Water Warning Update 4/3/15 Noon
/The following is an update to the Cavendish Municipal Water Warning required because the municipal well could not meet water demand (high usage and an undetected leak), necessitating drawing on the town’s secondary well. This well is in the permitting process.
Since a water system experiencing fluctuations in water pressure and/or a distribution leak has a greater risk for bacteria and other harmful organisms, a “boil water” notice is required. The water is being tested more frequently, and continues to test negative for coliforms. However, it is important that you not drink the water without boiling it first.
You may smell chlorine: In order to safeguard against bacteria in the water, more chlorine is being added at this time.
How long will this last? Even though it’s a Town holiday, staff is working to try and determine where the leak is. Once found, repairs will take place next week. Upon completion of the repair, three days of consistently negative coliform testing will be required before the "boil water" notice is lifted.
If you have recently had a break in your water pipes, such as a frozen pipe, or you are a second home owner that hasn't been here for a while, the Cavendish Water Dept. would like to hear from you. You can send an e-mail to cavendishconnects@gmail.com with relevant information.
Since not everyone has access to the Internet, please make a call to let neighbors and friends know of the current situation.