Cavendish Update 5/13/22: SB Mtg/Job/Burn Ban



Fuels remain abnormally dry. Combined with low relative humidity, fires started could quickly grow.


1.    Cavendish Planning & Select Board Meetings

2.    Cavendish Info

3.    Job Opening Cavendish Library

4.    Covid update

5.    Events


1. CAVENDISH PLANNING & SELECT BOARD MEETINGS: At the May Planning Commission meeting, according to the report filed by Sharon Huntley of the VT Journal, “ Tempers flared among commission members … as the group failed to agree on the final approval for the “enhanced energy chapter” that has been in process for the better part of four years.”

At the May 9 Select Board (SB) Meeting, the ‘Energy Chapter’ was once again discussed. Selectman Stephen Plunkard, who is the SB’s liaison to the Planning Commission, noted four years is a long time to discuss a policy or objective. It was his view that goals and objectives were just that, not regulations, and therefore do not carry penalties if they go unmet. His take away from the May 4th meeting was it seemed more about philosophy than actual wording.

Following the Planning Commission meeting, long standing member John Saydeck, who has served on the Commission for more than 30 years, submitted his letter of resignation to the SB, which was accepted with regrets and thanks for his many years of service.

The Planning Commission’s membership is already down, as one member has not attended in the last year. Bruce McEnaney has been appointed to the Commission, which makes that a five member commission.

Other actions/discussions at the SB meeting:

• The Class 2 Paving Grant has been approved and funds will be used to pave Tarbell Hill Rd. If funds permit, a Class 3 road would also be paved. Ranney Hill, Quent Phalen, High Street and Whitesville roads all need attention.

• Several people, including Stephan Plunkard, are interested in joining an ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) committee to discuss how these funds should be used.

• Memorial Day: Brendan McNamara, town manager, is working on a program to be held on Monday, May 30th. The parade this year will be to Hillcrest Cemetery

• McNamara is meeting with Regional Planning about soil testing on the old town garage site. His goal is to complete this project, which includes relocation of the pole barns and landscaping, by the fall

FMI: May 9, 2022 Select Board Meeting Unapproved Minutes

Planning Commission erupts over Enhanced Energy Chapter



• Notice to Cavendish Property Owners-Grievance Day: May 25 (Wednesday) at 9:30 am, the assessor will meet at the Cavendish Town Office to hear appeals of the taxpayers aggrieved by actions of the Assessor from whom timely grievances have been received. To be timely, such grievances must be in writing and received (postmarks not accepted) by May 24th (Tuesday). At the close of grievance hearings, the assessor shall make such corrections in the abstract as were determined upon hearing or otherwise. Unless cause to the contrary is shown, the contents of said abstract will, for the tax year 2023, become the grand list of the town/city of each taxpayer named therein.

• Memorial for Seymour Leven: There will be a military salute at the Cavendish Village Cemetery on High St followed by a gathering at the Cavendish Baptist Church on Saturday, June 4th 2022 at 2:00pm. Please bring your stories and remembrances.

• Proctorsville Hair Salon for Sale: Established 31 years ago, the salon is locate in Proctorsville village, across from Svec Park (Proctorsville Green). Move in ready with full clientele in rented space. FMI: Julie 802-226-7233

• Cavendish Green Up May!: Thanks to all who participated in last Saturday’s Green Up Day. While 50% of Cavendish’s 68 roads (50%) were covered, the goal is to cover the other 50%. Stop by the Town Office vestibule, which is open 24/7, and check out the list of roads not covered. Take some bags, sign up on the board the route(s) you’ll be doing, and green up while enjoying the gorgeous weather we’re having. When you finish, please call Betty McEnaney at 802-236-7099 to answer a couple of questions about your route. Cavendish Thanks You!!

• Cavendish Historical Society News: The CHS Spring Newsletter is now on-line with events information (including the plant sale) and the continuation of 100 Unique Things About Cavendish.

• Letter carriers food drive this Saturday: Tomorrow Saturday, May 14, the 30th anniversary of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive will take place. Letter carriers across the country will collect nonperishable food donations directly from customers. Participants are asked to leave any food donations outside by their mailbox in a bag– the letter carrier will take care of the rest. You can also drop off donations at the Cavendish or Proctorsville Post offices. Participants are reminded that glass and expired items are not permitted. Donations go directly to local food pantries.

