Cavendish Update 7/30/21: Tag Sale/Covid/Construction


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IT’S THE TOWN WIDE TAG SALE!!: July 31 (Saturday) from 9-2. Check out the on-line directory for whose selling what. It will be updated until 6 am on Saturday morning.

Stop by the Cavendish Connects/Cavendish Historical Society booth at the Gazebo on the Proctorsville Green and “tie dye” a mask.  Masks and hand sanitizer will be available. Please consider making a donation as there are costs associated with producing the Update and all the other services CC provides.


1.    RT 131 Construction/Bridge @ Exit 8 Update from VTrans 7/29

2.    Cavendish Info

3.    Covid update

4.    Events


1. RT 131 CONSTRUCTION/BRIDGE @ EXIT 8 UPDATE-7/29: Please direct questions and concerns to Natalie Boyle at Vtrans802-855-3893 or The updates below are from Vtrans:

Rt 131: Placement of curbing is scheduled for completion this week. Paving of the intermediate (binder) course will continue throughout the week next week. Weather and surface conditions will affect the paving schedule. Roadway ditching operations will continue next week. Adjustments to drainage structures will begin next week.

Bridge @ Exit 8: Concrete F-rail was installed this week and is now will in its cure period for the next week.  Next week crews will work on forming and placing the northern approach slab.  Substructure repairs on the piers under the bridge will continue throughout the week next week. Formwork on the concrete rail on the south approach slab is tentatively scheduled for next week.



• Water Testing: Given all the rain, it’s not surprising that several spots on the Black River are testing high for e-coli. Yesterday’s heavy rain and today’s forecast, doesn’t make for good swimming conditions on Saturday. It is recommended to stay out of the water for 24 hours after a heavy rain or any time it appears cloudy. Test results are posted to Is it Clean?

• Concerts on the Green: Everyone’s favorite Irish band, Gypsy Reel, will be playing on Aug. 4. There has been a change in performers for the Aug. 11 concert. Dr. Tom’s Band, will be playing instead of the Gully Boys. Dr. Tom’s is a roots-rock band with a bit of jazz on the side. Concerts start at 6 at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) with a rain location of Gethsemane Church, just off Depot St. Concerts are free and open to the public. Wearing masks at the concert and physical distancing are only required for those who are not vaccinated. The Green is large and the band will be loud enough to be heard throughout, so please spread out and maintain distancing.

• Cavendish Historical Society News: The CHS newsletter for Summer 2021 is now on-line and lists upcoming events, including the next scheduled Ghost Walk.

• August Cavendish Library Events: The following events will be held at the Cavendish Library and are free and open to the public during August:

-       3rd (Tuesday): 10-5  Face Painting Day;

-       12th 10-5  Pickle Day  Looking for donations of vegetables or small glass jars that week;

-       14th 4-6 pm Ice Cream Social;

-       18th(Wednesday)  7pm  Book Club Evening. “Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu  Kawaguchi. 

 For more information, see the Events section below or call the library 226-7503


3. COVID UPDATE: The events of the past week appear as if public health officials are contradicting themselves yet again. In May, with increasing vaccination rates, low case counts and alpha being the primary variant, the CDC said those who were vaccinated didn’t need to mask. Further, they thought that the risk of vaccinated people contracting Covid was very low and if they did, it was unlikely they could transmit it to someone else.

On Tuesday, the CDC reversed its May policy and now recommends that vaccinated people return to wearing masks indoors in parts of the U.S. where the delta variant is surging (most places). Citing new information about the leading variant’s (Delta) ability to spread among vaccinated people, the CDC also recommended indoor masks for all teachers, staff, students and visitors at schools nationwide, regardless of vaccination status.

According to Dr. Fauci,  The virus has changed. The recommendations and the discussion that we were having months ago, that the CDC was basing their recommendations on were dealing with what was called the Alpha variant, which is considerably different than the Delta variant. The Delta variant has a very unusual capability of spreading much more easily than the Alpha did. And the other data we’re having right now is that, when people get breakthrough infections, when they’re vaccinated and they get infected, even when they have a situation where they don’t have an advanced disease, they clearly can transmit it to other people.” Dr. Fauci on CDC’s Reimposed mask guidelines, vaccine requirements, and GOP Criticism.

What we know today about Delta variant, vaccinations, transmissions and the need for booster shots is going to change as this virus mutates. It requires flexible thinking and a willingness to adapt so we protect ourselves and others. Vaccines are still very protective, especially against hospitalization and death. But when it comes to getting an asymptomatic or mild case of COVID, they may not be quite as protective as they were against the earlier strains.

Breakthrough Covid symptoms appear to be associated with sneezing a lot, along with a headache, runny nose and sore throat. If you are experiencing symptoms, go to the Ludlow Health Center for a Covid test.

