Cavendish Update 9/6/23: Flushing/Preparedness/News/Events




1.    Cavendish Preparedness

2.    Annual Phineas Gage Walk and Talk

3.    Fall Hydrant Flushing

4.    Cavendish Related News

5.    Events Calendar


1. CAVENDISH PREPAREDNESS: September is National Preparedness Month. It’s the yearly reminder that by preparing now, emergencies and disasters will be easier to handle. This week we’re focusing on area resources and how to stay informed.

Register for VT Alert: Register @ to receive personalized alerts via phone, text or email about emergencies that may affect Cavendish and/or other parts of the state.

For Current Cavendish Information: Cavendish VT Facebook page will post updates as received. The Cavendish Update provides daily updates directly to your e-mail account during emergencies. If you are not registered for this free service, go to the Cavendish Update registration page.

Town Shelter: In addition to Cavendish shelter located at the Cavendish Baptist Church-2258 Main St.-you can always stop at a fire or police station.

Where to go for assistance:

• Black River Good Neighbors Services (BRGNS): Administers Meals on Wheels, food shelf, Financial Aid, heating assistance, housing, utilities, thrift store and furniture store.  Located at  37B Main Street, Ludlow. Call (802) 228-3663. The thrift store operates 10-4 Monday through Saturday, Food Shelf Monday-Friday 10-3; Furniture store, located at 105 Main St. Friday & Saturday from 10-4.

• Senior Services: Provides a variety of services including meals, nutrition and fuel for those 60+. Call 1-866-673-8376 or 1-802-885-2669.

• Mental Health: Call 9-8-8

• VT 2-1-1: Provides resource information. Available 24/7 call 2-1-1 or use the website

• Cavendish Town Office: 802-226-7291

• CARE: If you, or someone you know, might need additional assistance in an emergency, register with CARE (Citizens Assistance Registry for Emergencies) by going to

• Call 911 for emergencies


2. ANNUAL PHINEAS GAGE WALK AND TALK: Once again the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) will be holding the annual Phineas Gage Walk and Talk on the Sunday closest to the date of the accident. Gage, a railroad foreman,  on September 13, 1848, had a tamping rod pass through his head as a result of a blasting accident, and lived for 12 more years.

His accident made medical history, thanks to the dedication of Dr. John Harlow, the Cavendish physician who documented his injury and course of recovery. Harlow was able to secure Gage’s skull and tamping rod, which now reside at the Warren Anatomical Museum.. Thanks to Cavendish Labs, CHS has a 3D exact replica of Gage’s skull.  

This year’s Walk  & Talk takes place on Sunday, Sept. 15 at the CHS Museum, Route 131 in Cavendish, VT. The program begins at 2 pm. The walk includes the location of the accident, Dr. Harlow’s home/surgery, and the boarding house where Gage was taken after his injury. Note this event takes place rain or shine.

The site of the accident is approximately three quarters of a mile from the Museum and by the time other sites of interest are visited, and we return to the museum, you will have walked close to 2 miles. Participants can stop at any time. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended

This program is free and open to the public. Donations welcomed. For more information, please call 802-226-7807 or

3. HYDRANT FLUSHING NOTIFICATION: Monday, September 16th, through Wednesday, September 18th from 8 -5. System users are reminded that: Flushing hydrants may cause temporary discoloration and turbidity of the water.  We apologize for any inconvenience to our users, however this very important system maintenance procedure must be conducted each spring and fall.  The flushing program allows the pipes to be purged and the hydrants checked for proper operation.

Users are advised to avoid drinking the water or washing clothes (especially whites) while discoloration is in evidence.  Following hydrant flushing in your area, users should run cold water until it clears before resuming normal use.  It is also a good idea to flush residential water heaters after the water clears following a hydrant flush in your area. FMI:  802-226-7291



• Cavendish DAR honors Good Citizens VT Journal

• CHS Briefs: The Cavendish Historical Society September Briefs are now on-line and include upcoming events.

• WCAX to temporarily go off-air Friday

Vermont missed opportunities to reduce natural disaster hazards, report finds: A sample building code to make structures more resilient to natural disasters. A way to track structural development in river corridors. An inventory of floodplains storage areas that could be used to reduce the impact of flooding. These are among the prioritized actions listed in the 2018 State Hazard Management Plan that, five years later, Vermont state officials still had not completed, according to a new report from the state auditor. VT Public


SEPTEMBER 9 (MONDAY): Cavendish Select Board meeting, 6:30 pm Cavendish Town Office. The Agenda will be posted to the Cavendish VT Facebook page once it becomes available.

SEPTEMBER 14 (SATURDAY): Vermont Golden Honey Festival at the Golden Stage Inn. 10-4 FMI: Honey Festival Facebook page

SEPTEMBER 15 (SUNDAY): Annual Phineas Gage Walk and Talk, 2 pm at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum. The talk portion will take place rain or shine. Wear comfortable shoes. The walk is a mile and a half of road surface.

SEPTEMBER 16-18 (MONDAY-WEDNESDAY): Cavendish Municipal Hydrant Flushing.

SEPTEMBER 22 (SUNDAY): Dedication of Kate’s Corner at the Cavendish Library-in memory of Kate Lorenz, 1 pm at the library in Proctorsville.

SEPTEMBER 29 (SUNDAY): 2 PM, Cavendish Historical Society Museum. Plant Time: Herbs focusing on longevity (e.g. chaga) and the life cycle of medicinal plants. This will include a discussion of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writing and use of plants like chaga and mandrake root (European variety). Dr. Charis Boke will again be one of the speakers

OCTOBER 13 (SUNDAY) Last Sunday the Museum is open for the 2024 season.

OCTOBER 14 (MONDAY): Indigenous Peoples Day. Town office closed

OCTOBER 26 (SATURDAY) History of the Invasives: Knotweed. 2 pm at the Cavendish Library, 573 Main St. Proctorsville

NOVEMBER 2 (SATURDAY):  Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead): Starts 3 pm at the Cavendish Library, 573 Main St. Proctorsville. Workshop from 3-5:30 Pot luck supper follows