Cavendish Update 10/29/21: SB Mtg/Construction/Halloween/News


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Trunk or Treat at Greven Field has been moved to Nov. 6


1.    Cavendish Select Board Meeting 10/18/21

2.    Construction Update

3.    Cavendish Info

4.    Local Halloween Activities

5.    Covid update

6.    Events


1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 10/18/21 :A video of the meeting is available at the Okemo Valley TV website. Unapproved minutes from the monthly select board (SB) meeting are available at the Cavendish Municipal website and the VT Journal filed a report on the meeting.

Action Taken

• Approved opening a new checking account with  Berkshire Bank for the receipt and disbursement of all ARPA Funds.

• Appointed Bruce McEnaney to the Planning Commission

• Accepted with regret the resignation of Cavendish Fire Warden Roger Sheehan. The board appointed Chris Marks to take his place.


Items discussed

• Route 131 Construction: See the latest construction information, item 2, below

• Cavendish Library Status: The relationship between the Town and Library arose when Sullivan & Powers accounting firm conducted an audit of the Town accounts and recommended looking into how the library/town funds were handled. The Town owns the Library building, but due to Act 46, the land on which the building sits was leased to the town for $1 for 99 years. Town manager, Brendan McNamara recommended that the SB needs to draft a document outlining the relationship between the town and library, which then could be reviewed by the town’s attorney.

• Junk Yard Ordinance: While the town has had a junk yard ordinance since 2006, it’s seldom been enforced. The SB agreed that it needs to be a fair process where all property is assessed. McNamara will check with the VT City of Leagues and Towns (VCLT) to see how other towns are handling this issue.

• Budget Process and Appropriation Requests: There was agreement that the board would not require in-person presentations for external appropriations, similar to last year.


2. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 131 & 100: On Monday, several driveways in Cavendish village were in the process of being removed by a disgruntled sub-contractor, who justified his actions saying he hadn’t been paid.  Thanks to the swift intervention of the town manager, Brendan McNamara, this was stopped and impacted areas were repaired the next day. According to Natalie Boyle of VTrans, Things should be settled down by now, and the driveways will all be done correctly going forward.

While not directly related to the 131 project, that same evening, a tractor trailer over turned on 131 near Chubb Hill. A combination of rain and slick conditions contributed to the accident.

VTrans Update on 131 for 10/28: Mainline paving and side road paving has been completed. The contractor continues to work on driveways. This will continue next week. The contractor will be working on aggregate shoulders, driveway gravel back-up, and topsoil next week.  Main line pavement markings have been placed. Sideroad markings will be placed throughout next week. Miscellaneous activities will be occurring throughout the project to address punch list items on the contract.  

Route 100 culverts replacement project is now projected to be completed by Saturday, Nov. 27, according to VTrans.. Temporary pavement will be used with re pavement taking place during the 2022 construction season.

Please direct questions and concerns to Natalie Boyle at Vtrans 802-855-3893 or



• GMUSD votes 7-2 to stop using Native American logo: While the board voted to remove the mascot, the name “Chieftains” will remain. This meeting can be watched at Okemo Valley TV or read The Chester Telegraph report.

GM board calls for more precise costs on $18M of $28M proposal

• GM Soccer Team Look Solid for Playoff Runs

Fuel Assistance, Medicare Open Enrollment at Senior Solutions



Friday- 29th: The Gill Odd Fellows Home will be hosting a Haunted Forest Walk Friday from 5-6 p.m. There is a suggested monetary donation or a nonperishable food item for the Black River Good Neighbor Food Shelf.

-       Wright Construction Hard Hat Spooktacular! Hard Hats and Candy will be given away for free all day (8am-4pm) to kids from our community. Come take a picture in front of our massive Halloween hay display, meet the team, and start the candy haul early at 31 Station Road in Mount Holly, Vermont.

-       Trunk or Treat, 407 pm at the Riverside Middle School, 13 Fairground Rd, Springfield

Saturday-30th: Due to the expected rain, the CTES PTG Trunk or Treat has been moved to Nov. 6

-       5th annual Trunk or Treat sponsored by the Weathersfield Proctor Library. Vehicle set up starts at 2 pm with treating from 3-5 pm at the Hosington Field, Perkinsville (on the ground of the 1879 Schoolhouse).

Sunday 31st: HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Trick or treating at the Cavendish Post Office (5 pm while supplies last), Cavendish Fire Dept (starting at 3 pm), Cavendish Baptist Church (starting at 5:00) and Proctorsville Fire Dept (starting at 4:30)

-       Ludlow Trunk or Treat, Benson’s Chevrolet, 25 Pond St 4:30-6:30. Park on the north side of the building to begin the tour.

-       Creepy Hollow Yard Haunt & Haunt Trail, 1571 Gravelin RD., Weathersfield 5:30-10:00

-       Claremont Trunk or Treat 2-4 pm, Monadnock Park, 190 Broad St.

-       Joe Citro author of “Not Yet Dead,” will be speaking and reading tales at Chester’s First Universalist Parish in the Stone Village, 7 pm This is free and open to the public. FMI: 802-875-3400.

