Cavendish Masking Rule

At the Dec. 13 Select Board, the Cavendish Select board unanimously adopted the following Rule requiring the wearing of face coverings in public spaces. Masks are available for free at the CHS Cares Closet, next to the CHS Museum on Main St. in Cavendish Village. Masks are in the upper left hand corner, are free and available 24/7.


Section 1. Authority. The Rule is adopted by the Select Board of the Town of Cavendish under authority of Act 1, an act relating to temporary municipal rules in response to COVID-19 (2021).

Section 2: Purpose. The purpose of this Rule is to require all individuals to wear face coverings while indoors at locations that are open to the public in order to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and protect the public health and safety of the Town of Cavendish.

Section 3. Requirement to Wear Face Coverings. All individuals in the town of Cavendish shall wear face covering while indoors at locations that are open to the public.

Section 4. Exceptions. Face coverings are not required for:

• “children under 2 years;” “ A person with a disability who cannot wear a face covering or cannot safely wear a face covering for reasons related to the disability;” “A person for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to workplace health, safety, or job duty as determined by the workplace risk assessment;” “ Any person while eating or drinking inside any establishment that serves food or beverage;

Section 5. Other Laws. This Rule is in addition to all other ordinances and rules of the Town of Cavendish and all applicable laws of the State of Vermont. All ordinances, rules or parts of ordinances, rules, resolutions, regulations, or other documents inconsistent with the provisions of this Rule are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

Section 6. Severability. If any section or provision of the Rule is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid such findings shall not invalidate any other part of this Rule.

Section 7. Effective Period. This Rule shall take effect immediately upon the approval by the Select Board and shall remain in effect for a period not to exceed 45 days following its initial adoption. The Select Board shall meet during the 45-day period in which this initial Rule is in effect and vote either to rescind this Rule or to extend it for an additional 30 days. Thereafter, the Select Board shall meet at a minimum once every 30 days to reconsider this Rule, at which meeting the Select Board shall vote either to rescind this Rule or to extend it for an additional 3—day period. The filing of a petition under 24 V.S.A. 1972 and 1973, shall not govern the taking effect of this Rule.

Adopted by the Selectboard of the Town of Cavendish at its meeting on this 13th day of Dec., 2021.

Signatures of Select Board, Town of Cavendish Georg Timko, Sandra Russo, Mike Ripley and Robert Glidden