Cases continue to spiral upward in VT, with the Health Commissioner, Mark Levine stating this is now a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” 

According to Tuesday’s report from the state Department of Financial Regulation, Commissioner Mike Pieciak noted, “About five weeks ago, Covid-19 cases started to rise in the United States; about four weeks ago, cases started to rise here in the Northeast; and then about three weeks ago, they started to rise here in Vermont, reminding us, again, that Vermont is not an island.” In the last two days alone, VT has had 66 new cases.

While the majority of cases are occurring in the un vaccinated, “breakthrough” cases are happening in VT. Fortunately, those vaccinated are at much lower risk for symptoms, hospitalizations and death. That said, a study published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine where 1,497 vaccinated health care workers at the Sheba Medical Center in Israel were studied, 39 (2.6%) got infected despite their inoculations. Of those, seven (18%) developed symptoms that lasted at least six weeks, including headaches, muscle pain, loss of taste and smell and fatigue.

According to VT Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine, a special task force has been created to study public health protocols and the safety of students and teachers and should have a report ready for this coming week’s press conference, Aug. 3.

Pfizer Vaccine Protection Wanes After 6 Months: The July 28 preprint report of the study, which has not been peer reviewed, suggests a gradual "declining trend in vaccine efficacy" over 6 months after a two-dose regimen of the Pfizer vaccine. The study included more than 45,000 people worldwide. The study found that overall effectiveness fell from 96% to 84%. A third booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine increases neutralizing antibody levels against the Delta variant by more than five times compared to levels after a second dose in people aged 18 to 55 years. The immune response to the third dose appears even more robust ― more than 11 times higher than the response to second shot ― among people aged 65 to 85 years.

Make vaccination a priority! School starts September 7 (Tuesday), that’s sufficient time to vaccinated the 12-17 year old group with the Pfizer vaccine and have them protected by the start of school. Those 18+ can be vaccinated with one dose of the Johnson & Johnson, which provides protection after two weeks. Vaccination is available locally at the Rite Aid Pharmacy in Ludlow (228-8477) or Ludlow Health Center (226-8867). Pop up testing sites are listed at the state’s website.


JULY 31 (SATURDAY): 11th Annual Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale

AUGUST 1 (SUNDAY): Trail hike on Hardy Hill. Begins at 10 am

AUGUST 3 (TUESDAY): 10-5  Face Painting Day at the Cavendish Library. Anyone that wants to change their image c'mon down! Free and open to the public. FMI: 226-7503

AUGUST 4 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Gypsy Reel (Irish/Celtic). Rain location is Gethsemane Church, off Depot St.

AUGUST 11 (WEDNESDAY):  Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Dr. Tom’s Band (Roots/Rock). Rain location is Gethsemane Church, off Depot St.

AUGUST 12 (THURSDAY): 10-5   Pickle Day at the Cavendish Library.  Come on in and get pickled.  Looking for donations of vegetables or small glass jars that week. Free and open to the public. FMI: 226-7503

AUGUST 14 (SATURDAY): 4-6 PM  Ice Cream Social at the Cavendish Library  A community get together. See the new layout of the library and get  to meet new people now residing in our area or even just to reacquaint with others we haven't  seen since the pandemic hit. Free and open to the public. FMI: 226-7503

AUGUST 15 (SUNDAY): What’s in the Cavendish Historical Society Museum’s Medicine Cabinet? We’ve done a study of the potions, notions and medicines that have been in the Museum’s exhibit. Talk begins at 2 pm at the Museum and will feature Dan Churchill who worked at Pollard’s store compounding medicine from 8th-12th grades. FMI: or 802-226-7807.

AUGUST 18 (WEDNESDAY): 7 pm  Book Club Evening at the Cavendish Library. Discussion of “Before the Coffee Gets Cold” by Toshikazu  Kawaguchi.  Books available at the library or electronically thru Hoopla. This is a free and open event. FMI: 226-7503

AUGUST 21 (SATURDAY: Fletcher Farm Craft Sale. Vendors and volunteers needed. FMI: Festival Director Sue Carey at

SEPTEMBER 7 (TUESDAY): First day of school.

SEPT. 11 (SATURDAY): VT Golden Honey Festival 10-4 at the Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville Depot St. Free

            • 20th Anniversary of 9/11

·      RiverSweep

SEPT. 12 (SUNDAY): Annual Phineas Gage Walk & Talk. Meet at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum at 2 pm. The tour is about 1 1/2 miles round trip. Walking shoes are recommended. Included in the tour is the site of the accident. FMI: or 802-226-7807

OCTOBER 3 (SUNDAY): Fitton-the Mill, the Firebug, and Everything in Between. Starting at 2 pm at the Museum, there will be a talk on the Fitton (Spring) Mill, the town that grew up around it-Fittonsville- and the man Robert “Firebug” Fitton who was responsible for its demise and lots of other property in the town of Cavendish. The talk will be following by a walk out to the site where the Mill, boarding house, and other structures once stood. Wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for walking on uneven terrain. FMI: 802-226-7807

DECEMBER 12 (SUNDAY): Christmas Ghost Walk-Proctorsville. 7 pm, meet at the Proctorsville War Memorial. Free and open to the public. FMI: 802-226-7807.