Cavendish Update 11/17/24: SB Mtg/GMUSD vote/Culverts/News/Events
/remains of the mill that once stood where Mack Molding is.
1. Cavendish Select Board Meeting 5/13/24
2. GMUSD Informational Meeting and Revote Warnings
3. Cavendish Culvert Survey
4. Related News
5. Events Calendar
1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 5/13/24: Cavendish Select Board (SB) meetings are videotaped by Okemo Valley TV and available at their website. Unapproved minutes are available at the Town’s Website.
Action Taken
• Approved Ludlow Ambulance contract
• Approved the use of the Proctorsville Green for Cavendish Streetscapes Birds & Blooms on June 22
• Approved Liquor Licenses for Outer Limits; Cavendish Pointe Hotel; Cavendish Pointe Castle Hotel
• Approved Christopher Leonard as a Justice of the Peace
• Awarded Whitesville Road Paving contract to Bazin Brothers for a total of $259,697. The road will be closed (M-F) for two weeks.
Other Business
• Ambulance Contract: Stu Lindberg pointed out that there is a conflict with three members of the Cavendish SB being connected with Ludlow Ambulance and voting on their contract with the town. Mike Ripley and David are EMTs for Ludlow and both recused themselves from voting. Bob Glidden, as chief of the Proctorsville Fire Dept. provides first responder coverage.
Rick Chambers, town manager, read a letter from Wendy Regier, who is advocating that people from Cavendish should have the choice of hospital-Springfield or Mt. Ascutney. According to the second letter Chambers read, from Douglas Nelson, district 11 medical advisor, EMS protocol is to transport to the closest appropriate hospital for a patient, which for Cavendish is Springfield. This reduces the amount of time an ambulance is out of service, though Ludlow does provide coverage to other hospitals when medically necessary.
• Streetscapes ARPA Change Request: Would like to amend their initial grant request to purchase picnic tables instead of benches. There are no trash cans on the town greens and there is concern that picnic tables would attract trash. The board felt it best to see how benches work out before approving picnic tables or adding signage of “Pack it in, Pack it out.”
• Park Place Site visit/Public Hearing: Last fall the Board voted to move forward on making Park Place, the road behind Outer Limits Brewery, an official town road. The second step in this process a site visit and public hearing. The site visit will take place on July 8 (Monday) at 5 pm. A public hearing will follow at 6 pm at the Cavendish Town Office prior to the Monthly Select Board Meeting.
• Managers Report
- Week of May 20th: Spring Hydrant Flushing
- Town Crew has been replacing culverts on Whitesville Rd in preparation for paving.
- Cavendish Memorial Day activities will take place on May 30 (Thursday) with the parade in Cavendish Village ending in the Cavendish Village Cemetery. There will be a stop at the Depot Street Bridge for the tossing of the wreath. The Parade begins after the program at CTES, which starts at 10 am.
- Guard rails that were lost in the July floods are being replaced
• Radar Signs: Town Manager Rick Chambers would like to put up three signs. However, funding is not in this year’s budget and Chambers is looking for grants.
2. GMUSD INFORMATIONAL MEETING AND REVOTE: A public informational meeting regarding the Green Mountain Unified School District (GMUSD) 2024-2025 budget has been scheduled at Green Mountain Union High School Library for May 30 (Thursday)at 6 PM. This meeting is available by Zoom. Phone: 646-876-9923
Warning: The legal voters of Green Mountain Unified School District, consisting of the towns of Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester are hereby warned to meet at the respective polling places on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 for the purpose of voting by Australian ballot. The business to be transacted includes the following:
Article 1: Shall the voters of Green Mountain Unified School District approve the School Board of Directors to expend $16,576,477.00 which is the amount the school board of directors has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? It is estimated that the proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $12,361.26 per long Term Weighted (LTW) equalized per pupil.
Cavendish’s Polling Place is the Proctorsville Fire Dept. Polls are open from 10-7. Absentee Ballots are available at the Cavendish Town Office.
3. CAVENDISH CULVERT SURVEY: Black River Action Team (BRAT), the Town of Cavendish, Cavendish Connects, and Dartmouth College have teamed up to conduct a survey of culverts in an effort to identify and remediate problems in order to reduce flooding. This past Saturday, the students surveyed all the culverts on Twenty Mile Stream Road and cleaned out debris from the ditches. On Wednesday and Thursday, the students continued their work on Old County Road, Meadowbrook Farm Rd, Atkinson, Prior and Moriglioni Roads. The students will again be surveying this coming Tuesday evening.
