Cavendish Update 5/18/20 More has opened

In quarantine, Leslie found a passion for knitting squash and wool into hats.

In quarantine, Leslie found a passion for knitting squash and wool into hats.

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1. Latest spigot turn

2. Events

Cavendish Info

-       There was a significant leak in the Cavendish water system, which required repairs on Saturday. This was accompanied by much lower water pressure, and in some cases no water, for residents of Proctorsville primarily. The water department has been working on it all weekend. If you are having issues, call the town office 226-7291. Any new information received will be posted to Facebook.

-       The Knapp Pond area, northeastern section of Cavendish, dealt with strong winds, trees down, and property damage due to Friday night’s storm.

-       Memorial Day, Cavendish celebrates May 31, will be different this year as the school is not open. Parades have been cancelled. More information this coming Friday.

-       Ludlow’s Farmer’s Market is planning to open June 24 (Friday) from 4-7 and will continue every Friday through the season following the new state guidelines.

Stay Smart, Stay Safe is now Vermont’s new slogan. While the state of emergency has been extended to June 15, Vermont is reopening. With this new change, we’re going to limit the Updates to once a week on Friday, unless something major should happen.

We’ve received a number of comments, with some expressing fear as we reopen, while others saying we’re not opening up fast enough.

By way of addressing these concerns, it’s important to note that from day one there has been mixed messaging, with some in leadership saying it’s a hoax, it’s just like the flu, anyone who wants a test can get one, we’re close to a vaccine, don’t mask the public, mask the masses and the list goes. Combined with the Internet and the conspiracy theorists, it’s not surprising that some are hyper vigilant about protective measures, while others just dismiss it.

However, the one consistent voice has been Uncle Tony (Dr. Fauci) who has been clear that without “hunkering down” and “flattening the curve,” we’d see high numbers of death along with total devastation of the health care system, which is a very large part of the US gross national product (20%).

As of May 18, almost 90,000 Americans have died and there have been 1,486,757 confirmed cases. Both figures are considered under estimates.

For those who think “taking way too long to open up, we didn’t have that much virus here,” take a look at a US map of Covid 19 incidence. VT is a white dot in a sea of red hotspots.

We aren’t “chosen” people that the virus passed over.  Instead, strong leaderships, based on data and science, and good old Yankee know how of figuring things out, e.g. getting sufficient testing in place, and hunkering down,  VT has managed to contain the first wave of virus. As of Sunday, VT has 940 cases, with 53 deaths.

VT has the lowest rate of Covid-19 in the nation. As Governor Scott noted at Friday’s press conference, “From the beginning you followed our guidance, kept the health care system from being overwhelmed. Your efforts have saved hundreds and hundreds of lives.”  

To keep a serious second wave occurring, requiring another “lock down,  we must continue to MEASURE UP!

Mask yourself

Elbow cough

Always wash hands for 20 seconds

Stay 6 feet apart

U make the difference.

Right now, Each of us needs to do our part.

And if you need reminding, just look across the lake to Plattsburgh to see what happens when you don’t. Due to several parties, they have nine new cases of Covid-19 and many now in quarantine. As Clinton County’s Director of Public Health, John Kanoza, noted, “The rise in cases is very disturbing because it was preventable. People are tired of staying home and distancing. I get that. But, this virus will not go away just because we are tired. We need to maintain the health practices that got us to the point where we are able to slowly begin to reopen our County. We must stay home when possible, maintain distance between ourselves and others when we go out, wear a face covering when distancing is not possible and wash our hands often. These strategies have worked so far. We must continue.” (WCAX)

This is a novel virus and we don’t know what it will do. Until recently, the thought was it had little impact on children. Now it turns it can have devastating effects on some children. How likely this is to happen and are some more vulnerable are still unknowns.  Is “herd immunity” really a thing? We’ve seen this in VT and it was just reported on the USS Roosevelt, people who have had the virus, tested negative but then start testing positive again. Many more questions than answers at this point.

The one thing we do know is that our healthcare system has taken a major hit. We need to keep our cases as low as possible so health care can right itself and more of the state can reopen.

For those who are worried about second home owners and tourists bringing the virus with them, while a possibility, just make sure you MEASURE up and protect yourself. As we noted on Friday, try not making assumptions because someone has a license plate other than VT. You don’t know the particulars of their situation and many of them are just as worried about the virus as you are.

People are getting frustrated when they see people not social distancing and mask less. Fear levels are such that “policing” is extending beyond ourselves. Shaming or belittling someone for not wearing a mask (online or in person)  is counterproductive and may make a bad situation even worse. Bottom line-role modeling appropriate behaviors is the best strategy for getting the point across, and it protects you in the process.

For our Second Home Owners: We hope you, your families and friends are safe and healthy. VT continues to maintain a 14 day quarantine period for anyone who has been away from the state for a period of time. To make it easier, after seven days of quarantine, you can take advantage of the new pop up tests, by registering on-line and getting one. You don’t need a doctor’s order to use this testing.  If you test negative, you will be able to leave quarantine sooner. If you are in need of masks or help, please e-mail

For Second Home Owners Looking to Make VT Their Primary Residence: If you are looking to make that change, check out resources at the Cavendish Connects website. Need resources that could help you in running your business or telecommuting?  Happy to help with any questions or resources you might need, just e-mail

1. THE LATEST SPIGOT TURN: As noted above the Covid-19 emergency order will remain in place until June 15.

• Hotels, campgrounds and marinas can open on a limited basis next week.

• “Between now and June 1, you can expect us to open up close contact businesses like hair salons, indoor professional services, outdoor seating at restaurants, and increasing the gathering size to 25,” Scott said.

• New program for new residents of long term care facilities and prisons requiring they quarantine on arrival and repeatedly tested for Covid

• The state will rely on voluntary compliance with public health measures and restriction on business. No mandate on mask wearing at the state level, but municipalities can mandate it, and businesses can require it.

• Hotel re-openings is based on customers self-certifying in a questionnaire that they were quarantined for 14 days before booking a room. Lodging is limited to gatherings of no more than 10 people and can only book up to 25% of their capacity.

• Vermont continues to use 4 measures for reopening: Percentage of emergency care visits by people with Covid symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of smell and/or taste, ); the growth in cases measured over three and seven days; percentage of new tests; and availability of ICU and critical care beds. Please note, there is no flu being reported in VT at this time. If you have flu like symptoms, please consider being tested for Covid.

• Scott has signed a bill that establishes a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures for the duration of the Covid-19 state of emergency.


2.UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy.

MAY 19 (TUESDAY): Cavendish Library starts its new circulation program.

MAY 21 (THURSDAY): GMUSD Board Meeting, 6pm via Zoom. Agenda contains instructions for participating in the meeting.

MAY 30 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Historical Society Plant Sale, 9-Noon in front of the Museum. Mask required along with social distancing.

Food Drive Continues for BRGN: Through the end of May, Cavendish Connects and the Cavendish Baptist Church are sponsoring a food drive to help Black River Good Neighbors as they help many in the Okemo Valley. Drop off items  at the Cavendish Baptist Church. From the side of the building, enter the door closest to the parking lot-has a roof over the door-and leave donations in the designated box. Donations can also be left at the front door of BRGN (you will not be able to enter the building)  in Ludlow from 10-3, Monday-Friday.  If you prefer not to shop, you can donate at their website or send a check to BRGN 37 B Main St. Ludlow, VT 05149. Remember all items should be non-perishable and in date.

Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.  

                        Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.