Cavendish Update 6/12/20: Grad Info/News/Events
In quarantine, Martin was very careful to remain gluten-free.
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1. Cavendish Info
2. Latest Spigot Turn: Covid-19 Update
3. Events
To our Cavendish graduates: While this may not have been the last semester or graduation you planned, it’s still an important event and our community extends its congratulations. In some ways, we know you better than other years, thanks to the signs around town and the Chester Telegraph’s Virtual Grad Walk. Tonight we have an opportunity to cheer on our CTES graduating class. Let’s line the streets and cheer them on. Parade route & times listed below. Okemo Valley TV is now doing live broadcasts of events. You can watch, as it happens, the CTES graduation at their uTube Channel and broadcasting it on our Education / Gov't access channel (Comcast. 1086 / VTel 167)
• Phyllis Bont Remembered: It is with deep sadness that we note the passing of Phyllis Bont on June 6. Our sympathies to Phyllis's family and friends. Phyllis was among the first woman included in the Cavendish Historical Society's "Cavendish Women You Should Know" series in March 2018. Not only was she one of the state's first nurse practitioners, but she had a second career as one of the founders of Six Loose Ladies, where she sold her weaving and taught others the craft.
• CTES Graduation/Parade Schedule: Tonight is the CTES 6th grade graduation. There will be a program for graduates and their families at 5 pm at the school. Around 6pm, a celebration parade begins at the school, proceeding west on Main Street. Making a loop around Svec Park, it will turn right from Depot St onto Main Street and proceed into Cavendish village. The parade will then make a left hand turn onto High St at the east end of the village. Once on High Street the parade will continue back to Main Street by the town office and proceed back to CTES where it will end. Everyone is invited and encouraged to line the route and recognize the graduating 6th graders as the move onto 7th grade at GMUHS next year.
• GMUSD Board Assigns a New Principal to CTES: In a move that once again goes against the open meeting rule, the GMUSD board met behind “closed doors” of an executive committee, decided to adopt a model proposed two years ago after Principal George Thomson retired. The Chester principal, Katherine Fogg, will now be principal of CTES and CAES, with an Assistant Principal of Kevin Kay serving the same two schools. The new Superintendent, Lauren Fierman, wants to see shared instructional processes in both schools. Learn more-GM School Board Names New CTES Principal with Insufficient Warning and GMUSD Reworks CTES Principal Structure in Executive Session
• SB Meeting Reschedules for June 16: Due to technical difficulties, the Cavendish Select Board has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30.
• Cavendish Library’s Summer Reading Program: The theme of this year’s summer reading program is Outdoor Adventures- read, play and learn outside. There are going to be several ways to participate in the program. A large canopy called “Camp Wannareadalot” will be on the lawn in front of the library entrance where all programming will occur. Adjacent to that will be a small “Campsite” with outdoor toys and activities. Various sanitary practices and social distancing will be required to participate in these activities. The library is also erecting “story walks” throughout town. There will be three of them in town, one on the Cavendish Green, one on the Proctorsville Green and one on the fence in front of the school. Patrons may also complete the program from home with “take and make” activities. As usual there will be weekly activities, prize days and story times under the canopy. Please contact the library at 226-7503 to sign up your child. This program is open to children age birth through 18.
• Lisai’s is now Smitty’s Chester Market. Lonnie Lisai and his wife Obe retired as of May 22, 2020, after almost 30 years of running the store. The community of Chester welcomes Smitty’s Chester Market in the location of longtime Lisai’s Chester Market.
2. THE LATEST SPIGOT TURN: Covid Related Info
• Testing recommended for anyone attending protests: The health department is encouraging people who have attended protests in the last couple of weeks to get tested. Testing sites can be found here: If protesting be “Covid-responsible,” wear a mask, physically distant and stay home if you are sick.