Thank you to the incredible Dartmouth students (Zoe, Andrew, Anna, Claire, Noah, Eben, Erin and Harper) their professors Dr. Charis Boke and Dr. Sarah Kelly and BRAT- Kelly Stettner and Melissa Rockhill.
You can help maintain the culvert on your property and nearby by: Frequently removing all leaves, trash, or debris using a rake or shovel; Cut back grass and vegetation at the ditch/culvert when you mow your lawn; Do not dump any hazardous waste; and Note and alert the town of any erosion (802-226-7291). DON’T PITCH IN THE DITCH.
• Cavendish Fire District #2 Annual Meeting: The budget passed but was reduced by $9,900 for a final budget of $157,650.
• Cavendish Streetscapes Looking for Help with Watering: Cavendish Streetscapes is looking for volunteers to help water flowers around town. This is a shared task that involves a few days a week or month depending on how many volunteers we get. If you’d like to be a part of the Streetscapes mission to beautify the town, contact Streetscapes representatives Doris Eddy, Mary Ormrod, Lisa Ewald, Julia Gignoux, or Martha Mott.
• Green Up May: While a great deal was accomplished on Green Up Day, there are still areas of town not covered on May 4. Green Up Day is now Green Up May. Sign- up sheets and bags are available in the entry way of the Town Office, which is open 24/7. If you have any suggestions for next year’s Green Up May please send them to Stephanie Knockenhaur, head of the Town’s Recreations department at 802- 384-0205, or Bonnie DayaEmig of the CCCA at
• What’s at stake in the June 4 GM school budget vote? Chester Telegraph
• Lawmakers pass flood disclosure requirements for home sellers, landlords: Vermont now joins a growing list of states that mandate flood risk disclosure for real estate transactions, as climate change fuels more extreme weather. VT Digger
MAY 18 (SATURDAY): Free AHA HeartSave Community CPR and First Aid: The American Heart Association Heartsave CPR Course is designed for community members who need to know how to perform CPR in a variety of community settings. The course is free to Cavendish residents and will be held on Saturday May 18 from 11-4 at the Cavendish Fire Station, 2153 Main St., Cavendish To register, contact Chief Nareau at 802-226-7790, e-mail or stop by the station.
MAY 21 (TUESDAY)-MAY 25 (FRIDAY): Spring Hydrant Flushing of town water system.
MAY 22 (WEDNESDAY): GMUSD Restructuring Meeting @ CTES
MAY 24 (FRIDAY): Early Bird Special for the Cavendish Historical Society plant sale in front of the Museum. 5-7 pm
MAY 25 (SATURDAY):Cavendish Historical Society Plant Sale 9-Noon in front of the Museum.
MAY 24-25 (FRIDAY-SATURDAY): BRGNS Gigantic Spring Rummage Sale at Fletcher Farm off route 103 on the Cavendish/Ludlow border. 10-3.
MAY 26 (SUNDAY): 7:30 am. Annual CCCA Bird Walk with Marianne and Michael Walsh Meeting location to be announced. FMI:
MAY 27 (MONDAY): Memorial Day Town Office Closed
MAY 30 (THURSDAY): Cavendish Memorial Day activities: 10 am Program at CTES followed by the parade in Cavendish Cemetery ending at the Cavendish Cemetery off High St.
JUNE 4 (TUESDAY): GMUSD budget Vote. Proctorsville Fire Hall 10-7. Absentee ballots are available from the Town Office.
JUNE 11 (TUESDAY): CTES 6TH grade graduation
JUNE 12 (WEDNESDAY): Last day of school
JUNE 14 (FRIDAY): GMUHS graduation
JULY 3 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-Gypsy Reel (Irish band). FMI
JULY 4 (THURSDAY): 4TH OF JULY Town office closed
JULY 10 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-Soul Rockers FMI
JULY 17 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-Yankee Chank (Cajun/Zydeco Dance Band) FMI
JULY 24 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-East Bay Jazz Ensemble FMI
JULY 27 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale. 9-2 pm
JULY 31 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-Rick Redington & Tuff Luv FMI
AUGUST 7 (WEDNESDAY): 6 PM Proctorsville Green Summer Concert Series-Bear Mountain Boys FMI