Cavendish Update 5/29/20: CTES/RT 131/News
To Gene and Mollie’s relief, the virus did not affect daily broadcasts from Mars.
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1. Use Caution on 131 Construction Area
2. Cavendish Info
3. Latest Spigot Turn: Covid-19 Update
4. Events
In spite of the forecast, the Cavendish Historical Society Plant Sale kicks off this evening with an Early Bird Special from 6-7 PM and will be held, in front of the Museum tomorrow from 9-noon. The sale takes place rain or shine. Plants love the rain, so they are happy campers waiting for you to take them home for planting. Please note that wearing a mask and social distancing are required of all shoppers.
1. USE CAUTION ON 131 IN CONSTRUCTION AREA: The following was posted to the Cavendish Facebook page by Jessica Gruber Farrar last evening: Please share, scared the heck out of us tonight and it happened to my sister on Sunday and another friend last Friday... Please, please, PLEASE be careful at the temporary construction lights on Route 131. We had a green light headed back towards Cavendish town and almost hit a car head on that must have gone through the red light. It is a very long light, but people need to be patient. This is the third time in 6 days that this has happened to someone I know. Thank goodness the truck had headlights on as that was the first thing we saw, during the day we may not have been so lucky.
This is a long red light. Consequently, drivers, particularly those not familiar with 131, proceed thinking it’s broken. There have been serious near misses noted by others, who confirmed Farrar’s comment. Please be patient or take another route.
2. CAVENDISH INFO: Remembering Birdman, Bill Jansak: It’s with deep sadness that we note the passing of Bill Jansak on May 21. Known to many as Birdman, his nickname reflected his love of the birds and other wild life. Whether he was fishing, cutting lawns, woodworking, working at the transfer station, or setting off fireworks, his trade mark cigar was either in his mouth or hand. He was a friend to many in Cavendish and will be greatly missed. June 3rd would have been his 60th birthday, so to honor his memory, wear a turkey feather (or whatever you have) that day.
• CTES Principal Beaupre to Leave at the end of June: Deb Beaupre announced on Wednesday, in an E mail to “Cavendish Town” that she had “to make some changes in my life for personal reasons and that means I can’t do this job the way I have been.” “I am saddened to think I won’t see you all again in person when this pandemic is over,” Beaupre wrote. “I am certain that the new superintendent will make excellent decisions about the future of the school which is not closing.” Chester Telegraph
• The Green Mountain Unified School District Board Meeting May 21: The GMUSD board voted a wage freeze for all positions along with other staffing changes. TRSU curriculum director Michael Eppolito is resigning at the end of this year. Planning for GMUHS high school graduation was discussed. FMI: Chester Telegraph VT Journal
• No restrictions on Cavendish Water Use: Now that the water leak has been taken care of, there are no restrictions on use of municipal water.
• Cavendish Select Board Minutes (unapproved) for May 11
• Notice of Grievance Hearings: Grievance Hearings will be held on Thursday, June 4th, 2020, via email, USPS mail, telephone and/or computer. Anyone wishing to grieve their property assessment should fill out an Application for Grievance, which can be downloaded and printed from the town website. This application MUST be received at the Town Office by 3:00 p.m. on June 4th. Notice to Taxpayers FMI: Call the town office 226-7291
• Comcast will begin wiring the Northeast Section of Cavendish: Next week, those in the Tarbell Hill/Knapp Pond area will notice work crews preparing for Comcast service. Please use caution when driving in the area. The estimated date for completion is September.
• Okemo Valley TV Channels are Changing: Community Access channels are being changed to the following: VTel- 166 and 167; Comcast 1076 and 1086. You can subscribe to You Tube Okemo Valley TV and continue to use their website.
• Fletcher Farm School Offering Online Classes: June classes have been cancelled but classes in July and August are still being planned. The Young Artist Program has been cancelled. Online classes are available at their website.
• Chester Helping Hands CHH is a non-profit organization created to provide food assistance and spread kindness to our neighbors in the greater Chester area. Jason Tostrup, owner of the Free Range restaurant, and Chris Meyer, a Chester native, founded CHH to build community amidst “COVID Times.” CHH is a work in progress and currently offers free meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In March, CHH partnered with Katsiroubas Brothers of Boston to offer affordable boxes of produce to people in the area, using our volunteer network. We are able to bring affordable fresh fruits and veggies straight from the distributer to the consumer at a time when access is difficult. Each box is $25/box, cash only. We will continue until markets return to some semblance of “normal.” FMI
3. THE LATEST SPIGOT TURN: Covid Related Information for VT On Wednesday, the United States reached and surpassed 100,000 deaths from Covid-19. Please practice social distancing, wearing a mask, washing your hands and stay home when sick so that we don’t see that number double.
