Cavendish Upate 3/27/15 News/Walker/Classifieds/Events
/It is with sadness that we remember Christine (Chris) Walker who died Thursday, March 26. Our deepest sympathies to Kasi, Bea, and to her family and friends. Funeral information will be posted to the Cavendish VT Facebook page as soon as it’s received. Cards can be sent Kasi and family: PO Box 270, North Clarendon, VT 05759.
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Memoirs of Philip Tiemann: Chapter 4/Cavendish Floods
3. CHS Receives a Jeld-Wen Grant
4. Cavendish Classifieds; Job Opening
5. Easter Services
6. Spring 2015 Composter Sale
7. Murder Mystery Dinner to Benefit Cavendish Library-April 4
8. Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit Cub Scouts-April 3
9. Kentucky Derby Gala-A Night at the Races
10. Events
Community Solar Available for Ludlow Electric Customers: The first community solar array for Ludlow Electric Grid has now been launched. If you are a Ludlow Electric customer and rooftop solar does not meet your needs, there are spaces available for homes and businesses that wish to be part of the community solar project. You have until April 30 to enroll in the program. Learn more at The Good Farm Community Solar
Herbert Spaulding of Cavendish 10th Mountain Division: The last Vermonter to lose his life serving in the ski troops during World War II was T/5 Herbert Wilbur Allen Spaulding of Cavendish....."When a rifle squad, acting as the point for a battalion advance, was pinned down by intense machine gun, grenade, and small arms fire from [an] enemy held building less than one hundred yards away, Technician Fifth Grade SPAULDING crawled forward alone to an exposed position, and opened fire on the hostile position, covering the withdrawal of his comrades, and the flanking movement of his company. For twenty minutes he engaged the enemy alone, giving the company time to work around the flank of the buildings, and storm the position, capturing sixty-seven prisoners….By his gallant deeds, he has added luster to the finest traditions of the United States Army." Burlington Free Press
VT State Police Traffic Safety Survey: In an effort to understand the effectiveness of traffic safety efforts, the Vermont State Police is looking for public feedback. A new survey has been posted to provide the public an opportunity to have input into an important statewide safety campaign.
VT State Board Suspends Use of Standardized Test Scores: The Vermont State Board of Education has voted to suspend the use of scores from a new standardized test this year to evaluate schools. Board chairman Stephen Morse says there were implementation challenges for some schools with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, or SBAC, which is administered by computer. WCAX
Chapter 4 of Coming to Vermont (Cavendish): Memoirs of Philip Tiemann has been posted to the Cavendish Historical Society blog. Water was a major issue for the Tiemann’s, with too much being a serious problem, particularly during the hurricanes of 1936 and 1938. CHS provides historical information about Cavendish floods. To read the prelude and other chapters of Tiemann’s Memoirs go to Coming to Vermont (Cavendish): Memoirs of Philip Tiemann.
The Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) is pleased to announce that they have received a Jeld-Wen grant to help with the repairs and renovations of the Cavendish Universalist “Stone” Church. Summer work is slated for repair of the cupola. The building, which is available for public use during the renovation, is a venue for small concerts, workshops, lectures etc., and will be the permanent home of the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn exhibit. FMI: 802-226-7807 or
The Maclean family of Cavendish is seeking a driver beginning in mid-May. The driver will use the Maclean vehicles and will be asked to drive on average 20 hours a week to doctors appointments, shopping, outings, and children's activities. Flexibility is the most important element to working with our family´s schedule. Starting pay is $12 per hour. Call Jessie at 802-226-8131 if interested.
Holy or Maundy Thursday (April 2)
• Gethsemane Church, 7 pm. This is an ecumenical service and will include other area churches, including the Cavendish Baptist Church.
• Annunciation Catholic Church (Ludlow) 7 pm
Good Friday (April 3)
• Annunciation Catholic Church (Ludlow): 3 pm
Holy Saturday (April 4)
• Annunciation Catholic Church (Ludlow) 8 pm
Easter Service (April 5)
• Okemo: Outdoor Sunrise Service at Jackson Gore Roundhouse at 6:15. Just before sunrise, Cavendish Baptist Church’s pastor, Abe Gross, will lead everyone outside to watch the sunrise along with a few songs, a Bible reading and a short reflection.
