Cavendish Update 4/6/20: Masks/Easter/Checks

Betty was trying to keep life as normal as possible. Jane Hart

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1.    Face coverings

2.    The Cavendish Easter Egg Hunt

3.    Cave Fish Answers: When can I expect my stimulus check?

4.    What’s Been Happening

5.    Sanity Break

6.    Events

We’re staying at home this week for the first responders/fire fighters of Cavendish and Proctorsville. They put their lives on the line each time they are called out. Let’s keep them safe by staying home, or six feet apart wearing a cloth face mask or scarf. Also, NO OPEN BURNING. They were toned out over the weekend for a non-permitted burn. No excuses here. This is not a risk we can afford to take.

This weekend I’ve been singing, “Mask maker, mask maker make me a mask.” If you are thinking “Fiddler on the Roof” you’ve got it. Yes, I can follow the Surgeon General’s Video on the folding of a mask, but there is one flaw-rubber bands. What happen to those? As a kid I remember all sorts of them being around the house. They came with newspapers and assorted other things. My father even had a dedicated section of a drawer for them. Today, not so much. So I spent some time this weekend trying all sorts of things. See Item 1 below for my solution to the rubber band problem.

We need something fun to do this week, and with Easter close by what better way than the Great Cavendish Easter Egg Hunt for our essential workers. See item 2.

As we begin what feels like our 4th week of intense social distancing, keep up the good work. It’s making a difference. A reminder, as we move into the peak period-the next several weeks or more. For those of you who think it’s fine to go about business as usual, understand that if you get sick, you put many more people at risk than just yourself. You deserve better and so do we. If that’s not enough incentive, there are now enforcement orders in place that can levy fines up to $1,000.

Be sure to check out the Events section, as it’s changed a bit this week.

If you need help with shopping, a transfer station run or something else, please call the Cavendish Town Office, M-F from 9-5 226-7291 or 7292.


1. THE INS AND OUTS OF CLOTH FACE COVERINGS: This past Saturday, the Cavendish Fire Department distributed about 40 cloth masks, one per family. Thank you and special thanks to all who traded in N95s and protective gear for our local hospitals.

Cloth face covering 101:. The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. This is being done because people may not have symptoms but may be contagious. Note-the covering doesn’t protect you but rather it helps to protect those you come in contact with from anything you might have. The Governor referred to this as “altruistic” prevention.

So for Cavendish, if you are going to the post office, Singletons, Shaws etc., please cover up.

When you have used your mask, take it off very carefully and try not to touch eyes, nose and mouth when removing and definitely wash your hands for 20 seconds immediately afterwards.

Clean your mask regularly. The CDC is a bit vague, what’s “regular?” I could digress on that but... According to the CDC They should be routinely washed depending on the frequency of use. A washing machine is  sufficient for keeping it clean.

Chances are good you are going to want more than one mask, so the CDC has set up a site to offer a variety of options for making them including no sew options.

I’ve spent some time on the rubber band problem for the bandana cover, and after trying various other items-hair ties etc. I settled on a thin strip of T-shirt, cut to 10 inches and tied. It held the mask in place and it didn’t hurt my ears. If you don’t have a bandana, a 22” square of cotton fabric (e.g. old sheet, pillow case, shirt etc.) will work.

If you are unable to either make or secure the proper covering, you can request one by calling 226-7131 or e-mailing Please note that we do have someone that is making masks for children.  If you have time to make masks to help others in Cavendish, please e-mail to arrange for pick up.


2. THE GREAT CAVENDISH EASTER EGG HUNT: Easter is less than a week away and we usually have a town Easter Egg hunt the Saturday before. Why should Covid-19 stop this tradition? Like everything else in Cavendish, we’re doing it a little different this year.

You can download an egg to color or make a unique creation. On April 11 (Saturday), by 10 AM, we’re asking people to hang an egg so our essential workers can drive by and see them on their way to and from work. Put your egg  on a mail box, window, fence post, tree or whatever works for your home or business. Big ones, little ones, make a tableau, throw some peeps in there, or some other Easter variation. How many will they find?


3. THE CAVE FISH ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS: When can I see my stimulus check? The first stimulus checks will go out around mid April to those who have filed 2018 and/or 2019 taxes and whose payment details are already on record. Learn more.



• A surge trailer has been set up at Mt. Ascutney Hospital for use if it is needed.

• The GMUHS board meeting is tonight at 6 pm. It is being conducted via Zoom. The agenda includes the Zoom information, including how you can conference call to participate in the meeting.

Enforcing Vermont’s ‘Stay Home’ order, fines up to $1,000

TRSU offers superintendent position to Fierman: The Two Rivers Supervisory Union board offered Green Mountain High School Principal Lauren Fierman a two-year contract to replace Meg Powden as superintendent beginning on July 1, 2020. Board chair Joe Fromberger noted that there were still a couple of hoops to jump through, including background checks and the approval of the Agency of Education, before her appointment is finalized. Fromberger also said that he believes that the SU would begin advertising for a new principal shortly and asks for volunteers to serve on a search committee at the next GM board meeting. Chester Telegraph


 5. SANITY BREAK: This comes from Linda Thomson, a nurse hypnotist. During this unimaginable time of global crisis, this video was created with my local public access TV station to provide people the opportunity to take time to relax, to bolster their immune system and enhance their ability to cope and better protect themselves from the COVID 19 virus. This video is a hypnotic, meditative journey of about 30 minutes; my gift to you. Enjoy, stay healthy and well. We are all in this together and we will get through this and look forward to the better days ahead.


6. UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy. Denise now has a You Tube Channel to help you out.

April 6 (Monday): GMUHS board meeting. Participation is available via Zoom and conference call. Agenda includes contact information.

April 8 (Wednesday): Passover begins

April 11 (Saturday): The Cavendish Easter Egg Hunt for Essential Workers

April 12 (Sunday): Happy Easter

Staying home for Patty, Bob Kirkbride, Singletons, Dave Norton, Deb Hryckiewicz, Ludlow Ambulance Service and the Cavendish Water/Waste Water Treatment Team, Rocky and the Cavendish Transfer Station Crew, Cavendish Town Crew, Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Cavendish/Proctorsville firefighters & first responders.

Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.  

                        Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.