• Winooski cases are spreading: A community outbreak of Covid 19 in Winooski, has 74 cases associated with it and has spread to Burlington. Patient zero, the originator of the community acquired virus, may never be known, but the age range is from 1-82, with only 1 in 5 showing symptoms, 44% are children and no one has been hospitalized as a result of the outbreak. Due to significant expansion in testing, it’s not surprising that more positive cases are being found. The rate of positive tests for VT is still very low, with the Burlington/Winooski area considerably higher. “Please continue to take the same precautions, we have been advising all along,” Dr. Levine notes. “Wear a face covering. Keep a six foot distance from others. Wash your hands a lot. And of course, if you’re feeling ill, stay home.” State Epidemiologist Patsy Kelso said the major difference between this outbreak and those earlier this year is the state’s ability to monitor and contain it. “There was a lot more risk back then,” Kelso said. “Now we’ve got cases that we know are linked. We understand where they’re coming from, and we have capacity to do testing and contact tracing to make sure we’re continuing to box it in.”
• Case Count: 1,110 cases of Covid identified as of June 11. Vermont has seen a steady increase since June 4. There have been no new deaths since May 27 and there are now 3 people hospitalized.
• Now open: Effective June 8, inns, hotels and other lodging can book 50% of their rooms for guests or have 25 guests and staff on the property, whichever is larger. the limits don’t apply to stand-alone cabins, cottages and short-term rentals. Indoor dining will be allowed but limited to 25% of regular fire safety occupancy limits, or 10 customers and staff, whichever is greater. Bars cannot offer indoor drinking or dining. Quarantine is now exempt for those coming from a county in the Northeast with less than 400 cases per million population. For all other areas, 14 day quarantine continues to apply. As of June 15, this can be reduced to seven days if they test negative for Covid. Those traveling to Vermont, can learn more testing and state guidelines at the VT Dept. of Health’s (VDH) website. Organized low contact sports, with limitations, begin next week. ACCD guidelines
• Schools to open in the fall: Covid will still be with us, so school will be a bit different-temperature checks and answering questions will take place before a student can enter a school bus or classroom. All adults will be required to wear a mask, with it highly recommended for students. Precautions and safety measure guidelines will be issued next week. Remote learning will still be part of the picture, particularly if a school district needs to close due to an outbreak. Looks like snow days could also be a thing of the past thanks to remote learning.
• Emergency Order: Until the state is fully open, the emergency order, set to expire on June 15, will continue.
• What’s coming: Both Chester & Rutland will have fireworks for the 4th of July; Chester pool will open June 19; sports programs for kids are starting up; and Okemo Valley Golf opens June 26.
• Cancellations: Strolling of the heifers in Brattleboro; Chester Fall Festival; Claremont 4th of July fireworks
• Closing: J.C. Penny’s in W. Lebanon and Keene
• Opportunity for 2020 High School Grads: The J Warren & Lois McClure Foundation, in partnership with CCV, is proud to announce a graduation gift to Vermont's entire high school class of 2020 of one free course of their choosing at the Community College of Vermont this fall.
JUNE 12 (FRIDAY): CTES graduating class will parade in Proctorsville/Cavendish at 6 pm. Please come and cheer them on.
JUNE 14 (SUNDAY): Visit to the Old Revolutionary Cemetery. Meet at the Museum at 2 PM. We will proceed to the Cemetery, which includes a short hike. Outside of the private Coffeen Cemetery, this is Cavendish’s oldest cemetery. If time permits, we will also visit the Coffeen Cemetery.
JUNE 16 (TUESDAY): Rescheduled Cavendish Select Board Meeting, 6:30 pm via Zoom. Information on joining the meeting will be posted to Cavendish VT Facebook page and Cavendish Connects Calendar when received.
JUNE 21 (SUNDAY): Happy Father’s Day
JULY 1 (WEDNESDAY): Taxes due
• Vermont Plastic Bag Ban Begins.
JULY 3 (FRIDAY): Fireworks in Chester Citizens can park all over, throughout the Legion lawn area and in other areas in town and see the fireworks.
JULY 4 (SATURDAY): HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. Firework displays: Rutland over the VT State Fairgrounds 9:45-10:15. No parking on grounds so look for other viewing points.
Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.
Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.