• Annunciation Catholic Church (Ludlow) : 8 am and 11 am
• Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church (Proctorsville): 9:30 am
• Calvary Church: 11 am
• Cavendish Baptist Church: 10 am Includes special activities for children. 802-226-7131
• Gethsemane Episcopal Church: 11 am
The Southern Windsor/Windham County Solid Waste Management District (SWWCSWMD) is currently accepting orders for "Soil Saver" brand composters. This is an easy way to convert yard and food scraps into a soil amendment, a process that also saves valuable landfill space. The Soil Saver has natural insulating properties due to is structural foam construction, a feature that makes it resistant to weather and UV rays. Its large capacity can serve a household of up to five people. In addition, the locking lid helps to keep pesky animals out of the decomposing material.
- 10-year guarantee
- 28" wide x 28" deep x 32" high
- 2 slide-up doors for easy removal of compost
- self-watering lid feature
The District gets a bulk discount and passes the savings on to residents. This year the price per composter is $50.00.
Also for sale are Sure-Close containers to help store and move kitchen scraps out to your composter. At $5 each, they're a bargain at twice the price. The Sure-Close pail is a beige and white plastic container with a 1.9-gallon capacity. It can sit on the kitchen counter or be mounted on a wall or under the sink. It is about 9.25" x 9.25" x 11.5" and has a wide opening.
To obtain either item, download the form, with an enclosed check and mail by Friday, May 1, 2015. The mailing information is included on the order form. FMI: Mary O’Brien 802-226-674-9235
7. MURDER MYSTERY DINNER TO BENEFIT CAVENDISH LIBRARY: Tickets are now on sale for a murder mystery dinner party on Saturday April 4 at 6:00 PM at the Golden Stage Inn to benefit the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library. Tickets are $20 and include a delicious dinner. Dress up, have fun and solve a murder. Who knows? It might be you who "done" it. Cash bar. FMI: Kata at 226-7503
A spaghetti supper is being held on Friday, April 3, 5-7:30 pm at Cavendish Town Elementary School to benefit Cavendish Cub Scout Pack 211 Uniform Drive. Spaghetti-meat and veggies sauce, will be served along with bread, salad and dessert. Cost is $8 adults, $5 for kids over 5, under 5 free. Family rate of $25. There will also be a 50/50 raffle.
LPCTV will hold its fourth “Kentucky Derby Gala – A Night at the Races” fundraising event on Saturday, May 2nd at Willie Dunn’s Grille at the Okemo Valley Golf Course in Ludlow from 5:00pm to 8:30pm. The Derby gala will feature great food and live entertainment which will all be included in the per person ticket price of $25. Entertainment will include several locally sponsored “horse races” with charity betting, a live viewing of the Kentucky Derby on television, and other lively entertainment. There are still several racehorses available for sponsorship at $50 each. Sponsors get to name their horse and have it printed in the event program.
From now until April 15th, LPCTV is offering a 15% discount package of one horse sponsorship and two tickets to the event for only $85. One winner from each race will receive a prize donated by local merchants. There will also be a grand prize drawing of 100 gallons of fuel donated by Cota & Cota, among other valuable prizes. Tickets are available at LPCTV, The Book Nook, and the Wine & Cheese Depot. FMI: 228-8808 or email
9. EVENTS : The coming week begins Holy week starting with Maundy Thursday (service at Gethsemane Church). Keep in mind that Good Friday, April 3, is a holiday for the Cavendish Town Office and the office will be closed. However, this day is no longer a federal holiday, so banks, federal and state offices will be open. Thursday through Saturday is the GMUHS Musical The Drowsy Chaperone. Friday evening in addition to being the first night of Passover will also be a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit Cavendish Cub Scout Pack 211 for their uniform drive. For information on these and other events, go to the Cavendish Connects Calendar. For events in the area, see the Okemo Valley Calendar