Cavendish Update 6/4/21 Construction/Grievance/Water/


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SLOW DOWN! There have been some close calls on the Cavendish backroads as motorists, avoiding the Route 131 construction, are going 50 MPH on roads meant for 35 MPH at best.



1.    Route 131/Bridge Construction June 7th

2.    Cavendish Info

3.    Trail Walk in Cavendish

4.    Covid update

 5.   Events


1. ROUTE 131 ROAD CONSTRUCTION/91 BRIDGE: Week of June 7th

RT 131: VTrans has provided a handout to help explain the Roadway Reclaim Project. It’s available on-line. It provides a timeline for the remainder of the project, the contact at VTrans, and answers the most frequent questions.

The contractor will continue grading the roadway and placing gravel on the pulverized subbase in order to shape the road to the new profile.  It is anticipated that roadway grading adjustments will be completed at the end of next week or early the following week. This process will involve graders and rollers. The second pass reclaim, with cement stabilization, will begin next week at Downers Corners and progress west. This work is expected to take approximately 3 weeks to complete. Expect long delays.

Exit 8 I91 Bridge (131 Impact): The removal process on the upper portions of Abutment 1 has been completed. Crews will begin forming and pouring the wingwall caps next week. Wing walls are adjacent to the abutments and act as retaining walls. The remaining lower portion of Abutment 2 and pier repair will continue into next week. Once this has been completed, concrete will be poured into repaired areas (see photo). The backwall portion of the expansion joint has been set in place and adjusted to grade. It will be cast into the backwall (using concrete) next week. The other half of the expansion joint (attached to the bridge deck) will be cast during the deck pour later in the summer. Crews are finalizing the deck forms this week and it is anticipated that they will begin installing the reinforcing steel (rebar) next week. Travel will be reduced to one lane of travel within the construction zone. Traffic has been switched to the crossovers on the interstate. This pattern will remain in place throughout the construction season, into the Fall.



Town of Cavendish: Notice to Tax Payers: On June 11th, starting at 9:30, the town listers will meet remotely to hear grievances. If you wish to grieve you must submit a grievance in writing by 4 pm on Thursday, June 10. Applications for Grievance can be emailed to or mailed to PO Box 126, Cavendish VT 05142. Grievance Applications are available by clicking here or they can be mailed by request. To arrange for a grievance appointment call 802-321-8025

• Proctorsville RC Track Opening Day: On Saturday June 5th 11am, the RC track will open to the public at Greven. Field in Proctorsville. The track is 1/10 scale. Burgers and hotdogs, drinks and chips will be for sale. All proceeds benefit the club for track maintenance. Bring any 1/10 scale truck you have. A few trucks will be available to try out if you don’t have a truck. The most important thing is to have some fun with family and friends and meet some good people from the community.

• BRAT Swimming Hole Checking: Once again Black River Action Team (BRAT) is testing local swimming holes every Wednesday. Results are posted to the Cavendish Facebook page and included in the Update. It is recommended that people stay out of the water for 24 hours after a heavy rain, and anytime the bacteria level is at or above 235 cfu. June 2, 2021 results are as follows:

-       Buttermilk Falls in Ludlow, sponsor Okemo Mountain Resort: 33 CFU

-       Cavendish Gorge in Cavendish, Green Mountain Power: 68 CFU

-       Greven Field in Cavendish, Betty McEnaney of TPW Realty: 308 (Unsafe)

-       Tolles Power Dam off Maple Street in Weathersfield, Endyne: 27 CFU

-        Twenty-Foot Hole on the North Branch in Reading 11 CFU

When visiting these or any Vermont waterway, please check the chart posted on-site to get a sense of the trends. Look for consistency in the numbers and stay out of the water for 24 hours after a heavy rain or any time it appears cloudy. Check all swimming holes around the region for historic as well as current conditions at the “Is It Clean?” website maintained by the Connecticut River Conservancy, .

• Do you have a Cavendish Village Ghost Story?: The Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) is collecting ghost stories about houses/properties in Cavendish village. We will be doing a Mid- Summer Night's eve ghost walk on June 19 (Saturday). Meet in front of the Museum at 8 pm. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight. Catch up on the latest from the Cavendish Historical Society by reading the June News Brief. Ghost stories can be e-mailed to or mailed to PO Box 472, Cavendish VT 05142

GMUSD wrestles with April Meeting Backlash, Discuss CTES Schedule

Local Area Summer of Pride Activities: List includes Rural Pride of Claremont and Windsor County, as well as the Upper Valley, Bennington, Rutland, Brattleboro and statewide organizations.


3. TRAIL WALK IN CAVENDISH: The Cavendish Association of Trails is holding a guided nature walk on Hardy Hill, an in-progress hiking trail located in Cavendish. The walk will take place on Saturday, June 12, starting at 10 a.m. hosted by the land owner, Pieter Van Schaik. Trail parking will be located at East Road and Susannah Johnson Lane in Cavendish, just west of Caton Place Campground. The walk will last about two hours and light refreshments will be served. Please reserve your spot by emailing to say how many people will be walking.

