Cavendish Update 1/17/25: SB Mtgs/Hearings/News/Events
1. Cavendish Select Board Meeting
2. Public Hearing Notice: Carlton Rd
3. Public Hearing Notice: Depot St
4. Cavendish Related News
5. Events Calendar
1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 1/13/25: The video of the monthly Cavendish Select Board (SB) meeting is now available at the Okemo Valley TV Website . Unapproved minutes are available at the Town’s website and the Chester Telegraph includes an article on the meeting.
• Town Meeting Day Moved to Saturday March 1 2 pm. Anyone interested in helping organize childcare and food should contact Rick Chambers. Town manager 802-226-7291.
• Repairing Town Solar Array: Solar reporting hasn’t been working since August 2020, which means the town hasn’t been receiving funds for additional renewable energy credits. However, the town is getting credit on their GMP bill. The broker who was selling Cavendish’s additional energy credits generated by the array is now out of business. Rick Chambers Town manager, has contacted Sameson VT in Rutland to correct the problem. The cost will be $4,000- $5,000. With reporting, and a new broker, these costs will be recouped in less than two years.
• Selectmen’s Operating Budget for $2,447,632.29, which is .04% lower than last year.
• Cavendish’s state rep VL Coffin (R) has been assigned to the House Government Operations and Military Affairs Committee. He is one of 50 co-sponsors of H16-Repeal of the Affordable Heat Act of 2023.
• FEMA Request Extension: Chambers has applied for an extension on repairing guard rails (Meadowbrook Farm, Brook and Heald Roads). The state has approved the request.
• Cannabis Local Control Commission- An Outdoor Cultivator Tier 1 Application for 125 plants to be located on Tarbell Hill has been filed with the state. The SB, as the Cavendish Cannabis local control board, has 45 days to respond if they have issues.
• Town Clerk/Treasurer: In the proposed budget for 25/26, more funds are being allocated to other positions, such as listers, to reduce the responsibility of the town clerk/treasurer, as some of the demands placed on the office are not town clerk/treasurer responsibility. Many towns have a finance manager-full or part time- in addition to the Town Clerk/Treasurer position. Discussed when the current town clerk will be resigning and whether an appointment can be made at that time.
• Important Dates: January 16 is the last day for petitions to be included for the March ballot. January 27 last to register to run for public office.
• Transfer Station: Work is needed there in several areas. Will be discussed at the February meeting.
2. CAVENDISH PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING/CARLTON RD: A public hearing before the Planning Commission for the town of Cavendish will be held at the Cavendish Town Hall On February 5th at 6:00 PM. to consider a conditional use application regarding the proposed improvements to an existing structure at 86 Carlton Rd. A site visit to the above address will take place on February 5th at 4:30 PM.
Appellant: Matthew & Nina Carley 3 Wildflower Lane West Simsbury, CT 06092 Property Location: 86 Carleton Rd Cavendish VT
Reason For Hearing: Proposed improvements are within the Floodway as defined in the Cavendish Flood Hazard Regulations which require a Conditional Use Hearing with the Cavendish Planning Commission.
The above application is available for inspection at the Cavendish Municipal Offices. Persons wishing to participate may do so in person, be represented by an agent or an attorney, by Zoom, or by writing to the Planning Commission. Written communications about the application should be filed with the Cavendish Planning Commission PO Box 126 Cavendish VT 05412 either prior to, or during, the hearing. Hybrid meeting information will be available on the agenda.
Tim Calabrese
Chair, Cavendish Planning Commission
3. CAVENDISH PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING/DEPOT ST. A public hearing before the Planning Commission for the town of Cavendish will be held at the Cavendish Town Hall On February 5th at 6:00 PM. to consider a conditional use application regarding the proposed improvements to an existing structure at 137 Depot St., Proctorsville. A site visit to the above address will take place on February 5th at 4:00 PM.
