Cavendish Update 2/17/23: SB Mtg/News/Events



1.    Cavendish Select Board Meeting 2/13/23

2. Cavendish Info:

3.    Covid/Flu update

4.    Events


1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 2/13/23: Cavendish Select Board (SB) meetings are videoed by Okemo Valley TV and posted to their website. In addition, unapproved minutes from Monday’s meeting will be posted at the Cavendish Municipal Website.

The following took place at Monday’s meeting:

Acted on the following:

• Accepted with regret the resignation of Etienne Ting (Chair) and Doug McBride from the Planning Commission.

 • Reappointed Doris Eddy for three year term as Town Health Officer

• Approved DLL License for Singletons VT, Inc.

Academy Building: Reese Brown, owner of the Academy Building, spoke to the board about his interest in selling the building, as he no longer lives in town and doesn’t have the resources to maintain the property. The Academy Building, located on 131 and High St., was built in 1792 and is the oldest standing building in town. There are two title defects that are blocking potential sales. Preservation Trust supposedly has an agreement with the Town, but the Trust has no record of it . They did conduct a site visit and found little historical significance downstairs but quite a bit upstairs. They would like the easement to be rewritten. However, Reese said he’d prefer that this be done with a prospective buyer and not him.  There is also a Warranty deed from 1986 signed by the Cavendish SB of that time, which stipulates that the building can not be used for residential purposes. Brown would like to see that paragraph amended to allow mixed use as several prospective buyers wanted to turn the building into a home and their business. Brown has been asked to put his request in writing, which will then be turned over to the Town’s attorney for review.

Planning Commission: With only three members of the seven member Planning Commission, and no chair, the Commission is in a state of limbo. They need at least 4 members for a quorum in order  to meet. If  unable to recruit additional members by the organizational/SB meeting on March 11, the SB will need to consider dropping  the number of members to 5.

 Former Town Garage Site Update/Plan: The tests that came back for contaminants were minimal and the state has waved a phase 2 analysis. By mid- summer will begin a small remediation project that will  be overseen by Regional Planning. Given the former usage of the site, there will be some restrictions on its usage.

Town Manager’s Report:

• Hydraulic study on the Twenty Mile Stream (TMS) Bridge next to Bates Mansion. Culvert is rusted at the bottom and needs to be replaced. It’s creating sink holes in the McBride property and it’s becoming a problem very quickly. To replace the entire culvert, which is huge, would cost about a million dollars, and would require a temporary bridge. Hoping to just pour the bottom of the culvert, which has been done in other parts of town. That would be potentially half the cost. Will require input from various state agencies, including VTrans and Fish & Wildlife.  Something will need to happen by summer of 2024 and state funds will be required. May want to consider Meadow Brook Camp Ground Bridge at the same time the TMS bridge is being done.

• Municipal Water: Continue to have brown water at some homes. Fixed a leak, which has help. Tests come back fine but some users are having discoloration in the water. No real explanation. When there is constant pressure on the water, such as peak usage times during tourist system, something may break off. If your water is discolored, or you wish to test your water, please call the town office.

• Pump Station: The quote for bringing up pump stations to current technology is estimated to be around  a million. Will need to be done in conjunction with state funding. It’s definitely not going to be something for ARPA funds.

• Mud Season is coming. If you have issues with the roads, please call the town office and they will be addressed as best as they can.

• Personnel policy needs to be completed, reviewed and approved by the SB by summer.

• Special thanks to Josh Temple for stepping up to be the town auditor. Thanks to Jen Leak for finishing the Town Report on schedule.

• Thank you to Sandra Russo who will not be running again for the SB.



• Dog Licenses Renewal: By State statue all dogs residing in Vermont need to be licensed by April 1st each year. A current rabies certificate must be presented at time of licensing. Please stop by the Town Office and license your dogs!

• Love your Neighbor: Until Feb. 22, Black River Good Neighbor is seeking donations of 4 specific foods-Mayo, Ketchup, Ground Coffee and Cereal. Drop Boxes are located at Berkshire Bank, Ludlow Insurance, M&T Bank, Cota & Cota and Benson’s Cheverolet. Sponsored by Ludlow Rotary.

• CHS Winter News: February is Black History month. Learn more about Cavendish’s Revolutionary War Veteran who came from Africa and lived in Cavendish for 30 or more years and other aspects of February history by clicking here. The Winter Newsletter of the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) is now on-line and contains part 1 of the 1975 Bicentennial Jeep Tour of Cavendish. If there is interest in seeing the tour replicated this summer, please e-mail or call 802-226-7807.