• 2022 Spring Bird Walk: The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association is sponsoring a Spring Bird Walk on Sunday May 22nd at 8 am. Walkers will meet at the Proctor Piper trail head in Proctorsville. Marianne and Michael Walsh of the Mount Ascutney Audubon Bird Association will join Tim Calabrese of the Cavendish Trail Association to lead the birding walk along the Proctor Piper Trail that links the two villages in Cavendish. The walk is of moderate difficulty with a few stream crossings, some rock hopping and moderately steep slopes, so wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and bring your binoculars. The walk will be slow going as we pay attention to bird song and movement. We will meet at the trail head where there is plenty of parking. Marianne and Michael will guide us in identifying the birds we find along the way with their knowledge and expertise. May is the best month to observe the return of migrating birds, since by June they have settled into nesting. This walk is limited to 12 people. To register and for more information: Robin at 802-259-2327 or

 Cannabis Commission is set in Chester


3. JOB OPENING CAVENDISH LIBRARIAN: The Cavendish Fletcher Community Library is seeking a full-time librarian/media/technology specialist with the dual responsibility of a community librarian (60%) and a certified school librarian (40%). Qualified candidates must hold or be eligible to hold a valid VT Educator License with Library Media Specialist (61) Endorsement. Preferred a minimum of two years of professional library experience and grant writing experience. Salary range $45-$65K, commensurate with experience and credentials. Benefits include vacation, sick leave, State pension and health insurance. Send resume to Resume to Peggy Svec at

The current librarian, Kata Welch, has taken the position as full time librarian for Cavendish/Andover Elementary School.


4. COVID UPDATE: For local information on testing, vaccinations, boosters, notifying contacts as well as other resources, including for Long Covid, please see the Cavendish COVID-19 Resource Guide.

TRSU SCHOOL NUMBERS: New cases of COVID-19 in the TRSU 5/5-5/11/22 CAES 1 case; Mt Holly Elementary 1 case

STATE: The state is ending the Covid dashboard as of Mary 18 and replacing it with a weekly “surveillance report” starting May 11. It will be updated every Wednesday. COVID-19 data sets will still be accessible through the Vermont Open Geodata Portal, including case counts, hospitalizations, deaths, PCR testing and more. 

At Tuesday’s press conference, Dr. Mark Levine, Health Commissioner, noted that the primary reason for the change is the high home testing rate with lower reporting of findings. “We’ve spoken many times here about data reporting and the need to focus on the larger picture of Covid: its impact on our health and on our health care systems,” he said.  The state’s main concern is Covid severity, which is captured by hospital data and mortality.

Included in the new weekly report, the first one is now available, are new daily Covid case rates, admissions and percent of staffed inpatients occupied by Covid-19 patients. Also included are percent of emergency visits with Covid like illness; the percentage of the different variants; waste water monitoring; reported and confirmed outbreaks; county data; and vaccination data.

No modeling report was published this week, though Levine noted that cases have increased about 4% this week. Hospitalizations went up to 75 on Tuesday, the highest since the BA.2 variant surge began. Four more deaths were reported. Levine said many vaccinated Vermonters who have been hospitalized were not up to date on their vaccines, including the first or second booster for immunocompromised Vermonters or those 50 and older. He also said about half of Vermonters hospitalized for Covid came to the hospital for other conditions, rather than being admitted because of Covid.

Vermont has had one of the highest Covid-19 case rates in the nation, according to The New York Times, as the highly infectious BA.2 subvariant swept through the state beginning in mid-March. Levine noted the reasons were “multifactorial,” “Because we continue to be a state with perhaps still the lowest rate of immunity from having had Covid, we do expect the virus to continue to spread.” Between a quarter and a third of Vermonters had contracted Covid between March 2020 and February 2022, according to new data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s compared to nearly 60% of the nation as a whole.

3 ways to get COVID pills, if you've just tested positive



MAY 14 (SATURDAY): Letter carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Drop off items at Cavendish or Proctorsville Post offices, or leave in a bag by your mail box.

MAY 15 (SUNDAY): Town Taxes due

MAY 17 (TUESDAY): Fire District 2 (Cavendish Village) annual meeting, 7 pm at the Cavendish Fire Department.

MAY 20-21 (FRIDAY-SATURDAY): BRGN Rummage Sale at Fletcher Farm on Route 103. 10-4.

MAY 22 (SUNDAY): CCCA Spring Bird Walk at 8 am. Walkers will meet at the Proctor Piper trail head in Proctorsville. Marianne and Michael Walsh of the Mount Ascutney Audubon Bird Association return and join Tim Calabrese of the Cavendish Trail Association to lead the birding walk along the Proctor Piper Trail which links the two villages in Cavendish. To register and for more information: Robin at 802-259-2327 or Walk is limited to 12 people.

MAY 25 (WEDNESDAY): Property Grievance Day

MAY 27 (FRIDAY): 5-7 pm, Early Bird Cavendish Historical Society plant sale in front of the Museum

MAY 28 (SATURDAY): 9-noon: CHS Plant sale continues in front of the Museum.

MAY 30 (MONDAY): Memorial Day. Legal holiday. Town Office Closed

JUNE 1 (WEDNESDAY): CCCA’s Cavendish Calendar Photography Contest photographs are due today.  FMI:

JUNE 21 (TUESDAY): Last day of school

-       1st Day of Summer

JULY 30 (SATURDAY): Cavendish’s Annual Town Wide Tag Sale, 9-2.