of the three presumptive cases of Covid-19 are associated with Ludlow. Yesterday, the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) issued the following: The Vermont Department of Health reported three new presumptive positive cases in Vermont of the new coronavirus COVID-19… The first is a Windsor County male over the age of 80. He is hospitalized at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital in White River Junction, Vermont. The second is a Washington County male in his 50’s. He was initially treated at Central Vermont Medical Center in Berlin, Vermont. He is currently in home isolation, following CVMC’s home care protocols. The third new presumptive positive case is also a male in his 50’s. He is a resident of Westchester County, New York. He was evaluated and tested at Springfield Hospital in Springfield, Vermont, and is self-isolating.



TRSU Schools Closed: The following was sent yesterday at 3:59 pm by Meg Powden, Superintendent of the TRSU.
Dear Families, Teachers and Staff,

An individual from Ludlow has a presumptive case of Covid-19 corona virus. Given what I know about this situation, and after being in conversation with a nurse from the Vermont Department of Health and Secretary French of the Agency of Education, I have decided to close our schools until further notice.

Black River High School Middle School, Cavendish Town Elementary School, Chester-Andover Elementary School, Green Mountain Union School, Ludlow Elementary School and Mount Holly School are closed to students, teachers and most of our staff. Only the administration, school nurses and maintenance personnel are allowed in our buildings at this time.

I will keep you updated as our status changes.

Smiling Faces Childcare in Cavendish Will Remain open and has a couple spots available for school aged children. Call 226-7824 if you are in need of childcare during school closure

Cavendish Town Office Closed to the Public: The Cavendish Town office will be closed to all non-essential personnel starting Monday. The office staff will work normal hours and can be reached by phone 802-226-7291. The office will be closed to the public until further notice. Try the Town Website to see if it can answer some of your questions. Our Town Clerk and Treasurer left the following message on Facebook, The office may be closed but we will be there and ready to help as needed! As is said "It takes a village" and we've got not just one, but two fabulous ones.

Churches: Vermont Catholic Diocese issued a statement from Bishop Christopher Coyne that said the obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been suspended for all Catholics. Mass will still be offered in parishes. 

• The Episcopal Church in Vermont has cancelled public in-person worship.

• Cavendish Baptist Church will hold Sunday service with social distancing but will be closed after Sunday’s service.

• St. James closed today

• Calvary Church will have regularly scheduled service at 10 am

Okemo Mountain Closed for the Week: Okemo and Vail Resorts, including information for employees, click here. Other ski areas are closing, so call ahead before venturing out.

Restaurants: Goodman’s American Pie has closed their dining room until further notice. They will be doing TOGO only. Call early to get your orders at a time that works best.

3. PREVENTION INFORMATION HANDOUT: Go to the Dish for a prevention handout that you can print. It’s all about the 4 S’s-Social distancing; soap (wash those hands); Stay home when sick; Safely cough into a tissue or your arm.

We will have more handouts to make information easier for you. In the meantime, please check the How to Get What You Need section of yesterday’s Cavendish Update as it has lots of useful information.


4. WE KNOW YOU HAVE QUESTIONS: For that matter, so do we. Until we hear from VDH, we don’t know who may have an exposure risk. No need to constantly post. As soon as we know something, we’ll post it. In the mean time, follow COO of VT Medical Center’s recommendation, You should assume when you're going out and about in public right now, that you could be being exposed. And you should take all appropriate precautions, because it's out there, broader than just the two people that are currently in the hospital.”


                        Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.