Cavendish Update 8/7/20: 131 Closure/Property Taxes/News/Events
During the pandemic, Muriel had an anchovy pizza and dreamed of skinny dipping in a moonlit lagoon. Jane Hart
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Cavendish Property Tax Bills 20/21 will be mailed on or about August 15. This change has been made due to Covid-19 and the federal/state governments extending tax filing deadlines. The first installment of Cavendish Property Taxes is due Sept. 15.
1. Upcoming Closure of 131
2. Cavendish Info
3. Latest Spigot Turn: Covid-19 Update
4. Cavendish Village Historic Walking Tour
5. Events
1. UPCOMING CLOSURE OF 131 (AUG. 18-21): Recently, VTrans held a public meeting, via Zoom, about the upcoming closure of Route 131 in order to replace a culvert near Glimmerstone.
Slope stabilization, riverbank restoration, as well as other types of repairs have made for delays in traffic all summer, as the roads are prepared for next year’s repaving of 131 from Route 106 to 103.
Since the road was first paved in the 1950s, repaving has taken place approximately every 10 years. While slated for an over haul in 2011, tropical storm Irene created a number of problems, causing a significant delay in the repaving. The last time this was done was in 2002.
This stretch of 131 is having the biggest upgrade since it was built. Paving in 2021 will happen as follows:
1. Remove existing pavement
2. Pulverize existing roadway
3. Add new gravel, regrade
4. Repeat step 2 with a stabilizing agent
5. Install pavement in 3 steps
As part of the culvert repair, 131 will be closed from Aug. 18 (Tuesday)-21 (Friday). The week prior, sometime next week, one way signs will appear as staging is needed for this project.
If you use back roads to avoid the detour, please drive carefully and slowly.
Black River Water Test Results: Information for this week will be posted to the Cavendish VT Facebook page as soon as it is received.
Glidden and Ramsdell: It is with sadness that we report the passing of Al Glidden and Pete Ramsdell. Glidden’s obituary will be posted to the Cavendish VT Facebook page as soon as it becomes available.
TRSU sets midweek ‘remote learning day’ as it hones re-opening plan In-person instruction at all five TRSU schools (GMUHS, Chester-Andover, CTES, LES and Mt. Holly Elementary) will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, with a remote learning day on Wednesdays. This will give children a mid-week break from the strict environment (with masks and social distancing) and help align the schools with the other River Valley feeder districts. A big concern among districts is having enough teachers, and the aligned calendar will help those teachers continue working whose own children attend one district while they teach in another. In an effort to cut stress and get students back into a routine, the schools will have early release during the first two weeks. The SU will offer a remote-learning option for parents who ask for it. On the 7-12 level, GM will be using the Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative model. It’s a statewide service that will utilize some GM teachers and includes online learning as well as project-based learning offline and individual/small group work online. This is a new program that requires signing up for a full-time slot for the first semester. The schools are expected to soon make the details available to parents. TRSU will run an in-house “Virtual Academy” for K-6 students, which will be different for different grades. Chester Telegraph
The Cavendish Community Fund Announces 2020 Recipients: The CCF has awarded three grants this summer to local organizations for community-based projects: summer music series on Proctorsville’s Svec Memorial Green; a preliminary design study by the Cavendish Streetscapes Committee of the old town garage site as part of a reclamation and renovation plan; and fund part of the effort to construct a forest trail in the Proctor Piper State Forest.
Comcast Available the End of August in Northwest Cavendish: According to information provided by Comcast, the wiring of the northwest section of Cavendish-from Tarbell/ Hill & 131, around Knapp Pond, and various off shoots-has been completed and testing to assure connectivity is underway. Those living in the area will be able to arrange for service at the end of the month. Residents should receive a flyer soon.
Fletcher Farm School announces August classes
3. THE LATEST SPIGOT TURN: Covid Related Info: Last Friday, based on such low numbers, the Governor turned the spigot a bit more and allowed retail stores to operate at 50% occupancy. He also announced that beginning this past Tuesday public safety, public health, health care and human services employers whose employees worked to help mitigate or respond to COVID-19 may apply for hazard pay grant funds for their employees. The Hazard Pay Program allows covered employers to request funding to provide $1,200 or $2,000 in hazard pay to each employee who meets eligibility criteria. Eligibility is determined by conditions outlined by the Legislature in Act 136, including the risk of exposure to COVID-19, number of hours worked and employee’s hourly wage. Grants will be awarded through an online application process and funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until the Program’s $28 million in funding is allocated. When employers who applied are approved, they will receive the award amount.
The Governor also announced the expanded expanded eligibility for Economic Recovery Grants for Vermont businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the original eligibility criteria, a business was required to have at least one W-2 employee who was not an owner of that business. Now businesses with at least one W-2 employee - now including those who are an owner - are also eligible and encouraged to apply.
• Outbreaks/Numbers: 147 Vermont prisoners (70%), housed in Mississippi have tested positive for Covid. Since last week, VT has had 38 more cases of Covid to bring the total number to 1,445, with over 100,000 tests having been performed.
4. CAVENDISH VILLAGE HISTORIC WALKING TOUR: Cavendish village is home to some of the oldest buildings in town-Academy Building (started in 1782); the Cavendish Historical Society Museum (1834) and the Cavendish Stone Church (1844). In addition, there is the boarding house where Phineas Gage was taken after the tamping rod went through head as well as the site where the Dutton House once stood. Now at the Shelburne Museum, it was believed to have been haunted and it seems the spirits have remained with the house, as many volunteers and staff at its current location prefer not to work in the building.
The Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) is hosting a walking tour of Cavendish Village on August 9 (Sunday) starting at 2 pm at the Museum, 1958 Main St (Route 131). The tour will include a number of stops along the way. In addition to the buildings noted above, other locations include Gay Brothers Mill, a history of stone buildings including Black River Health Center, Hickernell (and no Mr. Hickernell is not buried in the basement), Stone Church (yes you can have a peak) and Spaulding House. Also included will be the Cavendish Cemetery and more.
This is a free event and open to the public. Please note, masks and social distancing are required. FMI: 802-226-7807 or
AUGUST 9 (SUNDAY): Cavendish Village Historic Walking Tour. Meets at the CHS Museum (1958 Main St) at 2pm. Walk is a little over a mile.
AUGUST 10 (MONDAY): Absentee voter ballots due if dropping off at the town office.
• Cavendish Select Board Meeting, 6:30 pm.
AUGUST 11 (TUESDAY): VOTE! Primary Election. Town Office Closed. Elections take place at the Proctorsville Fire Hall from 10-7. Absentee ballots can be dropped off at Fire Hall while voting is underway.
AUGUST 12 (WEDNESDAY): Concert-Deb Brisson & the Hay Burners, 6 -7:30 Pm Svec Park. Masks and social distancing required. Free and open to the public.
AUGUST 18-21 (WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY): Route 131 closed due to culvert repair by Glimmerstone
SEPTEMBER 12 (SATURDAY): VT Golden Honey Festival, Golden Stage Inn
• RiverSweep
SEPTEMBER 15 (TUESDAY): Property taxes due
Covers mouth & nose
Always masks in public
Vermonters keep each other safe
Elbow coughs
Never forgets to wash hands
Disinfects common surfaces
Is alert for symptoms
Stays 6 feet apart
Has respect for personal space