Cavendish Update 8/11/23 Flood/News/Events



1. Flood Information

2. Cavendish information

3. Events


1. FLOOD INFORMATION: To help those impacted by the flood, be they property owner, renter, or business,  the Cavendish Guide for Flood Recovery is available on-line. Please share with neighbors and friends who may be too busy to notice it. It’s regularly updated, sometimes daily, with new resources as they become available.

Vermont Emergency Eats Program (VEE): is a flood response program targeted to feed disrupted populations in flood ravaged communities. People in Ludlow, Cavendish, Plymouth, Weston and Londonderry can sign up to receive meal vouchers for every member of their household that can be exchanged for a VEE meal at participating restaurants. Each resident can receive 1-2 meal vouchers each for up to seven days. Check in once every week of August to get another week's worth of vouchers. The program will run through 8/31/2023. To register for your vouchers go to Black River Good Neighbors in Ludlow M-F, from 10-4. Vermont Emergency Eats is brought to you locally courtesy of FEMA, Governor Phil Scott, multiple state agencies, SEVCA, the Springfield Family Center and Chester Helping Hands.

Do you need help navigating FEMA applications and insurance claims? Free legal services are now available from volunteers at the Vermont Bar Association and the Vermont Law and Graduate School. The organizations are also offering services to small business owners who have questions about leases on unusable properties, and other flood-related issues. Flood survivors in need of legal services can sign up for the program by visiting the Vermont Bar Association’s website.

Vermont Realtors Funds: There are two different pots of money from Vermont Realtors for relief efforts. Check and see if one of them is right for you. As always please share with neighbors and friends, who've been impacted but may not be on-line.



• Meet the GMUHS Principal and Asst. Principal: Meet the new principal and assistant principal, hear about our goals for the 2023-2024 school year, and ask us questions on Aug. 16, from 5-6:30 p.m., in the Green Mountain Union High School library. Parents and guardians may also be able to pick up their child’s laptop and class schedule. Snacks and refreshments will be served. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our vision for Green Mountain!

The Silverbacks to perform in Proctorsville: The Town of Cavendish and the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association invite everyone to spend an evening listening to the sounds of The Silverbacks at the Svec Memorial Green in Proctorsville on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 6 p.m., weather permitting. Based in Brandon, Vt., the Silverbacks mix authentic blues and rock classics, managing to sound fresh and familiar at the same time. At the root of nearly all classic rock songs is the blues. This concert is sponsored by the Holy Name of Mary Altar Society. 



AUGUST 14 (MONDAY): Cavendish Select Board August Meeting, 6:30 pm at the Cavendish Town Office. Agenda will be posted when received.

AUGUST 16 (WEDNESDAY): Summer Concerts at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. The Silverbacks will perform. Concerts are free and open to the public.

AUGUST 17 (THURSDAY): Gloria Leven’s 100th birthday party at the Cavendish Library, 5 pm. BBQ, cake, live jazz music etc.

AUGUST 17 (THURSDAY)-19 (SATURDAY): Community Build playground at CTES. Need volunteers. No skills required. Refreshments & Lunch Provided. FMI: 802-548-7419

SEPTEMBER 14 (WEDNESDAY): Magic Show and BBQ, Welcome back to the library. BBQ from 5-7, Magic Show at 6