Cavendish Update 4/10/20: Covid Update/ Events/

Zack’s old carrier pigeon was no real threat to pay-on-line. Jane Hart

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1.    What’s Been Happening

2.    Sanity Break

3.    Events


We’re staying at home this week for the first responders/fire fighters of Cavendish and Proctorsville.

On Wednesday, the Governor announced he would be extending the “Stay at Home” order. While he was cautiously optimistic about how well Vermonters were doing with social distancing, and helping to “bend the curve,” at what point we’d be free to move about in our “new normal,” remains to be seen. Today, he will be providing an extension date, along with clearer ideas about what lies ahead as far as re opening the state.

While the number of new cases has dropped off significantly since last weekend, there has been a breakout at the St. Albans prison and last evening  28 more inmates and five additional staff tested positive for Covid-19. Many of those testing positive had no symptoms, which is an indicator of why this virus can spread so rapidly and why a cloth mask when in public is strongly encouraged.

According to. State Epidemiologist Dr. Patsy Kelso, who spoke at last night’s VT Lawmakers (Leahy, Sanders & Welch) Town Meeting, Vermont is in a position to test everyone in the state and data is showing that the spread of the disease is slowing. You will still need a referral from your doctor before receiving a test.

Gov. Scott is doing an incredible job and is making tough decisions to ensure the safety, health and well-being of the people of Vermont. Even the White House recently gave a shout out to the excellent job Vermont is doing to keep the virus in check.

No matter how you slice it though, everybody, literally the entire world, is heavily impacted by Covid-19. This is not a contest. No one is being “singled out.” Everybody has their own brand of hell they’re dealing with, but we each have things we can be grateful for as well.

Over the weeks, I can’t help but notice how incredible the people of Cavendish are by practicing social distancing yet stepping to the plate and helping one  another. Yesterday, to celebrate one of our second grader’s birthday, on a very wet afternoon, a parade was held for him. Lead by VSP Trooper and Cavendish resident, Kevin Hughes, it was followed by fire trucks from both Cavendish and Proctorsville, Ludlow Ambulance, and friends and neighbors in their respective cars.

This brings to mind Sir Winston Churchill. Talk about a non sequitur, well there is a point.

The prime minister of England, Churchill motivated his country, as well as the allies during WWII, starting each day and ended all of his phone conversations with the expression “Keep Buggering On” (Keep Plodding On if in the presence of a lady).

So we’re taking it from the Churchill play book and we’re just going to “keep buggering on.” Not just until the Stay at Home order is lifted, but right through to when we’re on good economic footing. 

If you need a reminder that we’re capable of it, Cavendish was one of the worst hit towns in the state after Irene. However, everybody pitched in, brought their A game to the table and within five months, we had everyone back in their homes. Few towns could boast that. And yes, it’s going to take more than five months to right the economic situation. And if we’re really honest, the Depot Street, damaged by Irene, isn’t quite open, yet we’ve been getting around town just fine for the last nine year.  The important thing is we have the attitude and people to go the distance, which is ultimately a key factor in full recovery.

So see ya Monday, or on Facebook over the weekend, have a joyful Passover and Easter and “keep buggering on!”

If you need help with shopping, a transfer station run, TP or something else, please call the Cavendish Town Office, M-F from 9-5 226-7291 or 7292.



• GMUSD students move from maintenance to new learning; spring break happening: Summary of Monday night’s GMUSD board meeting from the VT Journal.

• White House Announces New Guidance For How Critical Employees Can Return To Work: The federal government has released new guidelines regarding when people in critical infrastructure roles can return to work after being exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of the coronavirus.

• 70,000 Vermonters have filed unemployment claims since crisis began: Unemployment in Vermont is above 20% and with self-employed workers now eligible for benefit. Labor Commissioner Michael Harrington said the unemployment rate could hit 30%. That’s causing a backlog for the DOL’s 30-year-old mainframe computer system. 

• Hospitals Face Financial Woes: Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, some of Vermont's hospitals were having real financial struggles. Now that hospitals are on the frontlines of the public health crisis, their financial picture is growing increasingly grim.  Springfield Hospital recently got an emergency $1.3 million lifeline from the state, and other hospitals are even laying off workers and applying for lines of credit to keep their doors open. VPR

• Broadway will remain dark until June and New York’s Lincoln Center has cancelled all of its programming through the end of August.

• More Vermonters are Signing Up for Help in Stopping Smoking: 802Quits-- the program that helps Vermonters trying to quit smoking and vaping-- is seeing a surge in people reaching out for help.

Self-employed Vermonters will have to wait for unemployment benefits

2. SANITY BREAK: Build a bliss station. This comes from Joseph Campbell, author of  “The Power of the Myth.” You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, where you don’t know what was in the newspapers that morning, you don’t know who your friends are, you don’t know what you owe anybody, you don’t know what anybody owes to you. This is a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be. This is the place of creative incubation. At first you may find that nothing happens there. But if you have a sacred place and use it, something eventually will happen. My bliss station is a daily walk. For others it’s the first cup of coffee, sitting in your special chair by a window. Watch a Pink Cast.


3. UPCOMING EVENTS: Go to dgBody Works  for classes that are being posted via Facebook live. Take a new one, do an old one. Stay fit and healthy.

April 11 (Saturday): The Cavendish Easter Egg Hunt for Essential Workers: Display an egg of any design by 10 on Saturday so our essential workers can do their own egg hunt on their way to and from work.

April 12 (Sunday): Happy Easter

April 13 (Monday): Cavendish Select Board Meeting, 6:30 pm via Zoom (conference call available). For agenda and directions click here.

April 17 (Friday): Proctorsville Volunteer Fire Department is hosting a community solidarity event at 8 pm. Come together to show your support for Cavendish Citizens working the front lines at area hospitals, nursing homes and rescue squads. We are asking for the community to join us with your vehicle (do not get out) by parking along Main Street, at CTES or around Svec Park in Proctorsville on Friday April 17th at 8pm. At that time we will have our apparatus outside with emergency lights activated, and will do a one minute blast on the building siren. We ask that at that time you join in with your car horn and lots of cheering from your vehicle. If you live on Main Street or close by please participate from your yard. If you walk to Main Street, please remain with your household members 6ft or more away from others and don’t forget your mask. Let’s come together and let our local healthcare professionals know that we are proud of them and appreciate everything they do for us.

Staying home for Patty, Bob Kirkbride, Singletons, Dave Norton, Deb Hryckiewicz, Ludlow Ambulance Service and the Cavendish Water/Waste Water Treatment Team, Rocky and the Cavendish Transfer Station Crew, Cavendish Town Crew, Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Cavendish/Proctorsville firefighters & first responders.

Have a Heart -stay home or 6 feet apart wearing a cloth mask or scarf.  

                        Stay healthy to protect yourself and Cavendish.