Charlie Paquin demonstrating the art of flint-knapping.
When: June 5 (Sunday), 1-4 pm
Where: Cavendish Historical Society Museum, 1958 Main St (Route 131), Cavendish
Cost: $25 per participant, includes all materials
Description: The Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) is thrilled to host archeologist Charlie Paquin for another stellar workshop. CHS volunteers met Charlie when they worked on the Paleo Indian dig at Jackson Gore. A legendary Vermont “flint knapper,” Charlie has done workshops at the Museum as well as led an archaic Indian dig in Cavendish.
On June 5th (Sunday), from 1-4 pm, Charlie will be teaching “Introduction to Flint-Knapping” at the CHS Museum, 1958 Main St (Route 131) in Cavendish. He will demonstrate how the Paleo and Archaic Indians made projectile points (arrow heads) and other tools used for hunting and daily life. Participants will learn to make the simpler tools at this workshop. The cost is $25 per person and includes all materials and supplies. Participants must pre register by May 27 (Friday) as the class size is limited.
Registration: To pre register, call 802-226-7807 or e-mail You can also send a check for $25 to CHS, PO Box 472, Cavendish VT 05142