Appellant: David Callahan
Property Location: 137 Depot St. Proctorsville, VT
Reason For Hearing: Proposed improvements are within the Floodway as defined in the Cavendish Flood Hazard Regulations which require a Conditional Use Hearing with the Cavendish Planning Commission.
The above application is available for inspection at the Cavendish Municipal Offices. Persons wishing to participate may do so in person, be represented by an agent or an attorney, by Zoom, or by writing to the Planning Commission. Written communications about the application should be filed with the Cavendish Planning Commission PO Box 126 Cavendish VT 05412 either prior to, or during, the hearing. Hybrid meeting information will be available on the agenda.
Tim Calabrese
Chair, Cavendish Planning Commission
• Cavendish Select Board Meeting Minutes: The Select Board has been meeting since December to create the FY26th budget and to handle other business. Minutes from these meetings are available on-line: 12/30/24 1/9/25
• 9% jump in GM District school budget proposed; elementary school restructuring plans firmed up:The proposed budget for the Green Mountain Unifies School District (GMUSD) is $18.17 million an increase of $1.59 million over last year’s budget of $16.58 million. The CTES project would cost around $162,000 annually for a pre-school teacher and a paraprofessional plus a one-time cost of $40,000 for setting up the classroom and buying equipment. But Millington expects the district would save about $83,000 annually on the tuition it pays to other preschools, bringing the first-year startup cost to just under $119,000. That cost would be incorporated into the budget. Chester Telegraph
• Film on food and housing insecurity to screen in Ludlow: “Just Getting By,” a new documentary film by Bess O’Brien focused on Vermonters struggling with food and housing insecurity, will play at the Ludlow Town Hall Auditorium on Thursday, Feb. 6, at 6:30 p.m. Director O’Brien will be part of a special Q&A after the film. This is a free event, made possible with a grant from the Vermont Humanities Council. VT Journal
• Paint for Peace: Come to the library as we join Rev. Derek for a special virtual event to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with creativity, reflection, and community! The Paint for Peace Party is an opportunity to honor Dr. King’s legacy of peace, justice, and love through art. Registration is helpful but not necessary. Be one of the 1st six to register and receive MLK Paint Kit which contains the following: 9"x12" triple-primed canvas board (image of your choice); 12 acrylic paints; 2 paint brushes The kit is not required. Paint, brushes, and MLK coloring pages ( will be provided. Celebrate MLK Day with creativity and community! This event is free, family-friendly, and open to all who seek to honor Dr. King’s legacy and create something meaningful. Rev. Derek Terry is a distinguished pastor, social justice advocate, entrepreneur, and artist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He serves as the senior pastor of St. Peter's United Church of Christ, a diverse and inclusive congregation committed to social justice and community engagement. In addition to his pastoral duties, Rev. Terry is the Program Director for the Open and Affirming Coalition, a national nonprofit in covenant with the United Church of Christ, where he promotes LGBTQIA+ inclusion and equity within the church and broader society. FMI:802-226-7503 or email Amy at
JANUARY 18 (SATURDAY): Wildlife talk at the Cavendish Library in Proctorsville 3 pm. Speaker is John Aberth who will share his incredible story of saving two orphaned baby beavers (known as kits).
JANUARY 20 (MONDAY): Martin Luther King Day. Town Office closed. Paint for Peace at the Cavendish Library from 12-1pm. See Cavendish Related News above for more information.
FEBRUARY 5 (WEDNESDAY): Cavendish Historical Society’s talk/workshop on Cavendish abolitionist Peter Tumbo and the role beads played in the African slave trade. Participants will have an opportunity to make a beaded bracelet following the talk. 6-7:30 pm at the Cavendish Library in Proctorsville. FMI: or 802-226-7807
FEBRUARY 15 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Historical Society’s program on the History of Chocolate with Cavendish chocolatier Maren Mutter. 10-12 at the Cavendish Library. This talk is for those 12 and up. FMI: or 802-226-7807