Cavendish Connects 6/26/20 Concerts Return/SB Mtg/News/Events
Gary’s mask was the story of his life by Jane Hart
CHECK THE CAVENDISH VT FACEBOOK PAGE DAILY FOR THE LATEST NEWS You don’t have to be a Facebook subscriber to see this page.
1. Cavendish Select Board Meeting
2. Cavendish Info
3. Cavendish Announces 2020 Summer Concert Series:
4. Latest Spigot Turn: Covid-19 Update
5. Events
1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 6/16/20: Select Board meetings have been taking place via Zoom. Unapproved minutes for the most recent meeting are available at the Cavendish Municipal website
Items Discussed/Voted on
• Town office is now open to researchers who make appointments in advance.
• No organized softball or baseball via Cavendish rec, though the plan is to offer one-on-one sports clinics.
• Approved an “outside consumption permit” for Outer Limits Brewery and a first and third class liquor license for Neal’s Restaurant
• Approved Tim Calabrese filing a Cavendish Community Fund grant application for $1,000 for the Proctor Piper Hiking Trail
• Approved Green Mountain Power to draw plans for two options to install power at 2262 Cavendish Gulf Rd.
• Approved the Windsor County Sheriff’s contract for 2020-2021. Unchanged from last year, a sheriff will patrol in Cavendish 12 hours per week at an hourly rate of $55/hour and .60 per mile.
• Discussed the reopening of the Depot St. Bridge, which should be in approximately two weeks. Residents have been voicing concerns about speeding. Town Manager, Brendan McNamara said he could ask the Regional Planning Office to do a speed study once the bridge opens. He discovered that a “no thru truck ordinance” had been passed for Depot Street in 2008. A speed limit sign has been ordered. While a flashing light was suggested, McNamara thought it might bother nearby residents.
• Discussed and approved a motion to mail tax bills on August 15 and to collect the first quarter on Sept. 15.
• Approved the Town Highway Garage Construction Note with Mascoma Bank for 20 years at interest rate of 2.95% for the first five years.
• Former water operator Howard Pixley found a significant water leak across from Glimmerstone on the far side of the Black River. The leaking valve was repaired and water production is now keeping up with demand. Chief Operator Randy Shimp has been out due to an accident and is now working remotely from home.
• Vacation Bible School At Home Kits for Kids: At-Home summer fun for kids entering K-6th grade in Cavendish and surrounding communities! Each free kit contains an art project, science experiment, community service project and Bible lesson. You can do the activities on your own or while watching Facebook video demonstrations the week the kits are available. Sign up deadline is July 1. Sign up at…/1FAIpQLScZf01PLkgdy0BcPn…/viewform
• BRGNS to Reopen Thrift Stores: While Black River Good Neighbor Services has continued its food distribution throughout the pandemic, its thrift stores will reopen July 7th ( thrift store) and July 10th (furniture store). The thrift store will be open Tuesday through Saturday, while the food distribution will continue Monday through Friday. Shoppers must wear a mask , and use the hand sanitizing station at the entrance. Customers will be limited to assure social distancing. Dressing room are no longer available. While food donations are accepted at any time, donations of clothing and household goods will only be accepted on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays starting July 7th. The donation sheds are locked and not in use; anyone with a donation must first call 802-228-3663 and must give their donation to an employee. No exceptions will be made to this rule. FMI: Audrey or Krey at 802-228-3663.
• Paw Lodge (formerly Cavendish Canine Camp) is enjoying puppy love in their new venture.
• Chipmunks abound due to acorns a plenty: A mild winter, and an abundance of acorns has increased the chipmunk population. VT Digger
• GMP solar net metering customers can now share their credits to help small businesses and nonprofits
• Primary Elections: The primary election is on Tuesday, Aug 11. While polling sites will be open-in Cavendish, Proctorsville Fire Station, absentee ballots may be requested from town clerks (Diane McNamara) starting June 29, and need to be returned to town clerk by 5 pm on the Monday before the election or brought to the polls before 7 pm. Voters will need to pick one ballot - Republican, Democrat, or Progressive.
3.CAVENDISH SUMMER CONCERT SERIES CONTINUES: Please note, performers are just now being lined up so pencil in Wednesdays starting July 8. We’ll be posting information as soon as we receive it.
Now that outdoor gatherings are permitted, the town will present the annual summer music series for 2020 on Wednesday evenings starting July 8th at 6:00 pm. Wearing masks will be mandatory as will be physical distancing. The Green is large and the bands will be loud enough to be heard throughout, so please spread out and maintain distancing. Please don’t jeopardize these concerts – follow the rules!
