Cavendish Update 8/28/15 News/Sustainability/Events
/Aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene, which took place 4 years ago on Aug. 29, 2011. This bridge was finally replaced this past summer.
8/28/15 Cavendish Update Contains
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Cavendish Sustainability/Solar/Environmental News
3. Cavendish Memoirs: Chapter 25/Barn Renovation
4. Support for Jim Glidden PVFD
5. Fall Hours at the Cavendish Library
6. BRGNS Needs furniture and other items for rummage sale
7. Events
Springfield Medical Care System Receives Funds: One of 11 community health centers in Vermont, Springfield’s Medical Care Systems (Ludlow Health Center is part of this system) receiving additional funding in recognition of their achievements providing high quality health care. Of the $493,860 awarded to the Vermont programs, Springfield will receive $42,438. Community health centers in Vermont will serve one-in-four Vermonters at more than 50 sites across the state and provides primary medical, dental and mental health services and access to low cost prescription drugs. Press Release
VT Statewide Assessment Results Released: Statewide results for the 2014-2015 Smarter Balanced Assessment have been released this week and Vermont students scored 37% proficiency in math and 58% proficiency in English and language arts. This new computer adaptive test, administered on-line, was developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and provides the first test results aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Parents may notice that fewer students scored as proficient on the Smarter Balanced test than did on the NECAP tests. This does not mean students know less, nor does it mean that Vermont schools—both public and independent-- are doing worse. It simply means the test is a more challenging one, and the Smarter Balanced Consortium deliberately set a proficiency threshold that it knew most students would not meet. "In order to understand what it means to actually score as 'not proficient,' we need several years of data... in five years if we find that kids who don't score as proficient aren't able to get jobs, then we're having a very different conversation." Press Release
Growers Report Bountiful Apple Season on the Way: The weather this summer has been perfect for the state's apple crop. The dry, warm spring was perfect for the bees to pollinate the apple blossoms, and once the apples were set, the rains came in June. So those fruit just absorbed the water and really exploded in terms of size. And now the weather is drying off again, and will be cooling off, allowing the fruit to ripen. WCAX
• Solar Question Posted to the Cavendish VT Facebook Page: I hate to be a naysayer, but I just don't understand the fiscal feasibility of going solar. The man just left here after doing a site assessment. We have 90% efficiency with a ground-mount system at an estimated cost of $25,000. If we qualify for the tax credit AND if the system produced enough power to cover all of our electricity costs, it still would take 15+ years to see any return on our money. I'd be much better off putting that money into my SEP-IRA.
P.S. A wind power initiative would be more useful in this wind tunnel that we inhabit.
Answer from the Cavendish Energy Committee: In general, from year to year, utility bills increase by a certain percentage, and as long as you use electricity you will receive a monthly bill from GMP or Ludlow Electric. By using leverage – borrowing from a bank to pay for the system – you should be able to save money from the very first year. First, you have to compare your monthly bank payment to the monthly electric cost that you are saving. By going solar, your monthly bank payment would hopefully be less thanwhat you are currently paying your local utility. That’s money in your pocket each month starting in the very first year. As the utility increases their rates, your payment to the bank stays constant, thereby saving you even more money each month. Further, you have the added bonus that, once the loan is paid off you wont have any bill.
Here’s another way to look at it. If you have $25,000 in a savings account or plan now, determine how much it earns each year. Is that more or less than the amount of electricity you will save each year with solar panels? Where would you rather have your money – in the savings plan, or generating electricity? Payback period is too limited a way to look at the cost if you are saving money and the planet each month.
It’s important to consider the loan itself. If you want to pay it off as quickly as possible, say infive or ten years, you could spend more each month than the actual cost of your utility bill. However, since this is a “monthly,” by taking out a longer term loan, say 15-20 years, you can basically “freeze” your monthly utility bill at its current rate
In addition to the financial incentive, there is also the positive impact on the environment by reducing the need of your local utility depending coal or other fossil fuels to generate power. There are several studies that show a positive impact as well on the value of your home. If you ever were to sell or mortgage the house it would be worth more with solar panels attached.
