Cavendish Update 8/15/14 Solar/SB/News
/1. SELECT BOARD MEETING 8/11/14: Select board (SB) meetings are recorded by LPC-TV and are available at their website and on Comcast Television.
At Monday’s meeting the board voted:
• In favor of having TDS attend the Sept. 8 SB meeting to discuss the difficulties people in Cavendish are having with their Internet service.
• To have John Saydeck, landscape architect, assist the town in selecting the correct shade for the new concrete railroad embankment stabilization wall on the Cavendish Gulf Rd and to request that a clear coat be applied to the wall shortly after completion, as part of the maintenance contract. The latter will help to reduce the impact of graffiti.
• To allow the Cavendish Historical Society to sell non historical items from the Cavendish Stone Church, with Cavendish residents having priority purchasing ability, to help offset the costs of the restoration of the church’s belfry/cupola.
• Accepted the 2014/2015 Municipal Sewer System Budget and set the rate as follows for the coming year, starting in Sept- $301.48 per active user ($75.37 per quarter) and $112 annually for inactive accounts.
The board also discussed the upcoming vote on the proposed town solar project; progress on the ERP grant; Davis Rd Bridge; the new recreation director Terry O’Brien; and the replacement of lighting in Cavendish village with LED lights. For a more indepth report, go to The Dish.
2. SOLAR ENERGY FORUM: On Tuesday 8/12/14, members of the Cavendish Energy Committee held a forum to provide information about the proposed solar project and to answer questions. As has been previously described [ Cavendish Energy Committee Report or Cavendish Connects Report ] the project would include a 150 kW solar photovoltaic system, located south of the wastewater treatment plant that would be owned by the town. Net metered with Green Mountain Power (GMP), savings would occur in the first year. A bond of up to $450,000 would need to be passed by the town voters in order to make this possible. The Energy Committee has been looking at solar options for over two years, and it’s been in the last three months that the Committee understood the considerable savings if the town pursued their own system versus join venturing with an outside group.
At this meeting, in addition to the Energy Committee members, Steve Birge, Cavendish resident and co-owner of Black River Produce, was present to discuss their experience with a much larger solar array. The following additional information was shared at the meeting:
• A 150 Kw system is being sought since a larger unt would require significantly more paper work including an Act 250 permit. That noted, other locations for a solar array will be considered in Proctorsville, tying in with the Ludlow Electric at such time as they are willing to pursue net metering.
• Cavendish has until Dec. 31, 2014 to have an operational array if they want to take advantage of the state’s .6¢ per Kw incentive. In January, this will drop to .4¢ The incentive is good for 10 years.
• According to both the Energy Committee members and the company that installed BRP’s system, there is time to install and begin operation of the system before the end of the year. The town has the RFP ready for bidding, which would go out the day after the bond is approved. For this type of project, a 30 day period is not required and so it’s very possible that the contract would be awarded and equipment ordered before the end of September .It will take a month’s lead time to purchase equipment and six weeks to install it.
• Price estimates for the project from at least one company is $428,000. It is anticipated that the bond will be less than the $450,000 being asked for.
• BRP is extremely pleased with their arrays, two of which are on roof tops and one, similar to the Cavendish proposal, on a slope. They have no issues with snow removal from the slope array. They are currently producing considerably more solar than projected.
• It is not clear what the project would do to the town’s bond rating, which is currently excellent. Rich Svec, town manager and Energy Committee member, said he would check with bond counsel before the town meeting on Aug. 25.
The town meeting regarding this project will be on Monday, Aug. 25, 7 pm at CTES. Voting is on Tuesday, Aug. 26 from 10-7 at the school.
Riley’s Tree: The pine tree in front of the Cavendish Elementary School was removed last week because of a pine bore infection. The school is willing to plant another tree if this is of interest to the community.
CCF Accepting Applications for Fall 2014 Grants: The Cavendish Community Fund has announced that it is now accepting grant applications for fall 2014 awards. The deadline for applying is October 1, 2014. Applications are available at the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association’s website and include instructions on how and where to apply.
Greven Field Beach Test Results for 8/13/14: The August 13 test for E.coli levels at Greven Field Beach are 43 cfu, which means the water is safe for swimming and recreational use. Please note that it is recommended that you stay out of the water when it appears cloudy and within 24 hours of a heavy rain. The weekly water testing is made possible by BRAT and the Cavendish Recreation Department.
Fletcher Farm Awarded VT State Designation: The State of Vermont has named Fletcher Farm School the latest Vermont State Craft Center, a distinction designed to promote Vermont’s high-quality craft galleries and craft schools as well as its craftspeople. Vt Digger
Button Up Vermont’s Video Contest: The Button Up Video Contest is coming! Capstone Community Action is looking for very short videos that inspire viewers to take action to lower their heating costs and do something positive for the planet. The competition runs September 2 to October 19, but contestants can start creating their videos any time. There is no entry fee and prizes will be awarded in several categories. Contest details and other background information are available at
Springfield Solar: The town of Springfield could save up to $20,000 a year if it bought electricity from a solar project proposed by Winstanley Enterprises, the project developers told the Springfield Select Board on Monday night.Winstanley, which had previously proposed building a 35 megawatt wood-fired power plant on the same site in the North Springfield industrial park, said the town would save about 17 percent to 18 percent on its power bill by signing a contract with the company and its partners. Rutland Herald
4. EVENTS: Wednesday, Aug. 20, will be the final concert on the Proctorsville Green featuring Sensible Shoes. This is a free event and begins at 6 pm. For the full calendar of events, go to Cavendish Connects Calendar.
If you wish to add an event to the calendar, be sure to use the “Submit an Event” feature after the calendar. For other activities in the area, check out the Okemo Valley Chamber’s Events Calendar.