Cavendish Update 2/2/24: Magnets/Candidates/Hearts/Job/News/Events


                              HAPPY GROUNDHOG’S DAY


1 Free Cavendish Disaster Information Magnets

2. Cavendish Candidates for March 5th Vote

3. Cavendish Rock Heart Hunt

4. Notice of Public Information Meeting: Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

5. Job Posting

6.Cavendish Related News

7. Events


1. FREE CAVENDISH DISASTER INFORMATION MAGNETS: To help people who live, work and/or visit Cavendish (includes Proctorsville) in the event of a disaster-like this summer’s floods-Cavendish Connects has purchased “Cavendish Disaster Information” magnets. These provide the following information: Location of town shelter; where to go for current info; town office contact; the reminder to call 911 in an emergency and how to register for VT Alert.  These can be placed on refrigerator doors or other magnetic surfaces. This is particularly important if you have: rentals (short or long term); employees; children that could be home alone; and/or have visitors. 

The free magnets can be obtained at one of the following locations:

• Cavendish Post Office: 7:30-9:30 am and 3-5 pm

• Cavendish Fire Dept: Monday-Friday 9-4

• Cavendish Town Office: Monday-Friday 9-4:30 (closed from noon-1)

• Cavendish Library (Proctorsville): Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9-6

• Proctorsville Fire Dept.: Tuesday evenings 6-8 pm

If you are unable to pick up magnets and need to make other arrangements, e-mail or call 802-226-7807.

Thank you to Stacia Spaulding for her assistance and to the supporters of Cavendish Connects for making this possible. 


2. CAVENDISH CANDIDATES FOR MARCH 5th VOTE: With petitions having been filed by January 29, Cavendish has only one race for elected town positions. Three people will be running for 2 slots for the one term position of select board member-Shannon Devereaux, Stuart Lindberg and David Norton.  All the rest either had no candidate (Auditor one 2 year term and one three year term; Library Trustee one 2 years of unexpired 5 year term; and Trustee of Public Funds one year of unexpired 3 year term) or just one person applied-Mike Ripley (Moderator and 3 year Select Board term); Joshua (Auditor-one year term); Theresa McNamara (Town Grand Juror); Jane Pixley Trustee of Public Funds 3 year term); Dave Gallagher (5 year term Library Trustee); Clair Berkman (one 3 years of unexpired 5 year term); and Lisa Sanders (GMUSD Director). Voting will take place at the Cavendish Fire Department on March 5 (Tuesday) from 10-7.


3. CAVENDISH ROCK HEART HUNT: Happy February and welcome to the Cavendish Historical Society's first ever "Rock Heart Hunt." In keeping with Valentine’s Day, CHS is sharing their love of history this February with a “find the heart” hunt at various historical spots in the two villages of Cavendish.

Ten hearts have been painted on rocks by Becky Plunkard. Using clues, available at the CHS blog, the hearts and take a picture and/or add a heart stone of your own to the places that mean the most to you. Please don’t move the rocks.

At the end of February, we’ll count how many additional heart stones have been added to find out which historic spots in town people most like to visit.

If you have questions, or having trouble with the clues, e-mail or call 802-226-7807.


4. NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING-LOCAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN UPDATE: The Town of Cavendish is updating its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose of this planning effort is to protect life, property, economy, quality of life, and environment of the Cavendish Community from naturally occurring hazards and disasters.

The Town will be holding a public meeting to present and seek comment from the local and regional communities on the Town of Cavendish 2023-2028 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Draft as part of their Selectboard Meeting agenda on Feb. 12 (Monday), 6:30 pm at the Cavendish Town Office.

The Plan identifies natural hazards that are most impactful to the Cavendish community and includes Strategies and Actions to reduce vulnerabilities and potential risks to hazards such as flooding, erosion, extreme temperatures and winter storms. The public is encouraged to attend and share their thoughts as the effectiveness of this planning effort relies on local engagement.

The Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC), will be presenting the draft plan and taking comments and questions. A copy of the Town of Cavendish 2023-2028 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan can be found HERE, and on the Town website. Hard copies can be found at the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library and Town Office.

If you are interested but unable to attend you can provide your input, concerns, comments, and questions regarding this draft Plan via email to Cindy Ingersoll at or to Rick Chambers at


5. JOB POSTING: Temporary position at Commercial Radio in Cavendish doing inventory and online marketplace update and general office organization for an estimated 1-2 weeks. Pay is $18 an hour. Can provide lodging. FMI: Call 802-226-7582 or 239-340-5154.



Cavendish Energy Committee Report Ending June 30, 2023

Unapproved Minutes from the 1/25/24 Cavendish Select Board Meeting

• Water High Consumption Advisory: Water Conservation Notice – High Water Usage: While the leak has been found and things will return to normal shortly when reservoirs are filled back to the level needed.  The Water Department is asking for your cooperation - due to high water consumption, please limit unnecessary water usage and check your property for any possible water leaks.  Please contact the Town Office if you have any questions or concerns at (802)226-7292. 

• Soup Prep Day: On Feb 3 (Saturday), 3 pm at 2258 Main Street, the home of the Cavendish Shelter and the Cavendish Baptist Church The next community cooking event is all about soup. Ingredients are ready to be prepped and we'll have fun chopping them up and dividing them to take home, making cooking our next few soups easier.  Please bring your favorite soup recipes so we can all get some new ideas. Also bring your favorite prep knife and a donation for the ingredients. We will have onions, carrots, celery, squash and peppers.

• CTES Sock Drive: Mrs. Plunkard and The Cavendish Town Elementary School's (CTES) Respect Club have organized a Sock Drive. Collecting socks off ALL SIZES! Please consider donating new or gently used socks. Donations can be dropped off at CTES between 7:45am and 3:00pm. All of the socks are going to be donated to local families.

GMUHS, District Settle Lawsuit Alleging they Mishandled Bullying After a Rape Allegation: Five sisters who sued Green Mountain Union High School administrators, the school board and the school district in 2019 for failing to protect them against harassment reached a $300,000 settlement in January. VT Digger

• 5 tips for viewing the 2024 solar eclipse in Vermont: Cavendish is not in the path of totality. Burlington will experience the total solar eclipse first, from about 3:26 to 3:29 p.m. on April 8. From there, the path of totality will travel diagonally past Montpelier, hitting the Northeast Kingdom at about 3:30 p.m. But areas south of the path of totality – including Barre, Rutland, Bennington and Brattleboro — will experience a partial solar eclipse, according to NASA. The sun’s corona will not be visible, but the sky is still predicted to become darker and the sun would look like a crescent when viewed through safety equipment. VT Digger



FEBRUARY 3 (SATURDAY): Soup Prep, 3 pm at the Cavendish Shelter/Baptist Church. See above for more information.

FEBRUARY 7 (WEDNESDAY): Public hearing on an enhanced energy chapter of the town plan,  6:30 pm at the Cavendish Town Office.

FEBRUARY 12 (MONDAY): Monthly Select Board Meeting, 6:30 pm at the Cavendish Town Office. This meeting will begin with an informational meeting on the town’s draft Hazardous Mitigation Plan.



FEBRUARY 15 (THURSDAY): Quarterly Property Taxes due

FEBRUARY 19 (MONDAY): President’s Day. Legal holiday town office and schools closed

FEBRUARY 19-23 (MONDAY-FRIDAY) Winter Break no school