Cavendish Update 9/15/23: SB Mtg/Flood/Go Bag/News



1. Flood Information

2. Emergency Preparedness Month: Make a Go Bag

3. Greven Field

4. Cavendish Related News

5. Events


1. FLOOD INFORMATION: Please use the Cavendish Guide for Flood Recovery for up to date resources and information.

Save the date: On Saturday, September 30, from 9-11, there will be an Okemo Valley Flood Recovery Forum for those impacted by the July floods. The event will take place at the Ludlow Community Center.  This will be an opportunity to ask questions, obtain assistance and learn what’s available to assist those who are in the rebuild phase. More information will be posted next week. In the meantime, if you have questions that you want to make sure are addressed at the Forum, please e-mail them to

Flood Update to the Select Board: At Monday night’s Select Board meeting, town manager Rick Chambers gave an update to the board that included the following:

• He and Diane McNamara, town clerk met with FEMA last week. The town has 60 days to report damage estimates.

•  FEMA wanted to visit any sites that were less than 90% complete. Fortunately there weren’t many- Greven Field (see Item 3), Bailey Hill Road and the gravel bar in the Black River near Mill St.

• With 131 reopened, the Highway crew will work on repairing Greenbush. Most roads are in good shape but need top dressing, ditching and grading.

In comparison to. other towns, Cavendish is in good shape with contractors and highway department having done great work. To date, the Town has spent under a million dollars.

Chambers would like to post a bid for gravel removal from the Black River near Mill St., as he has concerns about it causing flooding for the Water Treatment Plant this winter and spring. Work in the rivers needs to be completed by Oct. 15.


2. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS MONTH: Prepare A Go Bag: A “Go Bag,” can be stashed in the garage, by your bed or someplace handy you can just take with you should you have to evacuate due to a disaster. It also can be the basis of your at home kit should you need it.

The American Red Cross has a good checklist of what you should have in your “Go Bag.”

• Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home) Note: While that’s the ideal, water is heavy so put in what’s reasonable to carry and consider options like LifeStraw. These can be purchased in bulk from places like Amazon.

• Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)

• Flashlight 

• Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)

• Extra batteries 

• First aid kit

• Medications (7-day supply) and medical items

• Multi-purpose tool such as a Leatherman or even a Swiss Army Knife

• Sanitation and personal hygiene items

• Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)

• Cell phone with chargers 

• Family and emergency contact information

• Extra cash

• Emergency blanket

• Map(s) of the area

You should have a bag for every member of your household, including one for the pets. Some of the pricier items, like battery powered or hand crank radios, can be limited to one person.


3. GREVEN FIELD: At Monday night’s Select Board Meeting, the issue of Greven field was discussed. Town manager, Rick Chambers, told the board that the Town’s insurance does not extend to Greven, but it would be added to the Town’s FEMA claim. This would include putting a bid together for basic clean-up to make the area safe, but would not include rebuilding the fields.

After Irene, a community group, the Greven Field Committee,  raised funds through grant writing, a concert by Ignat Solzhenitsyn and significant in-kind contributions of time and materials to restore the fields and park. Chambers indicated that this type of approach needs to take place again.

In August 2013, the Greven Field Nature Trail opened thanks to the Greven Field Committee, Kelly Stettner of Black River Action Team (BRAT), landscape architect Tim Calabrese and many others. The trail has been used year round since then and could be easily restored for fall and winter use.

At Monday’s meeting, former Rec Director, Terry O’Brien distributed a proposal to the Select Board, regarding steps to take this fall after the initial fencing and debris has been removed. He said that the clay needs to be replaced this fall if the fields are to be used for spring baseball.

As was of concern to the SB after Irene, the current board wants to see that flood hazard regulations are followed in the rebuilding of any playing fields.

In 1948,  Dr. H. J. Greven deeded the eight-acre field across from his home and office to the Proctorsville Fire Department. Through volunteer initiative and fund raising, a baseball diamond, bleachers, and other recreational items were installed for the community. For many years, this was the site of Cavendish’s Old Home Day celebration. 


• Cavendish Select Board Meeting 9/11/23: Topics addressed at Monday night’s meeting appear under Flood Information (Item 1) and Item 3 Greven Field. Other issues discussed included Quent Phalen Rd; the Academy Building and its sale; and errors and ommissions for a parcel of land. The Town Website includes unapproved minutes and the Okemo Valley TV website includes a video of the meeting.

• Thank You and Best Wishes to Randy Shimp: Cavendish’s Chief Water/Wastewater Operator Randy Shimp retired Sept. 8. Ron Davis, who has been with the water department for the last several years, will be stepping up as chief operator.

Congratulations to Denise Riley Hughes: Cavendish resident Denise Riley Hughes has recently been appointed by Governor Scott as Secretary of the Agency of Digital Services. VT Digger

Chieftain defense costs top $10,000 thus far: The Green Mountain Unified School District thus far has spent $10,000 defending its decision to continue using the word Chieftain as a mascot name, and a hearing before the Agency of Education has yet to be held. Once the hearing gets under way, those costs are expected to grow. The spending figures come from invoices The Telegraph received through a Public Records Act request. Chester Telegraph

• GM School Board chair Brown reverses course; to allow comment on Zoom — with stipulations:Chester Telegraph 

• M&T New Bank Hours: The Ludlow branch is open and has recently announced new hours for both lobby and drive thru starting September 18. Monday-Thursday 9-4;  Friday 9-5; and Saturday 9-noon. ATM & night drop are still 24/7



SEPTEMBER 15 (FRIDAY): Rosh Hashanah begins

SEPTEMBER 14 (WEDNESDAY): Magic Show and BBQ, Welcome back to the library. BBQ from 5-7, Magic Show at 6

SEPTEMBER 22-23 (FRIDAY-SATURDAY): Black River Good Neighbors Rummage Sale, 10-3 pm at Fletcher Farm off Route 103.


SEPTEMBER 30 (SATURDAY): Okemo Valley Flood Recovery Workshop, 9-11 at the Ludlow Community Center. Free and open to the public.

OCTOBER 9 (MONDAY): Indigenous People’s Day. Town office closed

OCTOBER 12 (THURSDAY): Town Office closed for Elections Training