• Okemo Valley region elementary and high school skiers benefit from fifty-year old program: In the early 1970s, Proctorsville resident, Phys Ed. teacher and athletic coach at the Black River Elementary School (BRES) in Ludlow, Jennifer Stowell, started a ski sports program as part of her P.E. curriculum. Stowell came to the school in 1962, and she’d already instituted girls’ basketball, field hockey, and softball teams during her first decade there. .. Fifty ski seasons later the school ski program that Stowell began continues and has grown to include elementary schools in Chester-Andover, Mount Holly, and Cavendish Town Elementary, as well as Green Mountain Union High School (GMUHS) in Chester. Vt Journal

• Noah Wass Appointed Mack Molding Plant Manager in Cavendish

• Free Program: Cartoonist Rick Stromoski: Join your friends either in person at the Cavendish library or virtually to learn how to draw Impossible Animals! Cartoonist Rick Stromoski will show us how to draw "Platypussycats, Bengalbunnies, Kangorillapigs," and much more! The hybrid program begins at 1:00 on Friday, February 24th. To join in person, just come to the library. To join using Zoom, please email Amy McMullen at to receive the link. This is a free program for kids in 2nd grade and above. Adults will have fun, too! For more information please call 802-226-7503 or email the library.

• The latest solution to Vermont’s housing crisis? Paying landlords to rent to people.

• Fuel to the Fire: Recent reports on gas stoves fail rural Vermont: Propane and natural gas are not the same, but have been lumped together in news coverage. If you’ve read a major newspaper or watched the news on television or listened on the radio, you’ve likely heard that your gas stove is emitting toxic chemicals and other substances that can injure your health — even when the stove is not being used. But according to the main studies on the topic,  the authors are specifically talking about “natural gas,” which is generally found piped into buildings in metropolitan areas. Here in southern Vermont and in other rural areas, the gas that’s used to cook is propane and the white tanks standing outside most houses here attest to that.  Chester Telegraph


 3. COVID/FLU: For local information on Covid, please see the Cavendish COVID-19 Resource Guide.

Vaccination for Covid and Flu-  Doctor’s office or pharmacy.  

Free Covid Test kits/masks & hand sanitizer: Available Monday-Friday at the Cavendish Fire Dept from 9-4. For weekends and off hours, call 802-226-7807. Pick up free masks and sanitizer when picking up a test kit. Masks and hand sanitizer are available 24/7, 365 at the CHS Cares Closet, next to the steps of the Museum.

Schools: Since 2/7, GMUHS has reported 14 cases of Covid, while Chester Andover Elementary had 3 cases.

Vermont Covid Surveillance Report: The 2/5-2/11 report indicates low community levels state wide with the exception of Bennington and Rutland Counties, which are rated “medium”.  There have been 9 new Covid deaths, bringing the state total to 910. Five outbreaks are reported for Windsor County. Most of these are likely to be in school and childcare settings.

Vermont Flu Surveillance Report. The 1/29-2/4 reports VT as continuing to have minimal levels of flu statewide.



FEBRUARY 20 (MONDAY): President’s Day, Legal Holiday, Town Office Closed. Winter break for schools begins.


FEBRUARY 24 (FRIDAY): Draw Impossible Animals! Cartoonist Rick Stromoski will show us how to draw "Platypussycats, Bengalbunnies, Kangorillapigs," and much more! The hybrid program begins at 1:00 pm. To join in person, just come to the library. To join using Zoom, please email Amy McMullen at to receive the link. This is a free program for kids in 2nd grade and above. Adults will have fun, too! For more information please call 802-226-7503 or email the library.

MARCH 2 (THURSDAY): The Annual School District Meeting will take place on March 2 at 6 pm at the Green Mountain Union High School. Click here for a copy of the warning.      Community Luncheon: Free Corned Beef & Cabbage, serving at Noon, Ludlow ommunity Center Cafeteria, 37 Main ST. Ludlow. Bingo follows the meal. Meal provided by Black River Good Neighbor Services. All are welcome.

MARCH 6 (MONDAY): Town Meeting (informational)

MARCH 7 (TUESDAY): Voting takes place from 10-7 at the Proctorsville Fire Hall.

MARCH 12 (SUNDAY): Daylight Savings Time Begins. Set clocks ahead one hour


APRIL 7 (FRIDAY): Good Friday. Town Office Closed

APRIL 8 (SATURDAY): Free Easter Dinner. The Ludlow & Proctorsville Fire Depts., in conjunction with Black River Good Neighbors are providing an Easter Dinner, which can be picked up curbside at the Ludlow Community Center from 12-2. The meal includes ham, potatoes, gravy, corn, roll and dessert. To reserve your meal, call Angela at 802-356-3823 by April 1. Maximum 125 dinners provided