• Now open: With restrictions, the following are now open-Churches, hair salons, barbershops, dentists, outpatient medical services (alcohol & drug counselors, allied mental health professionals, naturopaths and others with limited physical contact with patients. Indications are that if the numbers continue in their current trajectory, indoor dining may soon be possible. Also expected to reopen soon are cleaning services and fitness centers.
• Cancellations: Summer County fairs and outdoor festivals are cancelled. When asked about the fall festivals-Chester’s Sale on the Green and the Peru Fair, the Governor said the decision would be made closer to the end of the summer. Also cancelled VT Fish & Wildlife Conservation Camps; Burton’s 2021 US Open & the Boston Marathon
• Faster but no so fast: With each turn of the spigot, there is a growing group of people saying “turn it faster. We don’t have a problem.” While it is true that VT has keep its cases very low, our neighbors on all sides are in part responsible for the slow opening. Quebec, Mass, NY and NH are all experiencing new cases and more deaths, and every county that borders VT is considered to be “spreading: with the exception of Coos County, in northern NH and Berkshire County in Mass.
• The state hit it’s goal of administering 1,000 Covid-19 tests per day over the weekend, but dropped back to 500 during the week.
• The numbers: After reporting zero Covid deaths in the last 11 days, Thursday saw another death. Wednesday & Thursday were the first two days of no hospitalized patients with confirmed Covid. There are approximately 17 in hospital awaiting test confirmation. As of Thursday, VT has had 974 positive cases with 55 deaths. In Windsor County, 51 cases of Covid have been reported to date. While Cavendish continues to show no cases, Ludlow has had 1-5 cases, with two deaths.
• Alternative care sites that were set up to treat the overflow of patients from Covid-19 are being dismantled, but can quickly be restored to operating conditions in the event of a surge.
• Realtors are reporting high interest in VT properties from non-residents, particularly in southern VT. This has been spurred by VT’s low incidence of Covid-19 combined with the increasing ability to telecommute, as well as proximity to major urban areas. Properties viewed virtually are selling in days with bids well over asking price. Scott viewed this as a positive, but recognizes that it will have an even bigger effect on housing issues for Vermonters. In Cavendish, where 71% of the property is already owned by non-residents, more increases could continue to impact declining school enrollments as there is a lack of year round rental housing.
• Today’s Press Conference Governor is expected to announce today that libraries, museums, and galleries will be able to open June 1st and will be required to follow the guidance set forth for retail establishments. Guidelines will be available at
• $300 million to bail out Vermont’s health care system, which has been crippled by the Covid-19 pandemic, has been proposed by Scott’s administration
• Scott has announced that he will seek re-election, but because of Covid-19, it will not be a normal campaign and wont begin until the Covid emergency order has been lifted.
• The re-opening of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will be discussed at Monday’s press conference.
4. UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy.
MAY 29 (FRIDAY): Early Bird Special for the Cavendish Historical Society Plant Sale 6-7 pm in front of the Museum. Masks required along with social distancing.
MAY 30 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Historical Society Plant Sale, 9-Noon in front of the Museum. Mask required along with social distancing.
- Green Up Day.
JUNE 4 (THURSDAY): TRSU Board Meeting 6 pm via Zoom
JUNE 21 (SUNDAY): Happy Father’s Day
Food Drive Continues for BRGN: Through the end of May, Cavendish Connects and the Cavendish Baptist Church are sponsoring a food drive to help Black River Good Neighbors as they help many in the Okemo Valley. Drop off items at the Cavendish Baptist Church. From the side of the building, enter the door closest to the parking lot-has a roof over the door-and leave donations in the designated box. Donations can also be left at the front door of BRGN (you will not be able to enter the building) in Ludlow from 10-3, Monday-Friday. If you prefer not to shop, you can donate at their website or send a check to BRGN 37 B Main St. Ludlow, VT 05149. Remember all items should be non-perishable and in date.
Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.
Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.