Similar to solar, electric generation from wind power is an intermittent resource and its generation fluctuates in response to weather conditions. The amount of energy produced by a specific wind tower can depend greatly on location, tower height, and proximity to obstructions. Nevertheless, most properly sited modern wind turbines are able to generate electricity 95% of the time. There are multiple levels of potential wind energy generation ranging from class 1 (lowest) to class 7 (highest). According to the Wind Resource Map of Windsor County found at the Vermont Energy Atlas, Cavendish is in the very low end of the range, mostly class 1. Although there are several potential wind sites in town, they are mostly suitable for small scale, residential generation.
• Solarize Makes Sense: Now at Tier 2, with 6 solar installs and 35kw of new electricity created, there is still time to have a site visit. If you have had your site visit and have yet to commit, we encourage you to do so early. The program ends on September 30th, and, historically, the last two weeks of the program see many people sign up. The earlier you sign up, the earlier your install will happen! FMI
• Going Solar Video: Watch a Video of CTES 4th Grade Teacher Jenn Harper who recently went solar.
• Seven Tips to Protect Vermont Wildlife
• EPA & USPS Green Infrastructure Techniques for Storm water Management/Rain Gardens Training: CCCA is encouraging community members to attend the September 17-18 workshop in Hinsdale, NH. The EPA and the U.S. Postal Service are offering a practical, hands-on training on the Federal/State Storm water regulation requirements and innovative options for storm water management including rain gardens. At this training, you will learn the fundamentals of green infrastructure and how to site, design, install and maintain rain gardens to reduce storm water contamination and run-off. Register on-line by Sept. 14.
Through out Philip Tiemann’s Memoirs he talks a great deal about working in the barn. This week, in addition to chapter 25 we are thrilled to include a collection of photographs by Mary Anne Butler of the renovations that took place earlier this summer on Tiemann’s Windy Hill barn.
For the prelude and links to all of the chapters go to Coming to Vermont (Cavendish): Memoirs of Philip Tiemann
Jim Glidden served Proctorsville Fire Dept. for 42 years rising to the rank of deputy chief. Jim is currently fighting for his life as he battles lung cancer, which has been found in his lungs, lymph nodes, and brain. He has just finished his first round of Chemotherapy for 3 consecutive days and will shortly begin 14 straight days of radiation on his brain. After the 14 days he will again do chemotherapy for the next six months. Jim and his wife Raylene are continuously making trips to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in NH. PFD will be holding a benefit dinner for Jim. In the mean time if you would like to help Jim and his family please send a check or gas gift card to the Proctorsville Volunteer Fire Dept in care of Jim Glidden at P.O. Box 81 Proctorsville, VT 05153 Thank you in advance for your support and don't forget to check back for the date of the benefit spaghetti dinner.
The Cavendish Fletcher Community Library will return to fall hours as of August 31, 2015. Hours will be: Monday 10:00-6:30; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00-6:30; Friday 9:00-4:00; andSaturday 12:00-4:00. Story time will move to Wednesdays at 9:45 to prevent conflicts with library classes,
Black River Good Neighbor Services will hold its Annual Fall Rummage Sale at Fletcher Farm, 611 Route 103 South in Ludlow on Friday and Saturday, September 18th and 19th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday September 20th, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The organization is now accepting donations of clothing, housewares, linens and furniture.
If you have anything to donate, please bring it to the thrift store at 37B Main Street in Ludlow or for larger items such as furniture please call 802-228-3663 to arrange a drop off time. If you are unable to drop off a furniture donation, our volunteers may be able pick it up if arrangements are made in advance.
Proceeds from this sale benefit BRGNS’ food and financial assistance programs. “This is really a community effort. Folks donate their unwanted items to us, and we put our earnings right back into the community,” said Audrey Bridge, Executive Director of BRGNS. “Although the economy has improved, demand for our services continues. There are still people going hungry and needing help with housing and clothing costs; so we keep running the rummage sales,” said Bridge. The monies raised will help cover the cost of utilities, heating fuel, food and rent for qualified individuals and families in Ludlow, Mt. Holly, Belmont, Proctorsville, Cavendish and Plymouth.
So, please mark your calendar and come explore the many unique bargains.
For further details please contact Audrey Bridge at the Black River Good Neighbor Services Thrift Store, 37B Main Street, 802-228-3663, or
Upcoming Events This week
August 29 (Saturday): 4th anniversary of Tropical Storm Irene
For more information on these and other events, go to the Cavendish Connects September Calendar. For regional events, check out the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce Calendar.