Hardy Hill covers approximately 215 acres located on the east side of Cavendish and adjacent to the Lord State Forest. The long-term conservation goal for this land is to permanently conserve it through the State of Vermont. Before that happens though, the Cavendish Association of Trails is installing a trail network, much of it handicap accessible, that allows the public to access both the historic and natural features of the land. One of the primary features to explore on this walk is a large beaver pond, in which several great blue heron pairs have nested and who take up residence each year. The walk will also include the Upper Loop trail, which has several interesting specimens of orchid and lady slipper, as well as a large porcupine nest and a vernal pool. Binoculars are recommended for good viewing of the herons. Please wear tick protection and decent walking/hiking boots.

Coming soon is community hike of the new Proctor Piper trail system in the Proctorsville section of Cavendish. Date.. The Cavendish Association of Trails is part of the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association. For more information about CCCA please visit or email


4. COVID UPDATE: Cavendish had no new Covid cases this past week and remains at 30 total. As of June 3, vaccinations of Cavendish residents 12+, with at least one dose, is listed as 51-60%, which is well below the state average of 78.5% (June 2). Vaccination rates in surrounding towns are as follows: Weathersfield 31-49%; Springfield 51-60%; Chester 71-80% and Ludlow 81-90%.

The much anticipated announcement that Vermont has reached the 80% mark for vaccinations, when the state will completely reopen, is projected to occur between June 7-11, depending on when the remaining 8,226 people are vaccinated.

 In the interim to reflect the change in the pandemic, the Governor is reducing press conferences to once a week on Tuesdays and data for new cases, hospitalizations and deaths will be limited to week days only. Vaccination information is provided Tuesday-Friday with town vaccination data posted on Thursdays and Town incidence data on Friday.

Vaccinations: Find the closest walk in clinics (no appointments necessary) on-line ; make an appointment for your free vaccine on-line or call 855-722-7878. The VDH Facebook page  also provides notifications of pop up and walk in clinics.


JUNE 5 (SATURDAY): Opening Day for the RC Track at Greven Field, 10 am.

JUNE 7 (MONDAY): Annual meeting of Cavendish Fire District #2, 7 pm at the Cavendish Fire Hall.

JUNE 9 (WEDNESDAY): Free Walk in Vaccine clinic, 10-1 in the Okemo Marketplace Plaza (57 Pond St in Ludlow), Johnson & Johnson vaccine for those 18+

JUNE 11 (FRIDAY): Cavendish Grievance Day

JUNE 12 (SATURDAY): Guided Nature Walk on Hardy Hill in Cavendish. Hike begins at 10 am. Trail parking will be located at East Road and Susannah Johnson Lane in Cavendish, just west of Caton Place Campground. The walk will last about two hours, and light refreshments will be served. Reserve your spot by emailing to say how many people will be walking. FMI: or email

JUNE 14 (MONDAY): Cavendish Select Board meeting, 6:30 pm

-       Gift and Craft Shop opens at Fletcher Far for the season. The shop is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10-4. Crafters and artists who are also members of the society may enter their work into the shop for sale.

JUNE 15 (TUESDAY): Last day to pay Cavendish Property Taxes before delinquent fees apply

JUNE 17 (THURSDAY): Last day of school

JUNE 18 (FRIDAY): GMUHS Graduation-will be held outside

JUNE 19 (SATURDAY): Mid-Summer Night’s Eve Ghost Walk of Cavendish Village. Sponsored by the Cavendish Historical Society, meet at the CHS Museum on Main St. 131 at 8pm. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight. FMI: or 802-226-7807

JUNE 19-20 (SATURDAY-SUNDAY): Vermont Art Council’s Open Studio Weekend. Fletcher Farm School will be one of the spots.

JUNE 26 (SATURDAY): Birds in Bloom, market gathering of local art, decorated bird houses, and plants sponsored by Cavendish Streetscapes from Noon to 5 on the Proctorsville Green.

JULY 3 (SATURDAY): Fletcher Farm Craft Sale. Vendors and volunteers needed. FMI: Festival Director Sue Carey at


JULY 7 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists Break Maids (glam-stomp music)

JULY 14 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Yankee Chank (Cajun/Zydeco).

JULY 21 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Silverbacks (blues and rock)

JULY 28 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Rick Davis and friends

JULY 31 (SATURDAY): 11th Annual Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale

AUGUST 4 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Gypsy Reel (Irish/Celtic)

AUGUST 11 (WEDNESDAY):  Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Gully Boys (Rock/Jam)

AUGUST 21 (SATURDAY: Fletcher Farm Craft Sale. Vendors and volunteers needed. FMI: Festival Director Sue Carey at

SEPT. 11 (SATURDAY): VT Golden Honey Festival 10-4 at the Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville Depot St. Free