This summer will begin with The Gully Boys, a professional rock/jam band from the Green Mountains. They present an amalgamation of style, sound, and personality that makes them unique, but with a comfortable familiarity. They like to mix up the playlist with originals and cover tunes from all genres. As Vermonters, they feel that music helps bring us all together, and helps to sustain our communities.
The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association will again coordinate the series. All concerts are free and open to the public, so grab your lawn chair, a picnic and a cold drink, and join your friends and neighbors to enjoy plenty of rollicking good music from the gazebo. Even better than a picnic; Murdock’s Restaurant and Outer Limits Brewery will each be serving food but you have to call ahead, so please support your local businesses.
The summer concert series has a long history in Proctorsville and many area residents reserve Wednesday evenings to listen to the live music. As always, the concerts will be held unless severe weather threatens. In case of rain, alternative plans will be announced on the Cavendish Facebook page. If you would like to help, we would like to hear from you. Call Robin at 226-7736 to volunteer or for more information on the concerts.
4. THE LATEST SPIGOT TURN: Covid Related Info: As noted at Monday’s press conference, "We know the virus is still here. It didn't magically disappear," We need to remain vigilant until there is a vaccine or other treatment available to everyone." Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine said the new trends, which include a growing number of young people testing positive for the virus, are due in-part to complacency. Levine urged Vermonters to not mistake new re-openings and improving summer weather as an invitation to leave behind precautions like face coverings and physical distancing. Given what’s happening in the rest of the country, it’s important that we follow the directives of our health officer.
• Clusters/Outbreaks: The Winooski outbreak had a total of 114 cases as of Wed., with only four new cases since June 21. An outbreak has started in a workplace in Fair Haven, VT, which has a total of at least 12 cases, but with expanded testing, it appears this number will most likely rise. A “cluster” of cases has taken place in a single family of less than 10 people in Windham County. In addition, three cases have occurred in three different correctional facilities among new admissions. In short, while Vermont continues to remain below the threshold of new cases per number of people tested, thereby allowing openings to continue, the virus is very much in the state and can spread very rapidly. As of Thursday, there have 1,191 cases of Covid in VT, with 56 deaths.
• Expanding : Starting today, restaurants, entertainment venues and other hospitality businesses will be able to open their doors to more people- indoor establishments at 75 people and outdoor operations at 150 people, or 50% of their total capacity of approved fire safety occupancy.
• Permitted: Fire Works displays where social distancing can be followed
• Open: Goodman’s American Pie for take-out only. Hours are-Thursday-Monday from 12-8. Cavendish Concerts begin at Svec Park begin on July 8, 6 pm. Chester Pool.
• Suspended: Amtrak service to VT
• Closing: J.Crew in Hanover, NH
• Unemployment Insurance Tax Relief for VT Employees: The Department of Labor will move to UI Tax Rate Schedule I, reducing individual employers’ UI tax rates on July 1, 2020. Employers’ tax rates vary according to their experience rating, which is based on UI claims charged to their account, total payroll and their ranking among all employers who contribute to UI. Schedule I decreases the upper and lower thresholds for these tax rates, as well as reducing the taxable wage base amount beginning January 1, 2021.
• Report: Rural Vermont, New Hampshire responded well to virus: A Dartmouth College report finds that health care systems, communities and social service organizations in rural parts of New Hampshire and Vermont have dealt well with the coronavirus and their efforts contributed to the low numbers of cases. But the report issued this month and written by Elizabeth Carpenter-Song and Anne Sosin found the coronavirus has taken a financial toll on health care organizations in the region.
JUNE 29 (MONDAY): Absentee ballots are available for voting in the Aug. 11 primary election
JULY 1 (WEDNESDAY): Vermont Plastic Bag and Food Scrap bans go into effect.
JULY 3 (FRIDAY): Fireworks in Chester Citizens can park throughout the Legion lawn area and in other areas in town
JULY 4 (SATURDAY): HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. Firework displays: Rutland over the VT State Fairgrounds 9:45-10:15. No parking on grounds so look for other viewing points.
JULY 8 (WEDNESDAY): Gully Boys at Svec Park (Proctorsville Green) starting at 6 pm. Masks and social distancing are required. Concerts are free and open to the public. In the event of rain, check the Cavendish Facebook Page.
• Concert Svec Park 6 pm
JULY 18 (SUNDAY): 2nd Sunday Series of the Cavendish Historical Society-Epidemics & Pandemics: How They Shape History. Talk at the CHS Museum, 1958 Main St., Cavendish, 2 pm. Will take place on the grounds. Masks required along with social distancing.
AUGUST 10 (MONDAY): Absentee voter ballots due
AUGUST 11 (TUESDAY): VOTE! Primary Election
Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.
Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.