November 6th (Saturday) CTES Parent Teacher Group is sponsoring Trunk or Treat at Greven Field from 4:30-7. This is a Halloween fundraiser for the Cavendish Playground Fund. Event also includes: Snack Shack, Bonfire and Spooky Path.  Line up at CTES at 4:30 to follow the Fire Truck to Greven

** All trunks must be parked on Greven starting at 4pm.

** Plan on parking your vehicle at CTES, or on Depot Street.

** There will be snacks for sale at the field. All money raised will go to the new playground at CTES.

** If you can donate firewood that would be greatly appreciated. Contact Miranda McNamara at 802-952-8565.

** We still need many more volunteers to help make this event successful.

** More trunks are welcome. Sign up with Denise Hughes or at

Interested in setting up a car or have a question, e-mail


5. COVID UPDATE: Cavendish had the single biggest one week increase in Covid since town data has been provided-6 new cases for a total of 52. Ludlow had 2 new cases (123 total); Chester 23 new cases (203 total) and Springfield 35 for 585 total. CTES & GMUHS  have had no cases this past week according to Tuesday’s report from the VT Dept. of Health. As of Oct. 25, there were 131 cases last week in Vermont schools and 1,125 since the start of the school year. 

Vermont lawmakers, health care workers, teachers and others have been pressuring the Governor to declare a state of emergency, so that mask mandates and other measures can be put in place to stop the spread of the Delta variant. At Tuesday’s press conference, Gov. Scott pointed out that Covid-19 isn’t going to go away and we need to figure out how to deal with it, instead of constantly living in a state of emergency.

Health Commissioner, Dr. Mark Levine stated that the strategy for stopping Covid 19  is to: vaccinate/booster; mask; test; stay home when sick; and if you do contract Covid, requesting monoclonal antibodies. The latter can decrease hospitalizations and progression to severe disease and death for patients with mild to moderate Covid-19.

BOOSTER SHOT/VACCINES: The roll out of booster shots for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, which began on Oct., 22, has been problematic. Hopefully the kinks are worked out by now. We’ve heard various complaints with some finding it easiest to go to Walmart’s Pharmacy or to one of the vaccine clinics.

Locally boosters are available at Rite Aid, though you will need to register at their website . The Ludlow Health Center is now offering boosters. Call 802-228-8867. First, second and booster doses are available at walk-in Vaccine Clinics.  Be sure to note the “vaccine type” column.  Starting November 1 (Monday) you can register through the state website or by calling 855-722-7878.

Mix N Match- choose a booster vaccine that is a different brand than the one initially received-is available. Note that the Moderna booster dose is a half dose. Booster shots are free.

Anyone 18 and up who received a Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least 2 months ago is eligible for a booster. While there are qualifiers for the Moderna and Pfizer boosters, most people 18 or older, who received their second dose at least 6 months ago, are eligible either through their job, underlying medical conditions, age (65+) or BIPOC (Black, Indigenous or a person of color).

This week the FDA Advisory Panel approved the Pfizer vaccine for children 5-11. The final decision from the FDA and Centers for Disease Control is expected next week, with vaccines becoming available for this age group as early as next week. Moderna’s vaccine for children will be up for approval soon, as it has proven highly effective. Note that pediatric doses are not the same as for adults.

BY THE NUMBERS: Tuesday’s Modeling shows cases have decreased by15% over the last 7 days and have decreased 7% over the last 14 days. Testing has continue to increase with the 7-day average increasing 6% this week. The not fully vaccinated case rate has increased 9% in the last 7 days while the fully vaccinated rate has decreased 2% during the same period.

The latest numbers from mid-September until mid-October show newborns to 11-year-olds had the highest rate of infection, 43 cases per 10,000. The next highest group is 12 to 29-year-olds at just under 31 cases per 10,000. Adults between 20 to 59 years old had 29.5 cases per 100,000 with those 60 years and older having 18.3 cases per 100,000.

As of 10/28, Vermont has had 39,559 cases, with 360 deaths, 100 of which are attributed to the Delta variant. Percentage of seven day positive cases from testing has dropped from 3% as of 10/21 to 2.7% on 10/28. While cases appear to be decreasing, we’ve seen that multiple times throughout the Delta variant, where they go down one week and spike to all-time highs the next week. In fact, yesterday, VT again reported over 300 cases for the day.


Vermont officials relax guidelines for contact tracing in schools

• VT Winter sports guidance allows unvaccinated athletes to play

Immunocompromised may need a fourth Covid-19 shot, CDC says

Cheap antidepressant shows promise treating early COVID-19


OCTOBER 29 (FRIDAY): See Item 4


OCTOBER 31 (SUNDAY): HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Trick or treating will take place in both villages of Cavendish.

NOVEMBER 6 (SATURDAY): Fairy Tale family event at the Cavendish Library featuring George Thomson at 1 pm. A fun and free event for the whole family with games, prizes and, of course, books!

-       Trunk or Treat Greven Field see item 4

NOVEMBER 7 (SUNDAY): FALL BACK. Set clocks back one hour and check batteries in smoke and radon protectors.


NOVEMBER 15 (MONDAY): 2nd Quarter Property Taxes Due

NOVEMBER 19 -21 (FRIDAY-SUNDAY):Okemo Ski & Swap, Round House at Jackson Gore Inn. Friday 4-7 pm; Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 9-1.


NOVEMBER 26 (FRIDAY): Town Office closed

DECEMBER 12 (SUNDAY): Christmas Ghost Walk-Proctorsville. 7 pm, meet at the Proctorsville War Memorial. Free and open to the public. FMI: 802-226-7807.